Fire mission Tulsa. Save the Brady name.

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Aug 1, 2013
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As to someone suggesting that I should be offended by a street named for Jackson, I am. To someone suggesting that because we have other streets named for racists, that it should be okay, is nonsense. If anything, it reveals that we've held these names to such a high standard, yet these people don't even deserve to be spat on if on fire. Just because someone had wealth, and the power that accompanies it, doesn't mean we should honor them in any way. It does disgust me when I see anything that most people consider "patriotic" when it really honors the genocide of my people.


Special Hen
Sep 25, 2007
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The section called "Notoriety in Tulsa" gives a decent synopsis. I don't know about you, but to me those acts don't fall under "remotely controversial" or "we all have faults." I'd go with "hate crime" and "terrorism."

From your link: "Brady was known for hiring black people to work in his hotels and other businesses, a controversial practice at the time. An entrepreneur himself, Brady was said to have taught his black employees to start their own businesses so they could be successful. Mabel B. Little, a survivor of the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921[2] writes in her book Fire on Mount Zion: My Life and History as a Black Woman in America: "Another man, Mr. Tate Brady had good feelings for black people. He hired several black boys as porters. But he told them up front, "Listen, boys: I'm gonna train you so you can get your own businesses someday."

Seemed to help the blacks when most didn't and where did it say he planned the 1921 riot as has been claimed. Actually that's what bothers me is the "rumored" or "alleged" facts that are never proven. I'm not saying that I agree with the tar/feathering of union member, BUT the IWW wanted to abolish capitalism and wage labor.

I really don't care what they call the district as I rarely go there. But, this is just a start and other names will be changed as a result.
As far a renaming it Burlington after the railroad, as a Native American that offends me (not really). Look up the history of railroads and what offensive things they did to build them. The railroads are what helped exterminate the Indian tribes, used the Chinese as if they were disposable and confiscated large sections of land they didn't need to build the railroad. See, just about any name can have it's baggage.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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As to someone suggesting that I should be offended by a street named for Jackson, I am. To someone suggesting that because we have other streets named for racists, that it should be okay, is nonsense. If anything, it reveals that we've held these names to such a high standard, yet these people don't even deserve to be spat on if on fire. Just because someone had wealth, and the power that accompanies it, doesn't mean we should honor them in any way. It does disgust me when I see anything that most people consider "patriotic" when it really honors the genocide of my people.

Didn't Andrew Jackson adopt a couple of Indian boys as sons?
Jackson was a great leader - anyone responsible for killing that many Brits can't be all bad. If it weren't for his policies, my family wouln't have moved to "Indian Territory".

When will someone whine and cry to have Stand Watie's name taken off the N-S highway through NE Oklahoma? Last Confederate general to surrender, I recall. My home of Sapulpa is named for a Creek Indian soldier, a Confederate....
Cmon, let's all say "victim".....


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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Tate Brady was indeed a Klansman, during the 1921 riots it's reported that he was working as a security guard and watched 5 different black men being drug behind vehicles down the street and did nothing.

Now I don't know about you but the first part is not a surprise, being a "secret" society I'd bet more than a few of the upstanding white men we hold up to be fine gentlemen today may have been closet racists. My grandmother was for sure, and I have heard more than enough about my great grandparents to know they were.

The second part, I defy any one of you to tell me that in the midst of a riot you would inject yourself into the situation to likely end up crippled for life or killed regardless of race for someone who is not a friend or relative.

Did he tar and feather 17 union organizers? Probably, but again no surprise when you had business's hiring Pinkerton's as strike busters and organized labor fire bombing business's and executives, threatening families etc.


Special Hen
Nov 1, 2009
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If I remember my history lessons correctly George Washington owned slaves. All the people who want to change the street name should be offended by the dollar bill and send them to me and not accept any more from our government. PayPal welcome.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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His attempt to deflect and place the cost of a name change as a reason Brady District/Street business' is a red herring. Is the city going to bill them for new street signs? Who did they bill for the Martin Luther King street signs? FYI I will never call it MLK it will always be North Cincinnati to me. Why did the city only change it on the north side and not the south side as well?

If so many civic organizations want it renamed, they can post up money to print and hang new signs. Seems like a much more noble cause than some of the other BS we do in the name of inclusiveness. And you know I'm one of the more liberal leaning members here on these issues. But we (Tulsa/Tulsans) can do this another way if we're so motivated about it.

And I am with you on MLK. Complete stupidity. Like a street name means anything. If only I could be so honored as to someday have a street posthumously named for me. :rolleyes:


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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'Supporting a 1923 military tribunal, Brady stated that he, like his father before him, was a member of the Klan. He stated that he had quit the Klan because he was a Democrat and would not be told how to vote.[8]"

I liked this part...

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
'Supporting a 1923 military tribunal, Brady stated that he, like his father before him, was a member of the Klan. He stated that he had quit the Klan because he was a Democrat and would not be told how to vote.[8]"

I liked this part...

Hahaha - I can hear everyone who didn't care about the name change in this thread now: "well I didn't care about the Klan stuff, but if he's a Democrat, then F@#$ him - let's get that name changed"

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