Right views on Illegal Immigration

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SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
It says right on his location where he is. I don't think the signals reach him.

Not the signals you're sending. You're enamored and in love with man's creation, man's laws, man's dictates and mandates. You're typical of the vast majority of men today and past who have sold their birthright from the Creator for an illusion of Plato's Cave. To be honest, you're not on the same level of understanding that I am. Nor will you ever be likely to lift yourself up higher to my level so long as you view man's government legitimate and superior to the Creator's laws. It would be great if you did, but I don't see it happening for you. Which sucks as Truth could use an intelligent man such as you.

SM Rider are you recruiting for the Sovereign Citizen movement?


Sovereign implies I own myself which I don't. No one can own themsleves unless they can own the elements of nature required to sustain their physical body. As I am required to use the oxygen and food the Creator created, I am but a man who is cognizent of the fact that I am owned by my Creator. The free will he gifted to me moves me to reciprocal acknowledgement of the Creator's ownership of me. But unlike religious zealots who take their cue of behavior from silly holy books written by man with the implied lie that god wrote it, I take my cues of the Creator's existence from creation itself.

Citizenship implies that I am a denizen of a particular city. The root of the word citizen being city and which comes from the time in history where city states existed. Again, since I am owned by the Creator it is an impossibility to be owned by a city, state or nation. A man can not be owned by two masters which is something that is lost on religious zealots who claim they serve god but pledge allegiance to a nation via a flag.

In a nutshell, I am owned by the Creator of the universe. I am indebted to the Creator for my life. At the same time the Creator bestowed the gift of freewill to me. Thus, I am but a humble servant of the Creator who enjoys the birthright of freedom gifted to me which man's government continuously infringes and attempts to abolish and enslave.

Here is a quote by Lysander Spooner which will likely be lost on most but may make an impression upon a few:

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist."

Many claim to be of this religion or that. Yet many attempt to serve two masters. Government and god of some holy book. As both are creations of man's minds (paper fictions), many are serving man. I serve the Creator without all the religious bullcrap. I'm aware of my Owner, that which created me.

Being "out there" as I note in my location is preferable to being where most are... in Plato's Cave thinking the shadow world is reality.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
oklahoma city
The hell you say! We white folk and quite a few black folk used to mow the lawns, roof, sheetrock, frame and brick the house. We did every facet of construction work there was. The greedy azz contractors figured out they could hire cheap scab labor from Mexico and make more profits. From 1974 until about 1987 I was a roofer. Wood shingles to be specific. That's when the scabs started showing up in force. There was just no way we could match their labor prices and still make a living.

You have no clue what your talking about. People actually wanna work. It's this liberal jive ass government that tries to enslave them to the government tit.

Just this summer I noticed two different crews of black lawn boys working out here in Piedmont. I stopped and talked to them, got their cards and rates and have been passing that info on. They said they weren't making as much as they wanted but they enjoyed being their own boss.

Close the borders and send the scab labor back across the river.
EXACTLY,,,,our biggest export since the 70's has been prosperity.....all of you that chime in on the idea that 2 or more families should share the same house - that we should lower our expectations to meet those of the illegals....why don't you do it ???? must be because you're special....the income of those that work for a living has fallen behind prices by twice....a working man now makes 1/2 the amount he used to (when measured by purchasing power)...the illegals drive the new 40,000.00 trucks because they don't pay rent - utilities - or buy groceries....don't pay medical.....don't even pay for college for their kids...they just make money...send some back to Mexico and pocket the rest....all the while the rich get richer....disgusting - as only unbridled greed can be....


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Not the signals you're sending. You're enamored and in love with man's creation, man's laws, man's dictates and mandates. You're typical of the vast majority of men today and past who have sold their birthright from the Creator for an illusion of Plato's Cave. To be honest, you're not on the same level of understanding that I am. Nor will you ever be likely to lift yourself up higher to my level so long as you view man's government legitimate and superior to the Creator's laws. It would be great if you did, but I don't see it happening for you. Which sucks as Truth could use an intelligent man such as you.


Sovereign implies I own myself which I don't. No one can own themsleves unless they can own the elements of nature required to sustain their physical body. As I am required to use the oxygen and food the Creator created, I am but a man who is cognizent of the fact that I am owned by my Creator. The free will he gifted to me moves me to reciprocal acknowledgement of the Creator's ownership of me. But unlike religious zealots who take their cue of behavior from silly holy books written by man with the implied lie that god wrote it, I take my cues of the Creator's existence from creation itself.

Citizenship implies that I am a denizen of a particular city. The root of the word citizen being city and which comes from the time in history where city states existed. Again, since I am owned by the Creator it is an impossibility to be owned by a city, state or nation. A man can not be owned by two masters which is something that is lost on religious zealots who claim they serve god but pledge allegiance to a nation via a flag.

