price gouging and sellers market.

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma city
Price gouging is when you buy up every mag you can get at $10 and turn around and try to sell them the same day for $50. Its taking advantage of our community for money. This community has been good to these people and now they turn around and get mad when some one calls them out on it.

I have a job to make my money, I don't need to try and shaft the people here. Nothing wrong with a slight profit but some people are just out for there own at the expense of everyone else.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Get off my lawn.
Price gouging is when you buy up every mag you can get at $10 and turn around and try to sell them the same day for $50. Its taking advantage of our community for money. This community has been good to these people and now they turn around and get mad when some one calls them out on it.

I have a job to make my money, I don't need to try and shaft the people here. Nothing wrong with a slight profit but some people are just out for there own at the expense of everyone else.

How much profit do you propose is acceptable for anyone?


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Get off my lawn.
Taking advantage would be buying the good deal on mags from the classifieds here, marking them up and listing them back on here. Digging some mags out of your stash because people are going full retard and getting some play money makes pretty good sense.

Stephen Cue

Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
West Tulsa
Its so simple guys. The people that dont like the word "gouging" are turning this into drama.

I dont like price gouging ON OSA, and I would like to see those people take their unreasonably high priced items to Armslist or Gunbroker.

I am in no way an authority on this site so I can wish all I want in one hand and **** in the other and see which fills first.

That being said any of my posts and the posts of others that have expressed their dislike of OSA price gouging are fully within the rules of the site.

Just like people have said, "if you dont like their price, dont buy". Same goes for anti-OSA gouging posts. If you dont like it ignore it.

What is good for the free-market is also food for free speech. Of course this site is a private forum so not exactly free market or free speech.

I care about this gun community because if we dont stick together for our...gasp....collective good, then we are truly screwed. The free market "rugged individualist" cannot save our culture. We must stand together.

Now, what does "No Price Gouging" on OSA have to do with fighting for our gun right? Im glad you ask, I will tell you.

OSA is a very rare anomoly. This is a place where member come first and foremost for information, help, comraderie, and shared gun values. The classifieds are not important to this site, its just a place where members can go a trade goods with other like minded people that share their values. We offer up our goods here to our members first to give them the opportunity to grab what we have to trade before we give it up to the OPEN market.

With me yet?

So when I see the classifieds becoming a cuttthroat free market, i.e. Armslist or Gunbroker, then it loses that special draw that we care and try to help fellow members. I have no problem and hold no ill will to members that have commodoties that want you cash in on at the going market rate, especially if they bought very low and can sell high, thats great!

But that is not what the OSA classifieds sections was intended for. It WAS a special place where we could find firearm related items that we might not be able to find easily in the open market and trade with like minded people. In no way am I saying that anyone should lose money on an item but noone should purposefully try to make bank of their fellow members just for the sake of taking their "easy money". That is not what this community is about.

Ive seen members that obviously didnt pay current market prices for their items and in turn put them on OSA for 300% + mark up.

Again, I have no issue with profits, but it does irk me to see those same members ask for help and get free info that saves them time and money turn around and try to capitalize big time on those same members that offered FREE HELP!!!

There is a guy on here, not naming names because I like the guy personally, but he posted on OSA that he needed the members help for a national contest. He ended up winning said contest because of OSA's help. He also did it another time and did not offer up anything in return for OSA's help. The other day I seen in the classifieds this same member selling items he obviously didnt pay high prices for trying to cash in on this panicked market. I was very surprised at this.

This is NOT what OSA is about, is it? I dont see his offering up his item for unreasonably high prices as helping out OSA.

I also see, "if I see if I sell to you below market, how can I replace it in this climate?"

Good question. Easy, take it to Armslist or Gunbroker if you want to make BIG profits, it shouldnt be that hard. Forgive me if I feel that the OSA classifieds sections is not a place to score a big profit.

BTW...if you need to replace an item in this climate, why are you selling in the first place. DONT SELL IF YOU NEED TO REPLACE IT!!!!

