Syrian B.S

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ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
I can say that for those saying "why hasn't our media said anything about the rebels' ties to Al-Qeada / possible use of chemical weapons", there's this:






Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I don't know who did it, but I base my suspicions on what I've read and seen and Assad looks pretty guilty to me.

How does Assad look guilty at all? There has been no proof even offered up on our end, other than a "it's classified - but trust us". Assad's forces have been winning; why on earth would he pull a stunt like using sarin on people when there was no need to? I posted links in some earlier threads where witnesses blamed the rebels. This is a new link, out today:

ISTANBUL – A court indictment by the Turkish prosecutors into the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian rebels has once again highlighted fears this week that sarin toxic gas was used by the opposition and not the Assad government.The prosecutor in the Turkish city of Adana has issued a 132-page indictment, alleging that six men of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham tried to seek out chemicals with the intent to produce the nerve agent, sarin gas, a number of Turkish publications reported.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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As to "Why?", seriously? With this administration you're asking why? When we know the answer to that, we'll all get Nobel Peace Prizes :)

Given some of the past receipients, I'm not sure that's company I'd want to be a member of.

One thing we can all agree on - We never get the whole truth; no matter who's telling us what. Other's opinions may vary, but I believe Obama is a narcassistic liar who is led by a cabal intent on building a society of their liking; Kerry is a pompous blowhard who is probably coming to understand just how he's being used; Assad is a slimeball murdering dictator; Putin is an egotistical, power-hungry dictator, longing for the good old days, who has usurped the Presidency of Russia. And, the media is the enabler of them all.

Ask me how I really feel about it, Cynical much? I reserve my comments about Hillary for a later date.

Back to other things, I just don't believe this administration is smart enough, or coordinated enough, to pull off the convoluted scheme such as has been suggested here and by others. Congressman Van Hollen (D), among others, has been suggesting that everything we have seen in the Syria debacle over the past 2 weeks was actually all part of the plan (sorry, been). Bet me!

I'm just sad that I won't live long enough to see the end of this current cycle of crap.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Given some of the past receipients, I'm not sure that's company I'd want to be a member of.

One thing we can all agree on - We never get the whole truth; no matter who's telling us what. Other's opinions may vary, but I believe Obama is a narcassistic liar who is led by a cabal intent on building a society of their liking; Kerry is a pompous blowhard who is probably coming to understand just how he's being used; Assad is a slimeball murdering dictator; Putin is an egotistical, power-hungry dictator, longing for the good old days, who has usurped the Presidency of Russia. And, the media is the enabler of them all.

Ask me how I really feel about it, Cynical much? I reserve my comments about Hillary for a later date.

Back to other things, I just don't believe this administration is smart enough, or coordinated enough, to pull off the convoluted scheme such as has been suggested here and by others. Congressman Van Hollen (D), among others, has been suggesting that everything we have seen in the Syria debacle over the past 2 weeks was actually all part of the plan (sorry, been). Bet me!

I'm just sad that I won't live long enough to see the end of this current cycle of crap.

I'm with you man, but I don't think for a moment that this administration is in the driver's seat of the current Syria debocle - so the POTUS, his cabinet, and the war-hungry congressmen/women making idiotic statements... that's precisely the incompetence that is screwing up the plans of whatever powerful evil force is behind the lobbyists that own Obama and congress.

That's my theory.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2013
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Nicoma park
So we see here some cherrypicked differing headlines, where are the months where the headlines are identical?

Although we have freedom of speech and press, its still limited on what is said and can be realeased to the publics knowledge. They have to dip in and gain control of stuff somehow and people are to scared to stand up against the government. Especially now since that 'patriot act' was put in effect


Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
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under the rock
I like Putin. He kicks ass and takes Superbowl rings.

The only politician / world leader I can think of that I like is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................well nevermind the site will time out before I'm through thinking.

I'll stick with my theory, the dead bodies have nothing to do with it, it's the fact that The President was publicly defied and was embarassed by it.
Whne your talking to someone who ranks above and can rain crap down on you you never want to hear "and I was embarassed".
That's usually followed by "I feel like I have to do something".

And I agree with cjjtulsa, I'm not all that sure Assad did it, or his army did it.

Hey is SI doing the reporting on this?

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