Got detained by stillwater pd today for brandishing

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Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
As stated earlier, you admitted that the handgun was exposed. This is a violation of the SDA and a CRIME. A police officer stops a CRIMINAL with a firearm. He will probably do so at gunpoint, be very vocal and demanding, probably handcuff you and search you for other weapons, during said search he found two knives one of which he deemed to be illegal. After he ran your drivers license and found out that you had no outstanding warrants he was nice to you except for keeping the suspect knife. That would be pretty standard with any police department in the US, though some would get far more forceful in this type of apprehension and many would have taken you to jail for the knife.
Man up, admit you screwed up, quit whining about the way you wish the law was, we all wish it was, and take your medicine.

+1 ExSniper. Man...this is one of the dumbest threads I've seen yet! (My handgun was showing and I was carrying an illegal I'm mad cause the po-po didn't treat me very nice). SO FREAKIN WHAT!!! You did something stupid and got what you deserved. If you can't carry responsibly then you shouldn't carry.:rtfm:


Special Hen
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
I KNOW what the SDA says. Concealed means concealed, but, please show me where the law says an accidental exposure is a criminal act!

So, are you saying an officer has the right to stop ANYONE who is transporting a firearm to make sure they are legally transporting said firearm?? Does he also have the right to stop everyone who is drinking from a container he can't positively identify to see if they are transporting an open container??

Sorry, but I simply don't believe that!

You think the officer handled things "politely and professionally"??


You think you should have a gun pulled on you, shoved face down and handcuffed for an ACCIDENTAL exposure of your firearm??

Sorry, but I don't consider that polite or professional!

Did the officer exceed his authority?? Probably not, but he certainly could have handled it better!

And, PLEASE, don't tell me about officer safety and how he just wants to go home to his family at night! Heck, maybe he should just shoot everyone he stops before any of them have a chance to do him harm!!
How does the officer know this is an ACCIDENTAL exposure by an SDA permit holder? What he knows is their is a man with a gun, he may have even been responding to a report of a man with a gun! Until he determined that this was in fact an accidental exposure he had to act in the best interest of the public safety. As soon as he determined that it was an accidental exposure, according to taymoor, he was VERY polite and professional!
Possible violations of the SDA, not including any other applicable laws:
The officer could have confiscated the license and weapon.
1290.17 C. Any law enforcement officer of this state shall confiscate a concealed handgun license in the possession of any person and return it to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for appropriate administrative proceedings against the licensee when the license is no longer needed as evidence in any criminal proceeding, as follows:
1. Upon the arrest of the person for any felony offense;
2. Upon the arrest of the person for any misdemeanor offense enumerated as a preclusion to a handgun license;
3. For any violation of the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act;4. When the officer has been called to assist or is investigating any situation which would be a preclusion to having a handgun license; or
5. As provided in subsection D of Section 1290.8 of this title.

He could have cited him for unlawful carry since he was not carrying in a manner permitted by the SDA.
TITLE 21 § 1272. Unlawful carry
UNLAWFUL CARRYA. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry upon or about his or her person, or in a purse or other container belonging to the person, any pistol, revolver, shotgun or rifle whether loaded or unloaded or any dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, spring-type knife, sword cane, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device in the handle of the knife, blackjack, loaded cane, billy, hand chain, metal knuckles, or any other offensive weapon, whether such weapon be concealed or unconcealed, except this section shall not prohibit:
1. The proper use of guns and knives for hunting, fishing, educational or recreational purposes;
2. The carrying or use of weapons in a manner otherwise permitted by statute or authorized by the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act;

Any person convicted of violating the provisions of Section 1272 or 1273 after having been issued a concealed handgun license pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, Sections 1 through 26 of this act, shall have the license suspended for a period of six (6) months and shall be liable for an administrative fine of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) upon a hearing and determination by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation that the person is in violation of the provisions of this section.

All things considered the officer did what he had to do and as soon as he determined there was no threat he reacted appropriately. Hopefully the OSBI will choose not to suspend the permit for 6 months due to the accidental exposure and carrying an illegal knife (though I think the knife in question was legal). If someone were riding a motorcycle near your childrens school and flashing a firearm would you want someone to investigate?

MARY FALLIN will sign the open carry into law, Jari Askins is opposed to concealed carry!


