581 people have been shot and killed by police so far in 2017

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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Yeah that's the same thing....lol

But it is relevant!! A small percentage of cops are bad so the whole nation is screaming for justice!!!
Still waiting on someone to answer why the US has a higher incident rate of police killing cillivians than other developed countries. It can't be the 2A as we all make the argument that bad guys will use anything ad a weapon if they didn't have guns and the data shows that the police do in fact kill bad guys that are armed with weapons other than guns. So what is it? Does the US just have that many more bad guys than the rest of the world? If that's the case what is causing the number of bad guys to be so high here compared to the rest of the world?

Do you really think most countries out there allow this kind of info to be aired in public?? In 1998 or there about the FCC did away the the equal time law and it has turned our "news" into the media. Now with the exception of 2 or 3 news sources you get agenda based media designed to promote whoevers at the top of the "news" ideals... Rarely do I see an unbiased news report.
We have a problem of news reporters trying to be the news instead of reporting the news. And that leads to chaos. Look at Furgasun MO and how that got completely out of hand because of crappy journalist putting out BS info before checking the facts...

Any police going rouge is bad but unless we develop robots that can be programmed to be law enforcement there will always be bad ones . I mean they are human!!! With all of our problems that come with being human.

As far as the bad guys... Look to the parents. If my Dad would have caught me acting like some of the bad guys act , police would not need be involved , he would have taken me behind the shed and beat the **** out of me.


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
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Yukon, Oklahoma, United States


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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Yukon the Boston police reaching out to the public is great! To bad they are only using the good event to attack the Donald LOL.
Gang violence is rampant in the U.S. and the media talks about Trump all day everyday. Wish they would spend equal time on some other issues that are way more pressing than what the Donald tweeted last night. Trump can't do **** with out the House and senate.
They need to let the loss for President go and get on with real issues. Trump will prolly be gone in 3 1/2 years ... Gang violence will not unless some one high up in government makes some serious changes..
Instead we get 24/7 of Trumps an *******!!! 6 months of this **** is enough now move on with some real issues!!!
You know like the fact most of America can't afford insurance!!!
Cancer is killing millions
Radical religion is killing millions
kids are graduating high school and can't spell or make change!!

But no Trumps latest tweet is way more important!!!

D. Hargrove

Jan 9, 2017
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American society today suffers from a pervasive culture of fear, distrust, and selfishness. Our desire to have guns for protection stems from fear of others and fear of losing our hard worked for material possessions. Racism is a product of fear as well — fear of those who look, sound and act different or might have different ideas and beliefs from our own combined with a selfish unwillingness to see the world through the eyes of anyone but ourselves. Conflicts, arguments and protests over religious belief are also a product of fear, selfishness, and distrust of those things we fail to unacknowledge or understand.
Racism, wanting/needing guns for self protection, this need being real or imagined and religious intolerance are all symptoms of a society where the most serious problem is having become governed by fear of the above and characterized by distrust of the masses.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Yukon the Boston police reaching out to the public is great! To bad they are only using the good event to attack the Donald LOL.
Gang violence is rampant in the U.S. and the media talks about Trump all day everyday. Wish they would spend equal time on some other issues that are way more pressing than what the Donald tweeted last night. Trump can't do **** with out the House and senate.
They need to let the loss for President go and get on with real issues. Trump will prolly be gone in 3 1/2 years ... Gang violence will not unless some one high up in government makes some serious changes..
Instead we get 24/7 of Trumps an *******!!! 6 months of this **** is enough now move on with some real issues!!!
You know like the fact most of America can't afford insurance!!!
Cancer is killing millions
Radical religion is killing millions
kids are graduating high school and can't spell or make change!!

But no Trumps latest tweet is way more important!!!
Yes, lots of important issues to discuss, but this thread is about police violence and killings. On that topic, the president of the united states has publicly, openly, and purposely incited police violence...so yes it's definitely relevant. We need a leader than can bring peace to our country and help with police-community relations, but Trump is instead polarizing our country further.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 25, 2010
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Still waiting on someone to answer why the US has a higher incident rate of police killing cillivians than other developed countries. It can't be the 2A as we all make the argument that bad guys will use anything ad a weapon if they didn't have guns and the data shows that the police do in fact kill bad guys that are armed with weapons other than guns. So what is it? Does the US just have that many more bad guys than the rest of the world? If that's the case what is causing the number of bad guys to be so high here compared to the rest of the world?

My idea/opinion on the "why the US has a higher incident rate of police killing cillivians than other developed countries." Is that the US is a country based on Liberty and Freedom.
This means that ALL people, criminals and Police Officers have the liberty and freedom to make bad decisions in the heat of the moment. Because of some of those bad decisions on both sides canNOT be taken back, things can go to $&?@ in a very quick hurry!
Criminal with a bad attitude runs into an Officer, mouths off, Officer gets Pissed or already has a bad attitude, and things go down hill fast.

Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Shoot Well, Leave the Rest to God.

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