All you chefs out there ...

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Hey Girl! I have tons of egg recipes, being on the Primal Diet. Look up there are tons of egg recipes there!

Ohhhh, thanks!!

I am fixin to chop up a jalapeño, mix it into some hamburger maybe with some onion. Then top the burgers with a fried egg.

Ewwwww ... fried eggs on a hamburger??!?! That makes me queasy just thinking about it ... LOL

I love eggs and free ones are even better, but I don't think it would be cost effective for me to drive all the way o'r there to get some.

I say find some neighbors with good gardens and do some trading? Or maybe setup a booth at the gun show lol!!!

HEY! The gun show thing might work ... I've thought about trying to put together a food swap but that just seems like a lot of trouble. I don't like being "responsible" for anything anymore. GC has completely ruined me!

Well I'm a bit short on egg recepies. However, I can come up with a bunch of recepies that contain chicken.

You and me both, buddy ... you and me both ...

I've never tried pickled eggs but I might just have to give them a whirl ... This is NUTS!! Wonder if the girls at the spa would take eggs in lieu of cash for a mani/pedi??


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
First off, thats not a bunch, I ordered 35 once. When the dog killed a bunch, i was mad, when the raccoons invaded, i wasnt sorry. When the hawks got hungry, it was ok. When the last one disapeared, i rejoiced. Chickens feed the wildlife around here. Rather buy my eggs.

Nasty fowls they are.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Yukon, OK
You know. My sister had a rooster that she didn't really care for. it was rather aggressive. One day it tried to spur one of her daughter. Would you imagine my brother-in-law was pretty accurate with his crossbow as that rooster ran for it. All I could think when I heard that story was the Zac Brown Band "Chicken Fry" song.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Ice cream.

I wish I could live on ice cream alone ...

First off, thats not a bunch, I ordered 35 once. When the dog killed a bunch, i was mad, when the raccoons invaded, i wasnt sorry. When the hawks got hungry, it was ok. When the last one disapeared, i rejoiced. Chickens feed the wildlife around here. Rather buy my eggs.

Nasty fowls they are.

LOL ... well, in our backyard I imagine 9 is about as many to us as 35 were to you. My dog and the chickens actually played together before Duke died suddenly and the chickens would chase him around if he had a treat! It was a HOOT!

I worried about the neighborhood raccoon but he hasn't been seen hide nor hair of since we got the girls -- and the one hawk I saw eyeballing them has never been back. It's kinda weird ... I have really mean chickens. They will patrol the fence and have a HISSY-FIT if a wild bird or squirrel gets on it. They have even pecked on me if I'm touching GC when we are in the backyard together. Heifers ... :grumble:

I do rather enjoy the compost I get from them. Maybe my garden will do better now ...

You know. My sister had a rooster that she didn't really care for. it was rather aggressive. One day it tried to spur one of her daughter. Would you imagine my brother-in-law was pretty accurate with his crossbow as that rooster ran for it. All I could think when I heard that story was the Zac Brown Band "Chicken Fry" song.

Yeah, I think GC was kinda shocked at how quickly I dispatched ours when he finally started crowing. He was kinda small but tasted really, really good. He was fun to watch. Every night he'd chase then hens up into the coop and then he'd go over to the rabbit hutch and chase them out of their run into their hutch for the night. Make one more run around the backyard and then ... UP into the hutch he'd go ...


Special Hen
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
Bethany, Oklahoma, United States
I tried that ... I've had ONE person bring back their carton ... Go figure. You'd think that me giving them FREE eggs and asking for the carton back to refill it would not be that hard to do. WTF is wrong with people??

I didn't really think about selling them either because I don't want folks coming to my house.

I'll figure something out, I'm sure ... even if it's just boiling and grinding them and feeding them back to the hens. It's just I've never really used eggs for much of anything except baking stuff. Man oh man ... let the holidays get here ... HURRY!! LOL

never heard an offer over here....but lots of fried egg stuff....fried stuff in general...dough, crust, cakes and other baked goods (hint hint)


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
never heard an offer over here....but lots of fried egg stuff....fried stuff in general...dough, crust, cakes and other baked goods (hint hint)

LOL ... you aren't within walking distance -- at least when it's 110 degrees outside. Tell you what, have Becky save her egg cartons (those things ain't cheap). When you get a few together then bring them over and I'll fill them up for y'all.

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