581 people have been shot and killed by police so far in 2017

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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I find it hard to believe that you honestly think Trump is inciting violence against arrested people with his comments the other day. You sound like a CNN reporter. You have done nothing but bad mouth him since day 1 and are kidding yourself when you claim to be critical and skeptical of all. At least you’re referring to him by his name now. The next thing I know you’ll be putting on a mask and joining the resistance. If big money had won the election, we would have another Bush or Clinton in the White House. Trump won because Americans were sick and tired of the same old rhetoric from career politicians. I don’t agree with everything he does but I do think he deserves more than the constant negativity about every move he makes from those who hate him. You can claim to be moderate and all the politically correct BS that makes you feel good. At the end of the day, your obvious bias against Trump comes shining thru.

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
OSA has changed over the years ... some of it good, some of it not so ... but the societal demographics are pretty well reoresented, IMHO. I don't agree with everybody who posts, and with the exception of a fella who refuses to show me any respected, I tend to try to see both sides of the issue. Like I said, I'm a libertarian conservative with a slight liberal slant.

Thank God he finally blocked me so he doesn't have to suffer any longer. :hey3: I was really losing sleep over his suffering ... :rolleyes:

The trick is to not take someone's post as a personal offenses, which is hard to do sometimes, I realize.

That is why I am grateful for you guys who organize the ENSes. @druryj and @gerhard1 ... we all have a lot more in common than we do differences. Problem is it is hard to see that in the middle of a heated discussion about the 1 in a whatever cop that needs to be taken out and strung up. It's just easier to blame them all ... or make excuses for the bad ones in order to further your own agenda.

Compound that with the fact that there are NO REAK ANSWERS to the problems, coupled with the societal disconnect with anything other than social media, and "news" that is anything but, and it's no wonder both sides feel marginalized.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Everything between those 2 sentences was lost!!
I will say it again, try adding to the discussion without the hostility!!
It's impossible for them. They live with outrage, and anger in their hearts if anyone disagrees with their party line.
It's impossible for them to engage in a civil discussion without expressing outrage and anger. The nature of the beast.


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Dec 8, 2008
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Enid, OK
This thread reminds me of conversations I have had with Blacks many years ago in Seattle. I was working for Boeing at the time, and I got along well with the Black people with whom I worked. Yet they would, almost without exception, come unglued when a cop shot a Black. One time, a group of Black females was talking about the latest police shooting and this one was claimed as an accident. I asked why they thought it wasn't and the reason was the one shot went through the guy's heart, so it couldn't have been. I was also informed by this same group that ALL police shootings of Blacks were racially-motivated. Even where the guy is shooting at the cops? Yes; even then. The cops 1) were lying about the Black person having a gun, or 2) assuming they were not lying, they could have shot the gun out of his hand.

It wasn't until I came to Wichita, that I met a Black guy who was wiling to talk about this seeming disconnect. When I retired from Boeing, I decided to try my hand at being a PI. I obtained my license, including my gun-permit before I left Boeing and this Black guy who was a PI as well, came up to me and talked to me about a gang shooting of a young girl. Why, he asked me, was the Black community not demonstrating about this when they would be so angry about the most justified police shooting of an armed Black thug? I was surprised that he would talk that way to a White person, but he had to be very frustrated to do this.

Black-on-Black violence, not a mythical 'occupying army of racist police' is rippiing the community apart, and some refuse to face this. Instead, they focus on police brutality (which, I concede does exist) or availabilty of guns or White racism, or any of numeroous other factors in an effort to avoid the real issue.

What is the real issue? First, let me tell you what it is not. Racial loudmouths such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, and especially the media, seem to place blame everywhere but where it belongs: on the thugs doing the violence. They are victims, we are told, of a racist system that does not want them to succeed. Easy availability of guns gets blamed. Or an inadequate education system, or a depressed job market, or a racist criminal justice system that somehow seems to profit from Black men in prison.

