The short list for SC nominees.....

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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You've made it clear before that you view any bipartisan work as bad, so i guess i'm curious to know what you view as the best outcome here. It would be easy to say 'wait for the Rs to keep the senate and take the white house' but are you willing to gamble on it?

Are willing to risk an ultra liberal justice (or Obama himself) taking the bench if the senate and white house go Democrat in November.

There is literally no downside to the Republicans blocking Obama's nominee. We already know he'll nominate a hard core ultra-liberal. If we block that confirmation, he can attempt to nominate another hard core ultra-liberal, which may run out the clock. Say Bernie or Hillary win, so what? They'll nominate yet another hard core ultra-liberal and confirm or reject, we haven't lost an inch.

Let's say Obama wises up and his 2nd nominee is more moderate. We just gained ground. Say a Republican wins and the Democrats take back the Senate. They won't confirm a hard core conservative, but they'd have to confirm a moderate, because they can't obstruct the president for four years, and a GOP President isn't going to nominate a hard core ultra-liberal. We gained ground.

No, blocking his initial appointment is the only smart play. Sadly, the RINO GOP idiots in charge didn't even wait till Scalia's body was room temperature before screwing it up. Lying by saying they won't confirm ANY Obama nominee? Stupid, very stupid.

No, you praise Scalia and his body of work, while setting the expectation that Obama will temper his tendency to nominate a hard core ultra-liberal, lest he invoke the Thurmond Rule as a lame duck president. When he goes ahead and nominates a hard core ultra-liberal, you lament his unwillingness to compromise and with great disappointment and remorse, reject his nominee. Then you sit back and let him throw his inevitable temper tantrum, while you explain why Obama failed his responsibility as president, all while pushing his failed and rejected lame duck referendum.

Now you might ask why I said they were lying? Well, history is a *****. I worked this up for another gun forum Let's take a look:

As I see it, we need a two pronged attack plan on McConnell and Graham. First, we do need to write polite, well reasoned letters to them. Those need to be written and sent now.

Second, we need to wait until Obama nominates his 3rd leftist. Once he has, we need to do some brief but intense research on them. We need a short list of reasons to block the nomination and we need to set a pretty quick political action date. That date needs to fall on a Monday when the Senate is in session. We need to post that date on EVERY gun forum in the country. On that date, every one of us needs to call the following Senate offices:

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Chuck Grassley, Iowa, Chair 57/66
Orrin Hatch, Utah 36/39
Jeff Sessions, Alabama 81/80
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina 36/37
John Cornyn, Texas 44/50
Mike Lee, Utah 100/100
Ted Cruz, Texas 100/97
Jeff Flake, Arizona 68/45
David Vitter, Louisiana 78/69
David Perdue, Georgia 75/67
Thom Tillis, North Carolina 50/33

Senate Majority Leader

Mitch McConnell 45/44

The numbers I put to the side are each Senator's Heritage Action/Conservative Review scorecard numbers. The RINOs are in red and the conservatives in black, with a couple of in-betweens in orange. These numbers are important, because they should frame how you speak to each office. I'd go so far as to thank the ones in black and reinforce their resolve with your support. The RINOs? I plan to very pointedly discuss their failures and how important it is to their reelection prospects, to block Obama's nomination with all the strength and vigor they can muster. It's not enough that they merely vote correctly, but be seen twisting their fellow RINOs arms on this one. A mere vote will not save their seat of power. It's just not enough.

Here are some other crucial names to consider calling:

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire 24/33
Thad Cochran, Mississippi 34/33
Susan Collins, Maine 16/14
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin 46/60
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Mark Kirk, Illinois 12/19
Rob Portman, Ohio 36/50

Those are the 10 who crossed the aisle to confirm AG Lynch. The four repeats obviously had no objections when her nomination was under review by the Judiciary Committee.

