I hate it when the news wants opinions on gun laws.

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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Again makes no sense. Your assuming that on Nov. 1 half the state is going to be walking around with "Ar's slung" doubtful remember you have to have a permit still so who is going to be carrying openly CCW holders. There is always an idiot in every crowd seeking attention and it will happen here, but will not be a majority.

This is the person I'm talking about, who will needlessly polarize the issue. I'm confident most gun owners will refrain from flouting their hardware on Nov. 1 - it's the rest who concern me and others here. It wouldn't take more than the actions of a few individuals to undo the work of the many.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 9, 2009
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Oklahoma City
By "gradually" I would suggest being discreet about it - perhaps foregoing open carry for a few days or weeks after Nov 1. to give the issue some time to die down and the hostile media something else to occupy their attention. Then going around with a small pistol carried on the belt, but not calling attention to it by showing it off to folks in the area. That sort of thing; what I think will do the issue more harm than good would be the folks who might go around at 12:01 AM on Nov. 1st with a pair of six-shooters strapped to their legs, or carrying a slung AR for no reason other than to celebrate the new law, and needlessly providing the anti-gun crowd with fodder.

As for "if there was never a law put on it in the first place" - well, guess what? There was, and we have to live with that reality. So easing the state - and hopefully the country - away from the mindset that produced the law, would work better than polarizing the issue needlessly.

Do you realize how dumb that first paragraph sounds? So you're gonna tell people you can't carry a 1911 but you can carry your j frame revolver for the first week, then ease into it. The media is going to spout what they're going to spout. It makes no difference. Also I believe if someone shows off their gun to someone that should be defined as brandishing a firearm. Noone should take their weapon out of their holster to "show it off". The anti gun crowd doesn't need fodder, they do just as well making up their own.


Special Hen
Jun 21, 2011
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problem is your lumping everyone into one catagory based on something that has yet to happen. I personally think open carry is a great thing there are like 7 states in the US that don't allow some form of OC this is not a new thing folks. I thought OK was a leader in such issues.

Difference between a conservative and liberal is a conservative's position on OC is his own and he could care less what others do and a liberal says I don't like it so no one should be able to do it. Therefore those conservatives badgebunny speaks of are really liberals...


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
problem is your lumping everyone into one catagory based on something that has yet to happen. I personally think open carry is a great thing there are like 7 states in the US that don't allow some form of OC this is not a new thing folks. I thought OK was a leader in such issues.

Difference between a conservative and liberal is a conservative's position on OC is his own and he could care less what others do and a liberal says I don't like it so no one should be able to do it. Therefore those conservatives badgebunny speaks of are really liberals...

You're one of those folks who always has to be right, huh?? :lmfao: (It's ok, Perplexed ... I know what you meant! :wink2:)


Special Hen
Jun 10, 2011
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One thing that keeps coming to mind is that if we have a right and don't use it then we lose it.I don't think it is irresponsible for people to OC . I am in the group that can see it as a way to possibly deter some criminals. Will it deter all ? No . I But if it will help then I am all for it. Oklahoma had OC until 1971 and it was taken probably #1 people did not use it and #2 no one fought hard enough to keep it. I keep hearing about scaring the sheeple who are not used to seeing firearms. Well how ever are they ever going to get used to them if they never see them. As some have posted if you OC and are level headed and polite then you will do much to forward the ideas of the 2nd amendment .


Special Hen
Jun 21, 2011
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No I don't have to be right in this case I just happen to be right. It just aggravates me to hear people openly say things that reflect negatively on the topic "wild west" etc. Like I said if its not for you then don't do it. I support open carry, but I'm not thinking everyone in the state should be required to carry openly. I think OK is like the 44th state to pass OC.



Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
I think some of you guys are worse than a bunch of old spinster women! It is what it is. It passed. Some folks will do it, some won't. Some folks will be stupid about it, some won't. I will say this for some of ya though, watching you guys getting your Hanes all bunched up around your danglys over it is quite entertaining!