May 20, 2010
Reaction score
Mayes Co.
After the officer became aware it was an accidental exposure,the OP did say he was polite and professional.Why not continue that with"be more carefull in the future".That would have sent a very clear message to the OP to be more carefull in the future he didn't have to persue it any further than that. But it sounds like he wanted to be a hardass about it.Sounds kinda contraditctory/scitzophrenic or he's a closet hater of civilians carrying guns.:anyone:


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
And rolling down the hill we go ... Taymoor is now getting what he wanted all along ... which was to find somebody, ANYBODY who was willing beat their chests with him and defend his honor. Good grief.

Go ahead and get an attorney. Oh and call Nick Winkler while you are at it. Spend a lot of time, money and effort to make yourself look foolish in public. Because bottom line is, YOU broke the law.

Hell, if every single time an officer stopped someone and offended their delicate sensitivites they got fired, there would be no cops and criminals would abound, lawyers everywhere would be out of work ... hell it would destroy our economic system ...

Sheesh ... what a bunch of whiny sissies ... I am so glad I am just a GURL.

This would be a good time to say ...

IBTL ...


Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Mile-High City
I read through this post and am beside myself. To me there seems to be a lot of Monday morning quarter backing. Look at it from an LEO's stand point.

He sees a gun on a person who is near a school. How many school shootings have occurred in recent history. How many of those shooters were considered dangerous at the time? Second, he saw a violation of the law. IF that violation of the law would have violated any body who posted on here, this post would have started, The Stillwater Police did not protect me like they should. So enforcement of laws is only good when done on other people BUT me. Third, there was a DEADLY weapon involved. Action beats reaction, so I am sure he wanted to make sure he went home to his family tonight in the event you weren't the nice guy you are. (Believe it or not, there are turds in this World.) Last, were searched and handcuffed. It was for your safety and that of the Officers. (Terry V Ohio)

Sorry this happened to you, our system is very flawed. But the beauty of this system is that it is the BEST system the World has ever or will ever see.

This is apologetics and it's bogus. How 'bout a traffic stop to let the guy know his gun is showing? It doesn't have to be a confrontational event. Taymoor will NEVER forget this. Stillwater PD could have had a friend to LE, but they screwed the pooch and made an enemy. Assaulting an armed citizen over something so small. Near a school? So what?


Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Mile-High City
Point of order: If your pistol was showing you were not legally carrying....permit or no permit.

Once you crossed that line, any action the officers take in order to ensure their safety and the safety of bystanders while addressing the situation is not up to you in regards to what is appropriate or excessive.

Only lesson here is don't carry illegally...knives or guns.

More aplogetics. There was no threat to anyone's safety. I have had several interactions with officers while carrying openly in NM & AZ due to scared citizens ignorant that it was legal to carry that way. I was never treated like this even though PD was called specifically regarding a "man with a gun".
All of the fools chatting or texting while driving is much more of a threat to everyone's safety.


Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Mile-High City
As stated earlier, you admitted that the handgun was exposed. This is a violation of the SDA and a CRIME. A police officer stops a CRIMINAL with a firearm. He will probably do so at gunpoint, be very vocal and demanding, probably handcuff you and search you for other weapons, during said search he found two knives one of which he deemed to be illegal. After he ran your drivers license and found out that you had no outstanding warrants he was nice to you except for keeping the suspect knife. That would be pretty standard with any police department in the US, though some would get far more forceful in this type of apprehension and many would have tsaken you to jail for the knife.
Man up, admit you screwed up, quit whining about the way you wish the law was, we all wish it was, and take your medicine.

Amazing. unintentional exposure is a CRIME... Now he's a CRIMINAL...


Special Hen
Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
stillwater, ok
This is apologetics and it's bogus. How 'bout a traffic stop to let the guy know his gun is showing? It doesn't have to be a confrontational event. Taymoor will NEVER forget this. Stillwater PD could have had a friend to LE, but they screwed the pooch and made an enemy. Assaulting an armed citizen over something so small. Near a school? So what?

Wonderful summation.


Special Hen
Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
stillwater, ok
i dont think so, get a good lawyer and make it as public as you can and givem H*LL...

I don't know what I would gain by getting a lawyer. Have the pd sand out the scratches on my gun? I'm not worried about them usurping legal rights, they were well within them as far as I know. I just feel it could have been handled better. Some people look at this thread and think of me as a "whiny sissy", but that really doesn't bother me. Nobody should get that upset at the mention of a police officer being anything less than :bowdown: perfect.
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