In a nutshell, I am owned by the Creator of the universe. I am indebted to the Creator for my life. At the same time the Creator bestowed the gift of freewill to me. Thus, I am but a humble servant of the Creator who enjoys the birthright of freedom gifted to me which man's government continuously infringes and attempts to abolish and enslave.

Here is a quote by Lysander Spooner which will likely be lost on most but may make an impression upon a few:

Many claim to be of this religion or that. Yet many attempt to serve two masters. Government and god of some holy book. As both are creations of man's minds (paper fictions), many are serving man. I serve the Creator without all the religious bullcrap. I'm aware of my Owner, that which created me.

Being "out there" as I note in my location is preferable to being where most are... in Plato's Cave thinking the shadow world is reality.

When you renounced your U.S. citizenship, did you also forfeit your social security benefits?


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
lower your rates or increase your value... free market, competition begets innovation, all that good stuff.

If your talking about a True increase in value.....then we come and Take your ****, and clip several others business on the way.
Working to increase personal value,monitary, is just ...silly.

Morals say,it should be done
The spirit is willing
Action is all that's left, and it may not be far away.........


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Not the signals you're sending. You're enamored and in love with man's creation, man's laws, man's dictates and mandates. You're typical of the vast majority of men today and past who have sold their birthright from the Creator for an illusion of Plato's Cave. To be honest, you're not on the same level of understanding that I am. Nor will you ever be likely to lift yourself up higher to my level so long as you view man's government legitimate and superior to the Creator's laws. It would be great if you did, but I don't see it happening for you. Which sucks as Truth could use an intelligent man such as you.


Sovereign implies I own myself which I don't. No one can own themsleves unless they can own the elements of nature required to sustain their physical body. As I am required to use the oxygen and food the Creator created, I am but a man who is cognizent of the fact that I am owned by my Creator. The free will he gifted to me moves me to reciprocal acknowledgement of the Creator's ownership of me. But unlike religious zealots who take their cue of behavior from silly holy books written by man with the implied lie that god wrote it, I take my cues of the Creator's existence from creation itself.

Citizenship implies that I am a denizen of a particular city. The root of the word citizen being city and which comes from the time in history where city states existed. Again, since I am owned by the Creator it is an impossibility to be owned by a city, state or nation. A man can not be owned by two masters which is something that is lost on religious zealots who claim they serve god but pledge allegiance to a nation via a flag.

In a nutshell, I am owned by the Creator of the universe. I am indebted to the Creator for my life. At the same time the Creator bestowed the gift of freewill to me. Thus, I am but a humble servant of the Creator who enjoys the birthright of freedom gifted to me which man's government continuously infringes and attempts to abolish and enslave.

Here is a quote by Lysander Spooner which will likely be lost on most but may make an impression upon a few:

Many claim to be of this religion or that. Yet many attempt to serve two masters. Government and god of some holy book. As both are creations of man's minds (paper fictions), many are serving man. I serve the Creator without all the religious bullcrap. I'm aware of my Owner, that which created me.

Being "out there" as I note in my location is preferable to being where most are... in Plato's Cave thinking the shadow world is reality.

How do you know what the creator of the universe wants from you? What is his name? Or does nature dictate what "rules" you live by?


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Chalk me up on the side of freedom as well.

The "economic" argument against a free market of labor usually boils down to a desire for the unearned - a desire for a high paying job, but no desire to gain a valuable enough skill to set one apart from the rest of humanity... a desire for wealth, but no desire to create something of value to other people to give in exchange. Instead of working to make oneself more valuable, many would rather attempt to use force to get what they want, by eliminating the competition and giving others no better option than to accept their substandard services and inflated prices.

You don't have a right to a job. A job is a relationship between consenting parties. You are not justified in initiating force against people under any circumstances -- certainly not to try to reduce competition in order to make more money. The fact that somebody is willing to work cheaper than you is not justification for the employment of violence against him. That is the last resort of a pathetic loser who desires the unearned.

As for my thoughts on all the social contract hogwash, see my sig.

SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
When you renounced your U.S. citizenship, did you also forfeit your social security benefits?

That property of mine taken without permission is long gone. I'm certain it will never be returned and have planned my finances accordingly to compensate so as not to be dependent on the theives who took what was mine in my future years.

How do you know what the creator of the universe wants from you? What is his name? Or does nature dictate what "rules" you live by?

Who is to say if the Creator wants anything from me? Aside from acknowledging the Creator as my creator and treating others as I would like to be treated, I have yet to conclude anything other than good treatment of others is asked. I haven't anthropomorphized the Creator as being a he or she so giving a name other than Creator is pointless. Creator is a sufficient name in my opinion. The only "rule" I live by is to treat others as I want to be treated which is reflected in nature on a large scale. Although there is death in nature as a result of the need for food it doesn't appear that such death is done with malice.

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