VA mess

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Aug 14, 2012
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You are correct...but the narrative is becoming more about the wait times than about the fraud to cover it up. Just today on the drive home from work, Hannity was raging on the radio about a veteran having to wait 14 days for an appointment; "14 DAYS!!! THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!!!" he exclaimed. Given the resources at the VA's disposal and the sheer number of service connected veterans out there (Priority 1, 2, and 3), a 14 day wait for a Priority 8 non-service connected veteran to receive an appointment is nothing close to an outrage. Having worn a uniform at some time in your life does not entitle you to permanent, near instant health care, for everything that ails you. That is why I would like to see what priority groups some of these affected veterans were in and what medical conditions they were seeking treatment for.

Yup, people should hang for the fraud but the layer of the onion must be peeled away to separate the wait times themselves from the fraud surrounding them. People with other agendas, who up until now never gave a damn about the VA, are using the wait times as ammunition to attack Obama and Obamacare and I think it detracts from the actual issue/problems within a bloated bureaucracy that is more concerned with numbers on a spreadsheet than providing care to wounded veterans.

The senior managers within that bureaucracy who created a system where it was better to lie about wait times than be honest about them should be strung from the flag poles of the VA centers they worked at.

Good button clicked.


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Dec 4, 2008
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Midwest City
I am in the middle of a mess right now with my son and the VA in OKC. Horrible what is happening to him. Gets blown up in Afghanistan and comes home to malpractice and negligence. Every time we go to the ER when his arm dislocates the Ortho attending tells us he needs surgery. Which he has already had one up there. After we wait 2 months for the appointment this last time the doc on duty isn't available so it gets rescheduled. Needless to say we paid out of pocket for an MRI that injects dye into his shoulder. Revealed he had a full labrum tear all around his socket. Next Wednesday we are paying out of pocket for a civilian to do the surgery because we can't even get him seen at the VA much less a proper diagnosis. Sorry for ranting but it's almost unbelievable when it happens to you.


Aug 14, 2012
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“A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country, is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards." ~ Teddy Roosevelt

You'd think this holds true. It ought to, but time and time again vets get the short end.

Although im not bitter, I sure dont like how we as a nation, can send our children off to be reprogramed to do the most disgusting thing a human can do, and not care for their every need for the rest of their life.

We owe every Veteran (even the chicken shits) any medical care they ever need, free of charge, no matter the cost, for life.


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Aug 13, 2012
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I talked to an old veteran right before all this mess came out and he said he was pleased with the VA hospital he used.

I was kind of surprised to hear that.


Aug 14, 2012
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I talked to an old veteran right before all this mess came out and he said he was pleased with the VA hospital he used.

I was kind of surprised to hear that.

Ive never had a problem with them either but then I find it far easier to use civilian medical care. Many vets cant, im lucky I can.


Special Hen
Apr 21, 2008
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Planet Earth
I am in the middle of a mess right now with my son and the VA in OKC. Horrible what is happening to him. Gets blown up in Afghanistan and comes home to malpractice and negligence. Every time we go to the ER when his arm dislocates the Ortho attending tells us he needs surgery. Which he has already had one up there. After we wait 2 months for the appointment this last time the doc on duty isn't available so it gets rescheduled. Needless to say we paid out of pocket for an MRI that injects dye into his shoulder. Revealed he had a full labrum tear all around his socket. Next Wednesday we are paying out of pocket for a civilian to do the surgery because we can't even get him seen at the VA much less a proper diagnosis. Sorry for ranting but it's almost unbelievable when it happens to you.

Cowz I am sorry to hear of the trouble your family has had at the OKC VA Med Center in the medical treatment of your son. Both my wife and me are 20 year plus vets, all our kids were born all over the world (Okinawa, Alaska). We both depend on the OKC VA Med center for all our medical needs. My wife has had both her knees fully replaced there, the 1st one was not such a pleasant op, she said several times she was crying for help and it would be an hour or longer waiting for someone to respond. Second knee op (a year later) I was fully retired and was on the floor almost 24/7 (they came to believe I was some sort of powerful retired naval officer) and I was like a hawk on the staff. But I could see other patients, whose family members could not be there, being neglected.
About 3 weeks after I sprang my wife, I went down with my 5th or 6th heart attack and I was in the VA med center. The wife's knee was still munged up and she can't drive, so I'm on my own for my stay. But all went well. The Cardiac team is incredible and a bit more advanced over Midwest City Regional Cardiac. The VA Med center built me a new heart, out of parts of old grunts. Currently we are happy with the OKC VA Med center and the service they provide us. Parking around the VA Med center is a *****.

Mecha Heart.jpg

Brother Jim

Special Hen
May 25, 2008
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I watched my brother die in the VA hospital in San Jose. He died of a brain tumor and in order for it to be proven that it was service related...we need a photo of those men soaked in agent orange after rearming their jets to fly another mission over Vietnam. They were told it was not toxic and they have denied it was on the Oriskini (sp) . So his wife sits trying to get the benefits he was due while still alive. It's been a year! It is placed on the vet to prove that they were exposed even though the Govt has the records but won't release the info. Yeah, I am P>O. the cover up is not just with the current vets, look at the surviving WW II, Korean, and Vietnam Vets...take a number, we'll call you for your funeral. It is pathetic, Just a glimpse into what Obamacare will be....


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The VA has been the forefront of the socialized medicine that the liberals dream of in a communist society.

The fact that it has failed due to the very ideals that spawned it, is no surprise.

The VA has less work load with the passing of our WWII vets, yet they have grown three fold.

If the gubberment can't control the VA, HOW IN THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO MANAGE OBAMACARE!

The death panels that Sarah Palin spoke of are alive and well within the VA.

She sure is dumb.

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