Snubbing White House invitation.

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Special Hen Supporter
May 15, 2010
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Unfixed Arrow
I think a refusal of an invitation with this admin might get you a little "extra investigation" on your tax filings, phone records and Internet usage.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
It depends what else I had going on that day. At least for the current President. I suppose if it were someone else I may cancel prior commitments and go out of my way to make it happen.


Special Hen
Sep 22, 2011
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In both of the recent cases I'm aware of, I fully support the people who declined the invitations. Anyone with any class at all should understand that prior commitments take precedence. It's rude to expect someone to drop everything for you, not caring how many people that might affect. And as long as you decline gracefully, what's the issue?


Special Hen
May 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
The way I see it is you accept the invitation either way.

1. You like th guy and the job he's doing. No Brainer you go you schmooze you enjoy your evening.

2. you don't like the guy or the job... You go you get a chance few dissenters have and you can voice your opinion right to the man you disagree with and hear his side of the story without the press and media and handlers filtering responses. you can counter and make arguments for or against whatever it is in the government that you don't like and even if nothing comes of the time, you get the opportunity to make your statements and your views to his face instead of hiding behind "the angry masses".

Either way you accept the invitation if you have the morals and character so many profess to. It seems to me more-so that you would accept it if you disagree with the president than if it was someone you agreed with...but maybe others just don't want to take the opportunity to stand behind what they preach so freely in anonymity.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2011
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Broken Arrow
I dunno... I guess if you think that's cool. Personally, I have zero desire to hobnob with politicians of any sort, or really a lot of people the world seems to consider 'cool' or important. I'd rather be out back cooking on my grill, or spending time with my family (wife and son, that is). If I were going to take time away from home and travel, Washington D.C. is pretty darn close to the bottom of my list in terms of places to visit.

Maybe I'm strange, or stupid, or whatever... just holds no awe or attraction for me.

+1 to this. Well said.

The way I see it is you accept the invitation either way.

1. You like th guy and the job he's doing. No Brainer you go you schmooze you enjoy your evening.

2. you don't like the guy or the job... You go you get a chance few dissenters have and you can voice your opinion right to the man you disagree with and hear his side of the story without the press and media and handlers filtering responses. you can counter and make arguments for or against whatever it is in the government that you don't like and even if nothing comes of the time, you get the opportunity to make your statements and your views to his face instead of hiding behind "the angry masses".

Either way you accept the invitation if you have the morals and character so many profess to. It seems to me more-so that you would accept it if you disagree with the president than if it was someone you agreed with...but maybe others just don't want to take the opportunity to stand behind what they preach so freely in anonymity.

Apparently, Im under a different assumption than you are when someone says "I got to meet the president". Ive never heard of a regular joe or an athlete or whatever who got to "meet the president" being able to have any dialogue other than simple pleasantrie, ie. a handshake a picture. You really think the President is going to have any dialogue with you regarding policies? Lol

As far as my opinion, for this president I would be glad to decline. But I wouldnt be against it if it was one that I respected I guess.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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I can respect someone for not wanting to visit the White House no matter who is in charge. I would not decline the invitation. Unless you are Forest Gump it is a chance of a lifetime. Even if all you do is go there and see the President for 3 min to take pictures.

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