AWB response from Coburn

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Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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The end of this points to a big problem. Since many households have both parents working in order to but up all of the modern things we think we can not live without far too many kids are being left to their own devises. Parents expecting the schools to teach them all they need to know is never going to happen. And before you get to bashing upon me, you should know I took custody of both of my kids from my x. Its not easy but it can be done to raise kids decently.

I wouldn't bash you. I agree that some parents have little to no time because they are trying to make ends meet. However, there are others that just don't care. So you have kids that grow up with issues. A lot of them get put on meds and think that it will solve the problem. To me, it's just putting a band-aid on it. Most people take the easy route. No one wants to work anymore, at anything. It's sad.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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He is leaving himself wiggle room to please the anti's. Typical politician's letter: "I'm in favor of this but on the other hand I like this and I'm open to reasonable measures" It is written so that we will read and grab onto what sounds good to us while not seeing how he is leaving the door open to losing part of our gun rights.

He needs to unequivocally commit to opposing the second amendment from any infringement. In addition one of his talking points should be that the second amendment is what keeps us safe so it is imperative that we reject any and all infringement.

As others have pointed out, we need to fight the bit by bit loss of our gun rights. Our liberty depends on this. I sense that Coburn is ready to compromise in order to look good instead of standing behind the second amendment without compromise. Standing behind the second amendment makes you a gun nut in Washington circles. This letter make me aware that Coburn needs to hear from us explicitly - "No infringement period, that is the reasonable position not compromise."

Having had dinner with Dr. Coburn here in Tulsa at a GOA meeting, I can tell you that he is in the gun rights camp. He might have had a discouraging remark about the NRA because they were to soft on 2A rights.

Also, having worked for a politician that received many many many emails, letters and phone calls, they sometimes write responses that can be patronizing to both sides of an argument while not showing their full intent.



Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
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He said he wants an honest discussion. So do I. I want to have an honest discussion with the gun grabbers. I'll be honest with them if they'll be honest with me. We can talk about many different possible solutions if they will be honest and admit that assault weapon bans don't work. Be honest and admit that magazine restrictions don't work. Be honest and admit that gun free zones don't work. Be honest and admit that gun bans, in general, don't work. I'm all for honesty.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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He said he wants an honest discussion. So do I. I want to have an honest discussion with the gun grabbers. I'll be honest with them if they'll be honest with me. We can talk about many different possible solutions if they will be honest and admit that assault weapon bans don't work. Be honest and admit that magazine restrictions don't work. Be honest and admit that gun free zones don't work. Be honest and admit that gun bans, in general, don't work. I'm all for honesty.

Amen brother, keep preaching!


Special Hen
May 16, 2010
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I agree with most of what he says. I don't agree that violent video games and television are responsible.

I have a divergent opinion from you on the violence in video games and television. Let me explain.

You and I have talked on the phone and done business together. From all indications, you are a rational, responsible, law abiding citizen. You would never harm an innocent person let alone a child; nor would I. Violence in video games and movies has absolutely zero effect on you mentally and I am the same way. My wife however, works in the social services sector. She deals with individuals who are mentally handicapped on a daily basis. Some of these individuals exhibit homicidal and / or suicidal tendencies. These feelings will often flair up when the individual is exposed to violence and they can and do attempt to act on these feelings. For these people, reality is blurred. I believe these mass murderer's are obviously insane, and with this insanity, I believe their actions ARE influenced when they see violence. If not, why else would James Holmes commit his acts dressed like the Joker?

To summarize, I believe the vast majority of people are not affected by violence in video games or movies. However, these people are not the one committing atrocities; the mentally ill are. I also believe they are affected by violence in video games, movies, and television. In my wife's line of work, these individuals are under the care of trained and qualified individuals that can identify these types of issues. It is those people who are not under psychiatric or patient care that are turning in to mass murderers.


Special Hen
May 28, 2008
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The end of this points to a big problem. Since many households have both parents working in order to but up all of the modern things we think we can not live without far too many kids are being left to their own devises. Parents expecting the schools to teach them all they need to know is never going to happen. And before you get to bashing upon me, you should know I took custody of both of my kids from my x. Its not easy but it can be done to raise kids decently.

I wouldn't bash you. I agree that some parents have little to no time because they are trying to make ends meet. However, there are others that just don't care. So you have kids that grow up with issues. A lot of them get put on meds and think that it will solve the problem. To me, it's just putting a band-aid on it. Most people take the easy route. No one wants to work anymore, at anything. It's sad.

These are both quite true. I know many parents who choose to allow their children to raise themselves because they don't want to accept the responsibility of doing so. I've seen parents tell teachers that it is their responsibility to deal with a child's behavioral issues because they don't have time. Family doesn't mean what it once did. I believe I'm fortunate enough to have had an absentee family that drove me to want to be closer to, and more involved with, my own children. I'm no zealot, but I truly believe some families need to start turning off the electronics and start spending at least a little quality time getting to know their kids.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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I agree, it's not the video games or the Quentin Tarantino movies. Video games have been thought to cause some increase in aggression, but if one has a good sense of reality versus fantasy, they cause no harm as per the research.
I had not heard of a study showing a link between violent video games and increased aggression, but the NRA Daily News interviewed a researcher at Ohio State who has. I can't recall which day it was, but it was around December 20th.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Congress does not have the authority to decide what firearms Americans should be able to possess for lawful purposes.

This doesn't sound like he's leaving any wiggle room for any antis:

This statement and the letter seems to leave open the possibility of registration of firearms, background checks for all transfers, banning standard capacity mags and other "reasonable solutions."

We need to ask him if he opposes these and all other new infringements of the second amendment.

...Done. Here's the e-mail I sent to him:
Senator Coburn,

Do you oppose all new proposed infringements of the Second Amendment?
Specifically, do you oppose
background checks for private transfers, registration of firearms, and the banning of standard capacity magazines, with or without grandfathering?

I urge you to clearly and unambiguously state that you oppose all proposed infringements of the Second Amendment. While I realize that compromise and flexibility are usually considered wise in Washington, I urge you to be a statesman and completely reject the current onslaught of legislative efforts aimed at subverting the Second Amendment.They will do nothing to enhance safety and everything to compromise our freedom by leading us down the path to gun confiscation, ala Australia and England.
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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2006
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SW of Vinita
He is leaving himself wiggle room to please the anti's. Typical politician's letter: "I'm in favor of this but on the other hand I like this and I'm open to reasonable measures"

I might feel the same way if this was some junior congressman with no record for us to examine. But Coburn has been THE deciding vote several times. It's one thing to "be watchful" but it's another to jump to bad conclusions about one of our most faithful supporters. He deserves better than that.

A couple of weeks ago there was an article in my ABC news app. The title was something like, "The One Man in the Senate who Could Stop Gun Control." And the lead photo was of Senator Coburn. The article reviewed past efforts at gun control and pointed to several votes where Coburn refused to "go along" and let bills be voted on. If he didn't like the bill, he filibustered it whether the GOP officially called for it or not.

I've known the man since before he was elected as a Representative. He's a lot more openly religious than I am but other than that... I go where he goes. I WISH we had more Senators like him as far as the budget and federal debt are concerned! Then we MIGHT actually be able to fix this fiscal mess.


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