Zimmerman/Martin trial in FL

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Jan 6, 2008
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I try to put myself in the scenerio. I am walking down the street and minding my own business and not breaking the law. Some (non-LEO individual) starts following me and hassling me, I am going to get real defensive and make him stop, period. Ask yourself, in this situation, wouldn't you?

No, I wouldn't. Because of my maturity and experience level my mind is running through 100 different scenarios while this dude is trying to jack with me. The one thing that you've failed to think about is that he wants you to react. He wants you to play the tough guy. Cause he knows you'll get tunnel vision so bad that you fail to see his three gang bangin' homies
that have been also following in the shadows. After you engage this guy the other three are gonna make you regret that decision. We got too many tough guys on here that can't see the bigger picture. As they say "Pride goeth, before the fall".


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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...when you throw away the race issues, forget trying to figure out if G.Z. is white or latin, apply the reasonable and prudent person test:
1. A reasonable and prudent person (neighborhood watch even) does not hassle someone that is not committing a crime, and who is rightfully there because he is visiting his father who lives in the neighborhood.
2. A reasonable and prudent person does not ignore a dispatchers request to not follow the person, especially if LEO has been dispatched.
3. A reasonable and prudent person does not get out of the safety of his vehicle to confront a person that is much larger than he, especially knowing he has been told not to do so and LEO is on the way.
If you apply these basic facts, who is in the wrong? That is what the jury should be pondering.

Perhaps you're talking about the civil trial jury? Yes, GZ was foolish. Being foolish doesn't eliminate one's right to self defense. A criminal trial hinges on "beyond a reasonable doubt". Preponderance of evidence is for the civil trial. :(


As far as I'm concerned, it really doesn't matter what led up to the moment in time that tm was on top of gz beating his head into the concrete. Should gz have just laid there and allowed his head to be pounded into the concrete until he was dead? I don't think so. Once it moved beyond just a fist fight to what may well have been attempted murder, I think any one of us would've done the same. Regardless of how we got in that position.

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