And just in case you weren't convinced:

Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee 29/21
Susan Collins, Maine
Bob Corker, Tennessee 46/45
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Johnny Isakson, Georgia 59/38
John McCain, Arizona 51/36
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska 32/20

Those are the leftover RINOs that voted to confirm Eric Holder! :(

And here are the ones who voted for Sotomayor:

Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Susan Collins, Maine
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina

And here are the ones who voted for Kagan:

Susan Collins, Maine
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina

Not only should this be a perfect primer on where to apply pressure, it should also be a GOP road map for who to get rid of in their next elections!!! :mad:

As much as I don't want Obama to pick someone, constitutionally he should be picking the next justice.

It would be borderline criminal for Congress to categorically reject any nominee for the next 10.5 months.

I'm willing to give you that one word. However, Obama WILL nominate nothing but hardcore leftists. The first nominee should be publicly flayed in the hearings and categorically rejected. The word needs to go out to Obama that his next nominee will suffer the same fate if he doesn't moderate his choice. Why? Because he's a lame duck president who lost both the House & Senate under his watch. That is a referendum against him, whether he likes it or not. If he keeps acting like a willful child and refuses to moderate, then ALL of his nominees should be rejected. It wouldn't even remotely be criminal to do so. When he throws his inevitable temper tantrum, the Republicans simply need to educate The People on why it's happening.

I'll try to update this post with phone numbers and email addresses as I can. If we all work together, we can hopefully do some good!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Capitulation? LOL..... nah it's just the halfway intelligent of looking at things that might happen. Would hate to expect some halfway objective discussion, but I guess it's easier to stomp our feet like angry teenagers. Granted it seems some people do understand the GOP might be looking at a significantly worse situation by putting this off.

and we wonder how Obama got elected...... twice....


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Obama got elected TWICE solely because our candidates pledged to work with dims. Not unlike what's being suggested here in this thread. IOW, we got RINOs so voters stayed home.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Ginsburg is out in the next 4 years, bank on it. The next pres gets at least one justice pick.

Personally, I feel like we are stuck. If the repubs block the nom, which Obama said would come during a session and not a recess, then the repubs look really bad, shutting down the court for a year. If they confirm the appointment, then scotus is liberal for the next 30 years. I don't mind looking bad for a few years over the risk of losing individual rights.

The dems have passed resolutions to block appointments in an election year, 1960 with Eisenhower, then they called for similar actions in the 80s. The problem is that was never actually tested because no seat became vacant. Ike made a recess appointment during an election year for Judge Brennan. Then the dems passed the resolution to keep it form happening again.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Ginsburg is out in the next 4 years, bank on it. The next pres gets at least one justice pick.

Personally, I feel like we are stuck. If the repubs block the nom, which Obama said would come during a session and not a recess, then the repubs look really bad, shutting down the court for a year. If they confirm the appointment, then scotus is liberal for the next 30 years. I don't mind looking bad for a few years over the risk of losing individual rights.

The dems have passed resolutions to block appointments in an election year, 1960 with Eisenhower, then they called for similar actions in the 80s. The problem is that was never actually tested because no seat became vacant. Ike made a recess appointment during an election year for Judge Brennan. Then the dems passed the resolution to keep it form happening again.

Based on the microscopic attention span of the American public, the short term loss is FAR better than 3 decades of liberal rulings. The sad part is that it doesn't have to be that way if the Republicans would play it smart. The problem is that they're too stupid to play it smart.

Why are Republican politicians so much stupider than Democrat politicians? :anyone:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
That's the reason we are in the shape we are. The republicans are afraid to piss off the dims, so we have to jump through hoops to give in to them.
On the other side they know the R's are spineless and bully legislation through with impunity.

The GOP hasn't got the set that the dims do. The dims will lie, cheat, steal, be seen as complete and utter hypocrites and they don't care one whit. They don't even try to hide it anymore and the GOP still loses to them in D.C.! It's breathtaking to watch people ask for more of the same...

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