I didn't know beans about high blood pressure...

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Special Hen
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Southern Oklahoma
In case anyone is wondering, I'm still alive. However, there was a death in my...

computer. :D

For those who are worried about getting your time back, it's just boring stuff from here down.

I run 3 hard drives. 2 are carbon copies of my old '98SE system (who's mobo died), the 3rd is the drive that came with this XP clunker. I also back up important stuff from the XP drive (C:) to the other two.

One of the backup drives died a while back, and I failed to replace it in a timely fashion. Last week, the remaining backup drive started softly cooing like a dove. It literally sounded like "coo...coo...coo..."

And when I tried to access it, my file explorer locked up. So I shut things down, removed it and installed two new (more/less new, they were pulls from unsold computers) Seagate drives.

After getting everything set up (primary/extended partitions, drives, formatting), I disconnected the primary backup and re-connected the "cooing" drive in it's place, leaning at sort of a 30 degree angle or so.

It mounted right up, and I started copying files. By being careful and not running it very long at at time, I finally got all the data I wanted off it. Then I re-installed the new primary backup and copied everything to it.

Some of the data & apps/games/utilities are from the '90s, and I was pretty happy to rescue them. :drunk2:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
Lol, ya do realize mine is an XP, not an XT... :D
Oh yeah. Still a classic in the data world.
I got in right after the Tandy. Made my living off those things and the things they can control. Chip level troubleshooter back in the day when it was solid state and folks could still desolder a component and replace it.
Still a field out there for that skill, but it's getting out of date as well.


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Southern Oklahoma
I recently found out I have high blood pressure. My readings are approximately 175/145. Currently working with the doctor to get it down.
Sorry to hear that, keep us posted on what works. Luck.

FWIW, I've been eating only one can of beans daily for the past couple days, and it still seems to be quieting the cicadas down nicely.


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Southern Oklahoma
UPDATE... in case anyone is interested. :D

Today I had a can of sweet peas instead of beans.

Besides the beans/peas, I've also been taking 2-3 99mg potassium caplets per day (I was taking one originally), and took a garlic capsule (1000mg) per day for 2-3 days. Today, I took one Ginkgo (120mg extract, 300mg leaf) instead of the garlic. I've also cut back on the drinks a bit, and have had none today (lol, so far).

So... things are still more/less in the trial stage. I need to see if my current supplement regimen gives me headaches after a few days (always a dealbreaker for me).

HOWEVER.... I checked my BP a few minutes ago with the electronic tester, and it was 127/90, with a pulse rate of 84.

Color me a happy camper. :drunk2:

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