Explanation of today's IG Report ......!

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Unethical behavior by FBI agents is revealed in the IG report. Who is running the show now and why is there no move to severely discipline, if not fire, unethical agents??

The inspector general’s report about the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s private email server scandal, released on Thursday, said:

We have profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review.

In addition, we identified instances where FBI employees improperly received benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events.

We will separately report on those investigations as they are concluded, consistent with the Inspector General Act, other applicable federal statutes, and OIG policy.

The report goes on to recommend that “the FBI evaluate whether (a) it is sufficiently educating its employees about both its media contact policy and the Department’s ethics rules, and (b) its disciplinary penalties are sufficient to deter such improper conduct.”

The Office of Government Ethics describes specific restrictions on executive branch employees accepting gifts. A “prohibited source” of a gift is “seeking official action” or “has an interest.”

The question arises if and when that affects a news organization with an interest in information held by a government employee who is taking gifts, potentially using that job for personal gain.

“We are looking at two potential crimes. One is potential disclosure of classified information. The second is potential bribery,” Curt Levey, president of the Committee for Justice, a nonprofit conservative legal group, told The Daily Signal. “Under bribery statutes, the Supreme Court has determined you have to prove a quid pro quo.”

That would be a difficult case to prosecute, because bribery is often thought of in the context of giving a government official “cash or a Rolex,” said David Rivkin, a lawyer who served in the White House Counsel’s Office under President George H.W. Bush.

“If an FBI agent received meals and benefits in exchange for providing this information, it might fall under the bribery statute,” Rivkin told The Daily Signal. “You might convince a grand jury, but can you convince a jury?”

Rivkin said another potential offense would be FBI agents misusing government property or the authority of their office to advance a purely personal agenda.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
So realistically, what can be done regarding the inaccuracies of the report? Other than hand wringing and name calling.

The IG cannot subpoena nor press charges. (the IG has some minor powers of Subpoena to be clear, but not full powers) If another special prosecutor is appointed to investigate Mueller, they have the power to convene a grand jury, subpoena witnesses and if they lie, press charges.
The IG(Horowitz) can only request the AG (sessions) to investigate inaccuracies in testimony. The AG has the option to ignore that request, and so far Sessions has ignored the IG's report.
Welcome to the Swamp.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I've been beating this dead horse and will keep doing so until it gets done. Trump needs to decapitate Main Justice and the Hoover Building swamp creatures. Sessions, Mueller, Wray etc. must GO! :(
I totally agree....But if he did can you imagine the gnashing of teeth that would occur? Do you think he could withstand that onslaught? Even the RINOs would turn with the dims. I'm not sure he could survive it, he just caved on separating kids from their "parents".

But I could totally get behind him firing Sessions and doing a recess appointment of Trey Gowdy at AG. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! I don't think they would confirm him, just because, well, reasons. There you go Trey, you're back in the legal system where you belong and want to be. Now ride that ***** till it burns all the way down.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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I totally agree....But if he did can you imagine the gnashing of teeth that would occur? Do you think he could withstand that onslaught? Even the RINOs would turn with the dims. I'm not sure he could survive it, he just caved on separating kids from their "parents".

But I could totally get behind him firing Sessions and doing a recess appointment of Trey Gowdy at AG. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! I don't think they would confirm him, just because, well, reasons. There you go Trey, you're back in the legal system where you belong and want to be. Now ride that ***** till it burns all the way down.

I mentioned in another thread a couple of weeks ago, that's what I hope happens in November when his term is done. Not sure it will/would happen, but I can sure hope. :)


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
So realistically, what can be done regarding the inaccuracies of the report? Other than hand wringing and name calling.
The House has constitutional oversight of the FBI. According to several house members today, articles of impeachment have been drawn on Rosenstein for slow walking documents. Three step process to get the subpoenaed documents they have had on subpoena for months. He will be ordered to testify before the house, then given a deadline to produce the documents. If he doesn't comply the articles of impeachment will be served on him and he is out.
I suspect he will take it all the way to impeachment or resign first. There has to be some damning evidence about something that he doesn't want seen and he is going to take a bullet for the swamp team.
Once those documents are produced, and researched, a new investigation can be initiated.
Actually with the current IG report, Jeff Sessions has no need to retain his recusal in the Trump investigation as no foul was found.
He should take charge of cleaning house in the FBI hierarchy and if he doesn't he should be fired.
Here is a link to a list of senior FBI agents that have either resigned, left, or have been fired since Trump took office.


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2017
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I've heard Trey is hanging his hat up but I'm not sure what that meant. Maybe he's opening a pawn shop or???? Lol. I hope he stays working for us somewhere. I really like that guy.

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