Open carry weapons, holsters & license display!

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I think Jack T. was pointing out that the license checks are not mandatory under the new open carry law.. it might be your department's policy to check everyone..but I have never read anywhere in the new OC law that the checks were mandatory. The person OCing is required to give notification of having a license and a weapon.. just like when concealed carrying.. but the physical license check by a LEO is still optional for Open Carry.... just as it is for Concealed Carry right now. In the 17 yrs I've been Conceal Carrying I've never had to show my license to a LEO... and I've told many of them I was carrying & had a license. They all just said thanks for telling them and that was it. Could be the same way for Open Carry.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 14, 2012
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If they really are an officer, they are also required to have a Department Issued commission card.

Is that something they are required to show when they present the badge? If I am approached by someone who claims to be LEO and they flash a badge without the ID should I j/k about the running. But seriously what is the way to ask LEO to present their ID?


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 1, 2010
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Oklahoma City, OK
Yeah, I do want to go there. Show me where you, as a Law Enforcement Officer, are REQUIRED to check permits of people carrying an open firearm.

I see where I am required to have the permit. I see where I must disclose to you that I am carrying a concealed handgun. I see where I am required to have a state issued photo ID while carrying a firearm. You have yet to show me where you, as Law Enforcement, are required by law to to check every-single-person you see carrying a firearm. Are you also required to check the drivers license of every-single-person driving a vehicle, because the wording is similar?


The police are caught between a rock and a hard place on this one. On one hand they want to protect the public from any non licensed open carriers out there who could be a potential threat while on the other hand it would be very inefficient if they spent their time carding every open carrier that they came across instead of allocating their time towards more important pursuits.

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I think Jack T. was pointing out that the license checks are not mandatory under the new open carry law.. it might be your department's policy to check everyone..but I have never read anywhere in the new OC law that the checks were mandatory. The person OCing is required to give notification of having a license and a weapon.. just like when concealed carrying.. but the physical license check by a LEO is still optional for Open Carry.... just as it is for Concealed Carry right now. In the 17 yrs I've been Conceal Carrying I've never had to show my license to a LEO... and I've told many of them I was carrying & had a license. They all just said thanks for telling them and that was it. Could be the same way for Open Carry.

Again I ask, what's so hard about producing a card? :anyone: So the big, bad cop needs proof that you aren't some psycho with a gun on your hip. If anything, us pro 2nd Amendment guys should feel safer knowing that the cops are keeping undesireables from toting' an iron which could cause potential problems in a public setting.

I mean, if you think that a convicted felon can't get his hands on a piece, you're crazy. Who's to say that if we as cops weren't authorized to check IDs that any swingin' Dick out there would start totin' an iron? Including the convicted felons. Do you guys see what I'm trying to say? Look at it as the same as charging $10 to get into a gun show. Sure, it hurts to produce that 10 bucks but at least it keeps the trash out. See what I'm saying?

Sheesh! This damned OC argument reminds me of this...


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Is that something they are required to show when they present the badge? If I am approached by someone who claims to be LEO and they flash a badge without the ID should I j/k about the running. But seriously what is the way to ask LEO to present their ID?

My experience has been they will show you their Commision card.. but never let you hold it. A few are pricks about it and give the FBI flash.. so fast you don't have time to read it to be certain it is a real card or not.

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
What if your open carrying and a plain cloths ask for your ID? Is it ok to ask for his credentials first? A badge just doesnt mean much to me anymore, anybody can buy one.

Is that something they are required to show when they present the badge? If I am approached by someone who claims to be LEO and they flash a badge without the ID should I j/k about the running. But seriously what is the way to ask LEO to present their ID?

My experience has been they will show you their Commision card.. but never let you hold it. A few are pricks about it and give the FBI flash.. so fast you don't have time to read it to be certain it is a real card or not.

All a person has to do is ask. I have absolutely no problem showing all my credentials to anybody whosoever asks. Hell, they can even hold 'em in their hands - I don't care and I have nothing to hide. :rolleyes2


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Do you guys see what I'm trying to say? Look at it as the same as charging $10 to get into a gun show. Sure, it hurts to produce that 10 bucks but at least it keeps the trash out. See what I'm saying?


People don't mind paying the $10 to get in to the show each day.. they just don't want to have to pay again and again the same day after they leave the show. See what we're saying. One officer checking a person for a license in one day is one thing.. but if the same person then has several other officers checking him / her throughout the day [every day he / she open carrys] that would become harassment as far as I'm concerned. That is why I decided to go with the belt tag for my license. Might as well make a license check as convienent for myself as possible..


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 14, 2012
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All a person has to do is ask. I have absolutely no problem showing all my credentials to anybody whosoever asks. Hell, they can even hold 'em in their hands - I don't care and I have nothing to hide. :rolleyes2

The reason I am concerned with plain cloths and being able to identify them as law enforcement is because I am willing to bet that a criminal would take this approach to get into an OCers safe zone and end up strong arming him for his firearm. If I asked to see your commission card and you showed it to me I would be so relieved, I would be nervous till I saw it. This is why I never plan to OC. I got pulled over in Chicago late one night when I was coming home from a girlfriends house, it was an unmarked crown Victoria, a tan color. It had the strobe lights, I pulled over and lowered my driver window. Car sat behind me for about 30 sec after i had stopped ( felt like minutes) I thought the cop might be running my plates. Then quickly it pulled up next to me and there were 3 Hispanic teenagers occupying the vehicle, passenger had a gun, they stopped next to me pointed the gun(at which point I thought I was done) started laughing and drove off, while flashing there gang signs. After this I do not pull over just anywhere for LEO, i hit my hazards and keep going till I hit the nearest occupied parking lot. ( in Chicago you have a store about every corner) but here in okie it's different, I plan on just continue driving with the hazards and call 911 to confirm I am being pulled over by an unmarked LEO.


The fact is some leo's are going to give lawful responsible gun owners a hard time and they have absolutly no reason to stop everyone and if they say otherwise they're lying,the fact is that lawful citizens who decide to"open carry" will do it because it's they're right to make the decision to either CC or OC, criminals usually conceal their weapons. In 2006 the FBI did a study called "Violent Encounters: A Study of Felonious Assaults on Our Nation's Law Enforcement Officers" by Anthony Pinizzotto revealed that criminals carefully conceal their firearms, and they eschew the use of holsters. and I also would like to know Glock 'em down if someone is sitting in a Restaurant eating with an open firearm do you approach and ask for ID ? I do work in oklahoma sometimes so when I'm there I always carry, I also worked in Virginia and the leo's have a different approach with OC, they see you and they usually keep doing what they were doing, I did ask one trooper while I was in a wendy's why he didn't ID me and his response to me was he has never asked for an ID from a person OC'ing and it be from someone who shouldn't be so usually he won't ask.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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why should a cop ask to see credentials, unless there is a reason to detain the person
(traffic violation, disturbing the peace, etc.). excercising a right doesn't really warrant a search, does it?

but then, we don't need to get permission from the state to excercise our rights, do we?

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