Part of the point is that the economy has been so screwed by .gov interference, it can make it prohibitive to have skyrocketing debt and salaries that are not competitive at all. Since he specifically brought up medicine, I'd like to hear his answer to the problem. Personally, my tuition went up >100% in 4 years of medical school, from $24k/year to over $50k per year. For tuition ALONE. Not including any other supplies, books or cost of living. Add to that the fact that many primary care physicians (you know, the ones they keep screaming they need more of every year?) make well under $150k/year, and in some places LESS THAN $100K PER YEAR. That's right... fully licensed and qualified, board-certified primary care PHYSICIANS making less than 6 figures.He was talking about the people that are complaining about having to pay their loans at the end, not responsible, hard working students such as yourself. The ones that want their debt wiped away just because they don't want to pay it.
Kinda hard to reconcile, isn't it?