Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation

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Special Hen
Aug 27, 2017
Reaction score
Near E. C.
* Previous reckless or illegal use, brandishing or display of a deadly weapon

Does this section not open all sorts of wormholes. Defining the above in today's terms can mean almost anything.

Indeed, having a gun in your back yard cleaning it, in Chicago would fit this definition .....

This is the kind of thing that happens when people make government their God.

Yes,...visit Chicago....they know what is best or you.

It sure leaves a lot up to the judge. It looks like the judge decides if they lose their weapons, and the judge decides if they get them back.
An antigun judge could do some damage

Judges in Chicago, Cook County are hacks, party donors...cannot tell you how many times I seen them drunk, drugged, sleeping during a case, or even sending in a clerk to sit on a case. Over the years I can count the decent ones on one hand. Once said ....they can convict a hamburger of a crime.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Judges in Chicago, Cook County are hacks, party donors...cannot tell you how many times I seen them drunk, drugged, sleeping during a case, or even sending in a clerk to sit on a case. Over the years I can count the decent ones on one hand. Once said ....they can convict a hamburger of a crime.

We have our fair share of hack judges, also. Here in Oklahoma County we had a female judge who committed welfare fraud (adopted or fostered -- can't remember which, I'm sure one of these guys will know -- gave it to her bailiff to raise and kept the check from DHS for herself).

And a few years back we had a judge who enjoyed "pleasuring himself" while sitting on the bench. In open court.

Who know what else goes on?? Lawyers are a strange bunch (sorry @Dave70968 :kiss: and we'll the other lawyers here) ...

BUT we do have better gun laws and more open space ... so ... bad with the good sorta thing, ya know?


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
You'll get no argument from me. Strangest thing is that most of us paid good money and spent extra years in school to get this strange!

Lmao! Doctors are the same way ... pay good money to get screwed up and become completely disillusioned with mankind WAY before they are able to retire.

I gotta say though, my mom was a surgical RN and told my dad one day that the more brilliant the doctor, the stranger they were. In my 20-some odd years working with doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs (mostly lawyers lol) I found the same to be true. The stranger and more eccentric a lawyer was the better lawyer he or she was. I've come to the conclusion that the smarter you are, the less time you spend on thinking on the "normal" stuff that conflicts the average person. Honest to God, the most brilliant attorney I ever worked for could barely tie his own shoes. His wife and I had to make sure he didn't go to court with two different colored shoes (he came to the office one day with one loafers and one lace-up shoe on). Hell, we were just grateful that they were the same color ... lol


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Lmao! Doctors are the same way ... pay good money to get screwed up and become completely disillusioned with mankind WAY before they are able to retire.

I gotta say though, my mom was a surgical RN and told my dad one day that the more brilliant the doctor, the stranger they were.
This is pretty much the basis for House.

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