Please ... carry on ... I've got nothing else to do for another hour or so ... Watching fellers measure their manhood on the intrawebz is a favorite pass-time of mine ... :wink2:

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
Nice chip on your shoulder, but no where in that paragraph you quoted are the words "hate", "Stupid", or "Idiot", nor did he refer to the size of anyone's manhood.

There are way too many people in the shooting community (hell, on this board for that matter) who tell stories that scare the crap out of me to know they actually own/handle guns - its obvious from many of the attitudes/posts here that a lot of folks use their gun as an extension of their ego (i.e., they go looking for trouble with it, where as without it, they might go out of their way to avoid it). I've been in public places and seen/heard people show their CCW to someone they just met as if to impress them - I'm sorry, but that is just colossally stupid.

Seems like a lot of Open-Carry folks can't wait to get some of that attention, and you have to know that some of that attention won't be positive. Yet those very folks are the first to complain about how everyone "hates them" or "is against them". Guess what - those folks who are trying to warn you to watch your attitude/actions are your friends, not your enemies...


The folks you speak of and the stories your referring to scaring you are those folks still not carrying and handling firearms? How does open carry make it worse? I would rather know an idiot has a gun that not know and be surprised when he/she do something stupid. Your logic makes no sense

First off, I'm not against open-carry laws, I'm against stupidity (and you are correct - we have stupid people carrying now, and there will be stupid people carrying openly, so there isn't going to be a major change in the percentage of stupid people carrying).

But the attitudes will change in those who are stupid - mark my words. Again, I'm not advocating any changes to laws, I'm just worried on how the public will perceive gun-owners after people purposely open-carry their guns with an "in-your-face" attitude, or start puffing out their chests like the gun is a license to be a badass and purposely looking for trouble, or use their guns as a political tool such as a protest, or "reveal-your-carry" in an anti-gun private businesses (keep in mind, I'm taking all of these examples from stories posted here as either happening in the news or being suggested by members).

I'm not making this up man. News stories of it happening in the other places make me think it will happen here. The fact the folks are suggesting doing annoying "look at my gun" crap here on this board makes me think it will happen here. Think about the number of NDs in normal carry situations. Now think about someone in a demonstration trying to prove something they shouldn't be proving doing something stupid and causing an ND - that would be disastrous for gun-owners (and that's just one of about 100 different ways the wrong attitude and something to prove combined with open-carry of a loaded handgun could go wrong).

I sincerely hope I'm completely wrong and nothing happens, but if the posts I've read here and the news stories I've read from other states are any indication, we're in for some growing-pains with Open Carry.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
I, personally look forward to open carry. It will help me find a weapon faster if SHTF out on the town.

Seriously though, AMERICA! Carry when and where you want.


Special Hen
Sep 22, 2011
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It's been interesting to watch these discussions.

I come from Ohio, where OC was and has been a part of the Constitution since the beginning. Up there, the hodge-podge of reactions in different places (proned out in cities, ignored in small towns) was used to promote concealed carry. OFCC pushed the idea that while yes, the Consitution says we can open carry, there's such a variance in laws that we need a statewide concealed carry law.

I think doing it the way Oklahoma is doing it is a baby step. Look at Arizona, Vermont, Alaska and a few others that don't require a permit to CC at all. They didn't get there overnight, and neither will we. It takes baby steps, and that's really what this is. Maybe in three or four years, the OK gun groups can say, "Hey, this whole open carry thing has turned out to be a non-issue, so let's look at dropping the need for a permit to bear arms." Or maybe they push for a Constitutional Amendment.

The upshot is that open carry has been a non-issue in almost every place it's allowed, and the same will hold true here.

As for me, the main difference is that I'll switch from using my Smart Carry all the time to using it only for particular occasions, and using my Check 6 more often. I might be in the market for an IWB holster that carries my pro Carry a little lower though.

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