Sorry for the rant, but its simple if you dont like it. IGNORE ME!

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ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I stand by my statement. First what the govt. is doing and proposing to do, is illegal and traitorous, there is absolutely
No argument there. But regardless, they have not directly passed laws to price fix the markets. The markets are still free
To determine fair market value by the buyer/seller. If it isn't how do you explain people willing to pay the crazy prices
That sellers are getting? No one forced them to pay that price, they entered in to their decision to buy freely.

Through thousands of years, prices have been determined by the availability of any one item. Once that item becomes
Limited in quantity and you have more buyers needing an item than there are the items itself, the buyers always
Determine what they will pay to acquire said item. Once the last ban was allowed to expire, prices dropped dramatically.
I didn't see people complaining that all of a sudden they now could acquire everything a lot cheaper. And, I never recall
a seller of said items complain to the buyer that he was getting "gouged" buy selling at the new lower prices. Again, it
comes down to the market determining what buyers are willing to pay in said market.

I would love to still be able to aquire a few more 33 rd. Glock mags but am not willing to pay the asking price for them
at today's prices. I'm not going to be-otch about the prices, I'm either going to determine what my want/need will allow
me to pay for said item, or decide the end doesn't justify the means. The one I will not allow myself, is to base my decision on emotion vs. logic. I believe everyone here is confusing free market value for an item because their emotion
will not allow them the new reality. If people still believe that it Is "gouging" then sell me your excess 50rd. boxes of 9mm for $9 a box. I will thank you profusely for your fairness and your willingness to not allow the new normal to affect your
selling price since after all, that's what you paid for said item.

We can argue over proper use of "price-gouging", but I listed my definition of price gouging from in an earlier post and I'm just going by that. I never said the government price-fixed the gun-market, but there's no denying that passing a law that bans the sale/transfer/production/importation of thousands of firearms directly restrains the market (that is specifically an unjustified restraint on the market - see my previous post from earlier). The government will have intervened and regulated aspects of nearly the entire firearms market by passing any of the bills currently on the floor. Adjusting prices based on that unjustified restraint is price-gouging.

Let me state this another way. I am in no way in need of extra ammo or mags or AR parts (could more hurt... never, but I'm good for a very long time). I'm not screaming for the government to intervene, nor am I advocating price-fixing or anything to combat the affects of the government's actions by way of legislation to completely stop production of thousands of guns/accessories.

I've been tempted myself to sell what I have for a nice price-gouging profit, but I know that if I do - I'm contributing to the panic and fear. That's completely my right and nobody can tell me I'm not allowed to do that. I can even do it on this website, but if I do, I'm subject to the opinion of the community - and I can't ***** or whine about how everyone's treating me differently or calling me out for it. People are free to say what they will about me and I would absolutely expect some relationships to be soured over it. I probably wouldn't receive the same free advice I used to (at least for a while) and I would probably end up on some folks' lists of people not to do business with.

At that point, I'd have made my bed and left myself with no other choice.

Like I said, informing consumers about who is over-charging (based on what is still available and where) is part of consumer's rights in a free market. So in the end, I hope some of these gun-shops and members realize that they might be hurting themselves in the long run if they're over-charging to the point of upsetting their own customers. If they don't care about this community other than profiting from it, then I hope folks continue calling them out for it and they eventually leave.

Keep in mind that another side-affect of this is new gun folks who are ignorant about guns and desperate (as they may not have any guns of their own) also vote - and welcoming them to the community by profiteering at their expense is a good way to get them to run away from the gun community and vote against the 2nd.

I'm just saying that there are many consequences to what is happening right now. We should consider all of them before acting in the interest of short-term profit with a "future-be-damned" attitude.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
So you people think that we as individuals and businesses should sell our goods for a small fraction of market value? That doesn't even make sense, we aren't wholesalers, we shouldn't be expected to sell our goods at a price that allows the buyer to make more profit than we do. If prices are too high they will come down, if this is the new norm you won't miss out by waiting a few months to purchase.

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