What do you really think will happen

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 14, 2012
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They will shut down more fed services, shut down welfare. Riots and looting will start in large cities because of welfare being cut off, causing the Fed to activate the military to police the unsafe city streets. Once military interviens people will be relocated from the major cities for there own safety to other parts of the country via trains. Trains will take people to concentration camps where history will repeat itself. Folks in the countryside will be relocated after more room is made.......


Special Hen
Aug 26, 2010
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Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
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McClain County
Lets say there is no agreement on the budget, and the debt limit is not raised. In effect, lets say nothing gets done on either issue and this issue continues into next year. Assume that just printing a boatload more cash is off the table.

What is the real effect on the average joe, like us?

I can't speak for everyone, but I can tell you that I'm screwed if this thing goes on for a while. After departing active duty, I chose to be a reservist and attend law school. Working for the reserves and drawing my GI BIll benefits was the equivalent of having a couple of low paying part time jobs. Since I have no debt, I've been able to pull it off. Now that the government is shut down, drills for the National Guard and Reserves have been cancelled until something gets straightened out budget wise. This is a budget hit for me and a military readiness hit for the nation. Several months of no drill will result in a reserve composed of cash strapped members who are out of practice in our career fields. When you consider that the National Guard and Reserves account for a significant portion of our nation's military capability, things get a little scary.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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They will shut down more fed services, shut down welfare. Riots and looting will start in large cities because of welfare being cut off, causing the Fed to activate the military to police the unsafe city streets. Once military interviens people will be relocated from the major cities for there own safety to other parts of the country via trains. Trains will take people to concentration camps where history will repeat itself. Folks in the countryside will be relocated after more room is made.......

Eh.... I was with you for a bit.

I do think if this goes on more than a couple of weeks, and if ANY and I mean absolutely ANY real "welfare" benefits end up cut off, we WILL see rioting and looting in a major metropolitan area.

And it will all be laid at the feet of Republicans, without a doubt.

And as a result, if it spreads to a few more major areas, I don't see relocations, I see martial law and suspension of the normal checks and balances. This will be enacted by Presidential order and it will be praised as a necessary evil, and it will open the door to rewrite the Constitution. They already think it's outdated and half the stuff in it isn't useful or needed anymore - see how many people already think we don't need guns anymore and have no problem saying the 2nd should be repealed and discarded.

Just my $0.02. Not saying this is going to happen, I am saying this is how I believe events would transpire if this doesn't end well. But it will... they will all come to some kind of kick-the-can agreement that only pushes things back till after the holidays, because they are all too invested in the Washington Machine to actually work it out in a meaningful manner. It's all part of the Power Game and their cushy, entitled, powerbroking lives are way too important to them.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX

Increasing The Statutory Limit On The Public Debt

Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that "the buck stops here". Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.

Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)

March 16, 2006"

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