They are out there

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I never understood why people put salad dressing on a pizza my dad did and he was 93, if a pizza is so bad you have to cover it with salad dressing then dont eat it to begin with. I will put alot of things on or in ice cream but never a pizza.

It is a FROZEN pizza


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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I never understood why people put salad dressing on a pizza my dad did and he was 93, if a pizza is so bad you have to cover it with salad dressing then dont eat it to begin with. I will put alot of things on or in ice cream but never a pizza.
It’s for dipping the pizza crust. For some reason it’s always been a big thing here in Oklahoma.

Having come from the East Coast never did it till I came here and that was back in the mid 80s. Ranch dressing. The official dressing of Oklahoma.

And of course back then you would be asked if you wanted a Coke, then they would ask if you wanted a Pepsi or Mountain Dew or Dr Pepper. And if you say you wanna Coke and then they would say we don’t have that


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Mrs Jeffries was testing the 2nd grade class on sentence composition.

She called on Billy to use defense in a sentence.

Billy says, " I tore my pants jumping the de fence. "

No, Billy, that is incorrect.

Let's try another one.

Make a sentence with sugar in it.

"I likes sweet tea."

Uhm, OK, but where is the sugar?

"IN the tea, you dumb b****, I said SWEET TEA"


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I kid you not.

New guy moved in a couple years ago to my buddies house that he sold.
He asked me if I had met the new neighbor ?
No he does not look like my cup of tea.

Kind of short preppy dressed and new cars without mud on them.
Yea I judged a book by it's cover.

The other new guy that moved in next door to him looked ok.
Taller and lots of tats and a ZZ Ttop beard drives a Ford 4x4 truck with a trailer behind it and often muddy. Does wood working in his opened garage.

Well the Preppy guy was seen by Tat man ogging down the road in full gear all camo and ruck sack and military boots.
Figured maybe he is not all that bad.

He stopped and asked him if he was military.
Answer: No I did not get in.
But I train and I train with friends you should join us sometime.

Tat man. Yea I do not have much time in my days for that.

A few days later Preppy told Tat man that they went shooting that day practicing just like the military does doing shooting drills and things.

One way we train is 2 of us FACE each other 5 feet away and shoot targets that are behind the other guy like shooting the bad guy that is coming up behind your buddy.
With rifles and pistols.

Tat guy was amazed that someone and more someones can be so stupid.
He mentioned to Preppy I do not think they train like that that is very dangerous.

Preppy .. Nope that is how it is done you should join us sometime.

Yea never happened.
I did meet the guy and talked with him and he was a book I would not read.

Yea they are out there.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
One way we train is 2 of us FACE each other 5 feet away and shoot targets that are behind the other guy like shooting the bad guy that is coming up behind your buddy.
With rifles and pistols.
Years ago, a guy was telling us about a cookout/camping party he attended back in the '70s with a bunch of bikers. (Not like Hell's Angels bikers, just the kind who would've gone to Sturgis before it got infested with yuppies.) He said some of them had this "game" involving two people where they'd drink a beer, then hold the empty at arm's length to the side, and the other would shoot it with a pistol.

IIRC, they started with the big bottles, then switched to longnecks, but he said he left when they switched to baby 8s.

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