Trump was killing it on the 2A

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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
He (and Chris Wallace) missed an opportunity to call Clinton on the "gun show loophole" myth.
I was saying that to my wife. For some reason trump has trouble explaining things. He could have also talked about the "online loophole". Whatever the heck that is. By the way, I hate the term "common sense" gun "reform".


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
She was totally wrong about the Heller case being about "toddlers".......what the hell is that?

He could have smashed her, explaining it wasn't about children, it was about whether the constitution affirms an individual right to bear arms, and she has said she thinks the decision was wrong.
Then he should have asked her point blank if she believes we have an individual right to bear arms.

She would have slithered off the stage.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2014
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edmond by way of North Carolina
He should've said this and he should've said that. And if he had a clue about the Heller case or anything else, he might have countered. If he knew the difference between an AR 15 and AK he might have said.... But he doesn't. Because for all his talk, he's not one of us. He's one of them. Actually he's even worse, bc he's willing to pretend he's something completely different than what he actually is; what he's been his entire adult life, just to try and show almost half this country just how much he's mastered the art of the deal. But that's the problem when you don't actually know things and try and rely on bs'ing your way through with the cliff notes version on a handful of topics you've never really studied - you get exposed as a fraud even by the queen of all frauds.

It's impossible for him to stay on point not bc he's strategically pivoting per debate 101 tactics, but rather bc he's just that undisciplined and he's just that easily rattled. A great many of us long for something different - for the straight talking outsider who refuses to play the game and calls a spade a spade. But this clown aint that guy. A great many wanted him to be that guy, so we overlooked the snafus or the fact that for a year he could barely say much more than "a wall - a big beautiful wall...we don't make good deals - we are getting killed by china and many others with currency manipulation...we are weak...inner city is dangerous...". We were sold a bill of goods by a snake oil salesman. And far too many- so hungry for something different, fell for a catchphrase on a silly looking hat - a sales pitch with no substance. I'm almost surprised he didn't have one of those inflatables you see at used car lots at his campaign rallies. He played on the basic emotions of people who felt left out and left behind by the system - not because he really cared to change anything, but bc that's what you do when you're selling. In that regard his pandering to the republican base - people that he couldn't care less about was no better than the dems pandering to disenfranchised minorities every 4 years.

Tony, Wouldn't the online loophole be referencing something like the classified section on this very site or armslist. I mean I myself have been guilty of taking for granted that the guy I'm selling a gun to is legally able to own a firearm. But I must admit when I think about it, it seems odd that for me to buy that gun, I have to use up an entire lunch hour filling out paperwork and having a clerk ensure I'm legally entitled to own it but for the guy who sends me a private message expressing interest, all I require of him is cash and a convenient meeting spot. Yes, I realize if I'm that concerned about it I could stipulate the deal take place through a Firearms licensed dealer but I'm just saying, I think that's the loophole they're referencing.
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Special Hen
Sep 30, 2014
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edmond by way of North Carolina
Well since I live in Oklahoma, it doesn't really matter right? We are locked into a trump/republican vote regardless of what me and everyone I know does. If it makes you feel any better, I'll leave that part of my ballot blank before I'd ever vote for Hillary.

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