The Immigration Debate

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Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Senator Marco Rubio was on FOX News recently discussing what he is proposing for a way to fix a lot of things. I don't remember all the details, but I took it that the ones currently here illegally would have a "path to citizenship" but they would have to conform to certain regulations and fines. If I remember right, they could get citizenship if they were not criminals, paid a fine, applied for a visa, learned English, and then went a period of about 5 years before being allowed to become a citizen. I'm pretty sure that Rubio was also calling for a secured border.

The discussion on FOX was that he was going to try to "sit down" with Obama and others to work this plan through if possible. If Obama is serious about doing something about immigration, something he was not in his first two years when he had a Democratic Party controlled Congress, he might find this a good solution. Then again, since he appears to be trying to destroy the Republican Party, he may not want to sign onto any plan produced by a Republican.

Now, that all said, J.B.'s ideas aren't bad either. I'd probably be for it so long as it doesn't cost this country in blood and extreme costs.

Iirc, Rubios plan would grant most things you mentioned but not give citizenship to illegals.

The first place to start is to not give anchor babies citizenship. Will five less incentive to anyone to come to the US.


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2007
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prez eisenhower had a solution for illegals: operation wetback. it was in the SGN a while back. he said INS deported 50,000, and 450,000 left for fear of deportation. not saying thats the answer, but its been done...


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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The problem is multifaceted: legal immigration is to difficult and almost impossible for man, many have been here for years and have roots and are actually productive members of society.

If we are going to do anything about it we have to secure the borders. Then figure out what to do with everyone here. I know most are against citizenship but really they enjoy it anyways except the costs of it now. We have to figure out a way to tax them and make them feed the system like the rest of us and not just take from it.

I do not think limiting legal immigration is a good solution. We do need these workers in our country now. Sadly Americans think they are too good for a lot of jobs that need done here.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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Any plan that doesn't START with securing the border is basically worthless. We've been down the amnesty first secure the border later road and the border never got secured. So while I would rather see worker programs that only started in Mexico (or other countries) so no illegals could sign up until they deported themselves, my main concern is that they secure the border. Otherwise we will have the same problem we have now ten or twenty years down the road.

If I remember right, they could get citizenship if they were not criminals

If they are here illegally then they are already criminals. (just sayin')


Special Hen
Jan 17, 2009
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I wish I could chime in on this topic, but I guess I offended some folks last time I expressed opinion on how illegals should be dealt with. BTW, I'm half foreign.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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Personally, I feel we need to close the boarder to all immigration for the next 5+ years unless said immigrant has a college degree or higher. Individuals that won't have the propensity to milk the system of it's benefits and contribute with income, property, "luxury" taxes, etc. The boarder doesnt reopen until ALL control issues are worked out and a new policy for those here and want to immigrate here are worked out. In those years where the boarder is shut down a plan is devised to have a fair policy for all levels of immigration.

We need more people with college degrees? Openings with the 0bama administration and not enough 99 per centers? MSNBC run out of 'communicators'?

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against a college degree but there is a vast gulf of difference between, say, a degreed engineer and a journalism/communications degree. There is already way to much emphasis on college degrees in this country. Skilled trades, on the other hand..


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
One of the issues Obama is supposed to address this year is the immigration problem.

Last year, he issued an executive order that stopped the deportation of certain aliens that had arrived in the US as minor children.

This year he say wants a complete and comprehensive immigration reform passed.

I think something has to happen.

Here's my solution:

1. Secure the border. Use troops, etc., and secure the border. Humanely repatriate the folks they catch that offer no resistance. Use appropriate force when applicable. Do our best to maintain the dignity of these folks.

2. Create a Guest Worker program. This is a root cause of our immigration problem. Many of the illegal immigrants come here with the intention of working and earning enough money to buy a home and start a business back home. In other words, they want to go back.

3. Figure out a way to straighten out the people here.

What say you OSA?

Again, after your Epifamy we agree on illegal immigration mostly. I still have a major problem with parents benefitting from the crimes of their parents.

Should a child of a bank robber be allowed to keep the million dollars stolen from the bank?

We agree on securing the border, but current Posse Comatas regulations prevent our troops from doing this. Every other country in the world does this, so why shouldn't we?

I've always been in favor of the guest worker program. In a round about sort of way, thats what has always happened way back in the day. They came, they worked, and they went home.

The only reason that 99% of them want to be here in the first place is to make enough money for them to survive for one more year.

I did hear a report today that I can't post a link to that said that most violations of the immigration laws were guest workers that violated the time limitations of their guest worker permits when they were supposed to go home.

Like everything else we don't enforce the laws currently in place.

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