Fallin Says 10 Commandments Will Stay Regardless of Courts Decision

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Jan 19, 2007
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An Open Letter to Okla. Attorney General Scott Pruitt on the Ten Commandments


There is not a single legal principle that is either unique or original to the Ten Commandments that significantly influenced American law.

First, let's identify which set of Ten Commandments that were allegedly part of our foundation. Is it the set in Exodus 20 or Exodus 34? Or perhaps it's the sets in Deuteronomy 5 or Deuteronomy 27? For the sake of argument, I'll assume it's the set on the Oklahoma capitol lawn.

This is a big assumption because, as anyone who's familiar with the bible will realize, the wording on the capitol monument is heavily edited. The monument's precepts appear to come from Exodus 20, but apparently the original version was too barbaric (or perhaps the monument authors simply know better than god.) Either way, the monument strays heavily from the original.

For instance, the monument leaves out some integral language from the second commandment—the prohibition on graven images. The original includes, "for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation..." Please tell me, Mr. Pruitt, is punishing innocent children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren for the crimes of their parents what you meant by "foundation of Western law?"

If not, then perhaps you were referring to the implicit blessing of that most holy institution, slavery, which is referenced in both the fourth and tenth commandments (but is again omitted from or altered on this monument)? The tenth commandment also treats women as property, lumping them in with cattle and slaves, something the monument authors did not think worth changing.

Punishing innocent children, blessing slavery, denigrating women—as Oklahoma's highest law enforcement officer you ought to be saying "good riddance" to the bad rubbish this monument represents, not promising to repeal part of Oklahoma's law.

Surely you can't mean that the first four commandments, which have nothing to do with morality and actually prohibit the free exercise of religion, are the basis of western law? Nor could you mean that prohibitions on coveting—commandments 9 and 10 on the monument—are the foundation of western law because they amount to criminalizing thought. And as you must know, freedom of thought is protected absolutely under our First Amendment.

The process of elimination tells me that you must be referring to the prohibitions on murder, theft, lying, and adultery. But these commandments are not original or unique to Judeo-Christianity. These are universal, human principles that virtually every successful society has implemented. Even the Ten Commandments were not telling the Israelites something new. Surely you aren't contending that the chosen people thought murder, theft, and lying perfectly acceptable before a burning bush told them otherwise?

If you are arguing that your particular brand of religion is responsible for the universal prohibitions of these rather obvious wrongs, then your religiously motivated arrogance has gotten the better of you.

Which of the Ten Commandments are, as you claimed, the basis of Western law? I eagerly await your response.

- See more at: http://ffrf.org/news/blog/item/2319...-on-the-ten-commandments#sthash.B7xNDtH0.dpuf

Pure pwnage.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I have tried to recuse myself as best I can since I am openly biased...I see much benefit in Western Christianity and all the stability and prosperity it has given us...I accept God's law as far superior to man's law. My loyalty is to God over man too. But I do not like to see people try to justify something "no matter what" instead of just being honest. If the law says what I heard on the radio, then it would seem the court rules in accordance with the law? I personally do not mind them being there, and I am probably part of the majority in this state.

But if this were the forced vaccine debate, I'd be arguing this issue as one of those who personally favors vaccines but is against forcing them on people...this issue isn't quite the same since the ten commandments existing on a piece of ground isn't the same physical impact injecting formaldehyde into someone's body. But none the less I wanted to make the comparison in hopes to get those in this thread thinking who TAKE THE OPPOSITE SIDE depending on the issue...everyone is a hypocrite. Apply your principles consistently darn it!

Spec ops Grunt

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2011
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This is grounds for impeachment and in my opinion constitutes a violation of law.

She needs to be removed from office and charged accordingly.

Of course nothing will happen with the way our local politics are.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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Did the Supreme Court put a time frame on their ruling? If not, Fallin should decree that, in accordance with the Supreme Court's ruling, the monument will be removed...
...1000 years from now.

I think it goes to the Civil Court of Appeals, and any decision by the State Supreme Court gets 1 appeal. I don't know what the time frame is on submitting an appeal(i want to say 30 days), but I don't see a contempt charge coming down when they know an appeal is in the works. Although it should rightfully be denied in which case the courts will likely issue an order to take the monument down or face legal repercussions. The only way around it after that would be to amend the constitution before the deadline to take it down....and there isn't a chance in hell of that happening(lol)

SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
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I have tried to recuse myself as best I can since I am openly biased...I see much benefit in Western Christianity and all the stability and prosperity it has given us...I accept God's law as far superior to man's law. My loyalty is to God over man too. But I do not like to see people try to justify something "no matter what" instead of just being honest. If the law says what I heard on the radio, then it would seem the court rules in accordance with the law? I personally do not mind them being there, and I am probably part of the majority in this state.

And what is your source of "God's law" that you reference? The bible? A collection of stories that mirror the previously told stories of Mithra? Or the Kimet? Stories written by Khazars who had no history of their own but who saw the advantage of adopting existing myths and claiming them to be their own while telling everyone they were God's chosen?

Christianity, like Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and Islam are all religions based on the worship of Saturn. There is nothing about any of them that are good but instead evil. None of them seek truth based on facts or reason but instead rely on faith, belief and emotion.

This entire debate is a waste of energy as government is a paper fiction. A lie and a deception. A shadow world in Plato's Cave. And just about everyone keeps on thinking that it is all real. Eyes that are blind and minds that don't comprehend. Sad.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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1) it's not only atheists against the monument

2) why would they care, they can just wait for the next person to come along and drive a car into it.

You can bet it is the atheists behind it. They are just as set on have their way as the most religious fundamentalist I have ever seen.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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This is just another skirmish in the culture war. Morality and traditional values must be fought everywhere they are found. How very "progressive" of us.

I don't mean to educate, but morality and values have absolutely nothing to do with this fight. Removing this religious momument from state property will not magically alter what is/is not acceptable behavior within the laws of the land. Nor does it implicate a lack of morality or values among those who would see it moved.

Considering how carefully and intently the constitution was written, accepting the placement of this monument is, in fact, the true progressive thought.

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