Neighbor Woes: What Rights Do I Have To Maintain A Private Road...

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
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Geez, there must be easier ways of getting out of helping someone move...

Yeah, I think it was their son or son in law or something like that. I doubt he ever had to worry about attempting to move them again. From what I heard he was drunk anyway which really explains his attitude and actions... Some people should just stay home if they want to be on the sauce.


Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
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under the rock
I live on a 1/2 mile long private road along with 2 others. I am on the last one on the road. We each own the portion of the road that crosses our land and there is a legal right of way to the public so the road cannot be fenced or access restricted in any way (verified this through oklahoma county clerks office).

MY neighbor is a butt head. plain and simple the dude is a tiny brain turd bird deluxe. He is the first one on the road and his driveway has been getting washed out by the rain so instead of installing a tin horn...he has filled in the drainage ditches with dirt so the water jumps on the main road and crosses it to the other side all the while washing out the main road. This neighbor and i basically hate each other and i cant talk to him anymore without the serious likelihood of violence taking place. I have been back and forth with the city for months about this and finally got told today that they can do nothing to help since they have no drainage easements or any rights to the road at all.

So I am curious if anyone has a clue as to what rights i have to maintain the road even the portion that falls on his land? I have spent a lot of money maintaining this road without his help only to have some idiot ruin it because he doesnt want to install the proper drainage. So up to this point i have done every bit of upkeep including the portions that the other neighbors own but i am wondering if he wanted to make things worse for me, could he get something stating that i cannot work the road that crosses his property so i have to "legally" let the road deteriorate?
Call the county commissioner.


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma
It's a private road. The County Commissioner has no jurisdiction there.
Just as the CC has no jurisdiction in your backyard.
When I was a kid (in Texas), our "driveway" was actually a county section line road that had been more/less abandoned. It crossed a creek farther along our property with a bridge that would occasionally wash out completely. The county replaced the bridge for many years, but they finally refused to do so.

So, ya never know... but it won't hurt to ask. ;)

Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
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I also wonder if its worth looking into what it would take to convert the road to a county road? You may have to make improvements to their standards but then if you can transfer it to them. They will upkeep it and idiot neighbor will have to deal with them if he screws it up. Especially since you have a business at the end of it. They are collecting taxes I would imagine.


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score
Logan county, on a dirt road
That doesn't mean the county commissioner doesn't have influence. Or the sheriff.
Sometimes jurisdiction isn't necessary.

I got into a tiff with a neighbor regarding how folks were (not) using the road on which I live. It's a privately maintained road.
On part of the road, there where huge holes, due to the cabbagebrains down there not being willing to forgo one pizza a month to have money to contribute to a road fund.
To avoid the giant hole(s), said cabbagebrains were driving around, onto my property.
I installed t- posts to stop that behavior.

One of the aforementioned cabbagebrains ran over one of the t-posts (on my property), and damaged their vehicle.
That CB called the Sheriff. A Deputy came out. I spoke with him, showed him the property line. I inquired about pressing charges on folks destroying my property.
The deputy agreed that I could press charges. The deputy informed the CB of same, and the deputy left.

Next, the CB called the County Commissioner.

The County Commissioner called me, and I stated to him "This is a privately maintained road. You have no jurisdiction here. You are not helping by trying to insert yourself."
The CC agreed, and excused himself.

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