Thieves and Hoarders

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
I wonder how many of the members who have pissed and moaned about ammo shortages due to demand will learn the lesson and be more prepared for the next time, and how many will post the same complaints.
This is how human nature works; fight it if you must, but realize you will lose the battle.
Depends how slow they are at learning.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
It's not hoarding if you bought it all on sale when the supply was plentiful.

Now...not shooting any of it because you can't replace it...well I might be a hoarder!


Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Thats exactly correct.
Those with foresight aren't bothered by this debacle.
It still pissed one off because shooters are taking advantage of shooters.

Dennis, You see it everyday just look at the people we put in office. They are screwing us every way they can, if they can better themselfs somehow. Not many people today treat each other with respect anymore.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
I guess you hate me then. Waaa. I work too, I own and co-own several busy small businesses. I dont have time to camp out somewhere waiting on ammo, I just get it when Im near it. I was taught well by observing my father who did the same thing when I was a kid and Im pretty sure no one called people who liked to be stocked and prepared back in the day 'hoarders'. Thats just stupid.

I literally havent 'had' to buy any ammo in a few years, I just buy it when I can. I have money and I may need to replinish the part of my 'personal supply' that I may have used up that week, or given to a friend or relative. Thats it. I try to get in one or two range or outdoor shooting trips a week, depending on my schedule, so I shoot up quite a bit of FMJ and .22. I carry 9mms for CC and try to save my higher dollar JHP for carrying so I mostly shoot alot of FMJ plinking as well as a shiteload of .22 out of my rifle when Im out at the farm.

I basically just bought and stored up my little cache of ammo gradually as I went along over the years- buying bricks at shows, when out shopping while buying something else if its plentiful in the case then I might grab some but only my allottment, I pick up some during buys and trades, get a bit of reloads from buddies, etcetc- none of it bought for the sole purpose of reselling later. I dont think I have ever even sold any ammo but I have given some with a gun I sold if I felt like it. In fact, I give it away all the time to friends and my younger brother- I recently gave 2 friends who both just acquired new 9mms quite a bit of FMJ apiece for practice but its then up to them to get themselves some built up like I did and also get them some JHP for HD or for when they get their CCLs.
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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
Fred is at the store and sees .223 is on sale. Fred sees other people waiting behind him to get some of the same ammo. Fred takes all of the ammo on the shelf and gloats as he walks to the register. Fred IS a hoarding POS.

No - Fred is not a hoader, he's an assh0le.
Same scenario except this time Fred sees a woman looking on the shelves for ammo that's all gone. Fred follows woman outside and says "Looking for .223 huh?" to which woman replies "Yes, I tried such and such store earlier but they had just sold out. We're completely out of ammo at home". Then Fred says "Yup, I was at that store earlier, must have been right before you, and bought everything they had (while smiling). I don't need the ammo, I have over 4,500 rounds for just about every caliber, just wanted to add some more (followed by stupid laugh). Fred IS a POS scumbag sh*tstick hoarder. This scenario happens to be a true story other than Freds real name which is probably "@sshat".

Yes - Fred too is an assh0le - and not so much that he bought the shelf out, but that he bragged about it. If you feel the need to buy it all up and clear the shelves, keep it to yourself. I don't really see the need to continually clear out the inventory, but so be it.

Many here are confusing "hoarding" with "profiteering". I consider myself a hoarder, and if I happen to run onto more ammo at a decent price, I buy it. I don't buy it all, but I buy some. What's going to be interesting is a collapse of the economy, or a some sort of large, mid to long term disruption in supply lines, and then watch everyone piss and moan about their neighbors who had the forethought to put back a little food for just such an emergency. The sad part that the writing is on the wall for that too, and those that were warned repeatedly by their "inconsiderate fellow shooters" for the last year or more to buy ammo when it was plentiful will be the same ones with their pants down when that happens. Only that will be much more serious. And they've been warned repeatedly about this.

Grasshoppers and ants. If you insist on being a grasshopper, don't interrupt the ant's dinner when the snow's blowing. It's annoying.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I think we need government intervention to ensure not only equal opportunity of ammo purchases, but equal outcome. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Someone who NEEDS it more than me should be allowed to the front of the line...maybe we can put government inspectors in place at all Academy's and Wal-Marts to make sure the ammunition-disadvantaged aren't disenfranchised.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Many here are confusing "hoarding" with "profiteering". I consider myself a hoarder, and if I happen to run onto more ammo at a decent price, I buy it. I don't buy it all, but I buy some. What's going to be interesting is a collapse of the economy, or a some sort of large, mid to long term disruption in supply lines, and then watch everyone piss and moan about their neighbors who had the forethought to put back a little food for just such an emergency. The sad part that the writing is on the wall for that too, and those that were warned repeatedly by their "inconsiderate fellow shooters" for the last year or more to buy ammo when it was plentiful will be the same ones with their pants down when that happens. Only that will be much more serious. And they've been warned repeatedly about this.

Grasshoppers and ants. If you insist on being a grasshopper, don't interrupt the ant's dinner when the snow's blowing. It's annoying.

Post of the day.

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