There is something missing from the equation and that is the real issue: moral or personal responsibility. That is the essence of political correctness. The denial of moral responsibility for one's actions. When you don't encourage folks to take responsibility for their actions, you encourage irresponsible behavior. By denying moral resonsibility, you deny their complete humanity. Thus political correctness is a form of racism, and because it is well-intended, getting rid of it is nearly as impossible as Shylock's bargain.

Until this stops, the situation will not improve.


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Now let me put on my tinfoil hat and ponder, you think maybe there is reason for all the lying and half truths put out there, like divide and conquer. Keep us serfs arguing among ourselves, so we miss what the real issue is.
You hit the nail on the head, my friend.

There are any number of petty, though very polarizing subjects that continue to be brought to the forefront in order to keep all of us occupied and away from the fact that our government has become just as self-serving and crooked as any third-world regime, and continues to profit from the labors of us, the 'peasant'.
An example of this is a war that has been going on for 17 Years . . . a war that only continues for the profit of our politicians and their military/industrial cronies . . . a war that continues to kill and maim our warrior/children . . . a war that serves absolutely no purpose for the defense of our own soil.:soapbox:


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
F-Ing liberals on a gun forum. Wow! Y'all are more worried about what Trump 'may do' and 581 people shot by the po-leece. Really?
How about the 200k that are killed due to medical mistakes?
The black on black crime touch anyone or disturb you?
How about veterans and how they're treated at the VA? By a bunch of progressive-minded beauracrats, mind you.
Or how about $21 Trillion dollars in debt, and more of it by your homeboy than all other 43 prior CiCs.

You pick on police officers because they tend to be 90%+ conservative, honest and hard-working people and I think liberals just can't stand by and let them stand between anarchy and their way of 'reforming' the United Socialist States of Ammerika.
Come on, 581 out of 331 million is so statistically low as to be nearly immeasurable. Do I like to see cops kill citizens? Heck no! Put come on, most of these people needed shooting to be stopped or else they would have been in YOUR home/business/space terrorizing you or harming your friends and loved ones. The only thing that stops a violent person is an overwhelming return of violence. Get over it or take your crap elsewhere. I nearly died this week, and I'm real tired of putting up with **** and ********. Pick another topic you whiny itches.

Summing up in a single post the state of society and tolerance today. Try to have a civil conversation about the number of police shootings in our country compared to others and it triggers a diatribe exactly of the sort I described in my post.

Asking questions about what is causing the high numbers police shootings is neither liberal nor whiny. Many/most were certainly caused by the negligent action of those targeted, but it is a still a very interesting statistic when compared to other western countries.

If the topic triggers someone, well they can go talk to their chaplain or something, but any one who wants to call me a liberal for bringing it up or engaging in the conversation can respectfully go take a flying f$$k at a rolling donut.
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Special Hen Supporter
May 15, 2010
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Unfixed Arrow
Summing up in a single post the state of society and tolerance today. Try to have a civil conversation about the number of police shootings in our country compared to others and it triggers a diatribe exactly of the sort I described in my post.

Asking questions about what is causing the high numbers police shootings is neither liberal nor whiny. Many/most were certainly caused by the negligent action of those targeted, but it is a still a very interesting statistic when compared to other western countries.

If the topic triggers you, well then go talk to your chaplain or something, but you can respectfully go take a flying f$$k at a rolling donut if you want to snap and call me a liberal for bringing it up.

It's a LIBERAL mantra and talking point, Sunshine! And it started with Ferguson, which was also based upon a liberal lie of the gentle giant and hands up, don't shoot. It's a LIE and speaking point in order to denigrate police officers. Are they perfect? Hell no. Do most stand between my family and evil and do right 99% of the time? Absolutely!
There's a thousand other things more important than .00000176 chance of occurrence. Let's spend time and discuss things that ACTUALLY effect us and the communities around us. But discuss away on something that's likely to effect way less than 1 of on this forum, statically speaking.


Dec 10, 2008
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If likelihood of affecting someone on this board is the new litmus test for relevance...1 million officers and 135 deaths in the line of duty for all of 2016 = .000135% chance. Statistically speaking that won't affect any of us either, so not worth discussing.
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