Anyone hear about The New Litmus Test Of Leadership

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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Well, let me ask you. By your avatar you are either a LEO, Firefighter or paramedic. If so, would you start following the orders to round up civilians and shoot them if told to? If you are not a LEO, you probably know know many. How many of them would shoot civys?

As I gave read elsewhere, and that I agree with, is that under good condition the US Military has/had a very difficult time taking care of the Taliban and other terrorists in a country the size of Texas or a little bigger. Said bad guys had have AKs and RPGS and some other small arms, etc. How many bad guys are the US military up against in Afganistan? 50-100K? How dedicated is our military to kill the Taliban? Probably pretty united in the effort. Now, how many pissed off Americans that own firearms, whether several or dozens of guns each, would put up with the American Military killing civilians? Well, you'd probably have several hundred million gun owners ready for battle in a country the size of the USA. How many US military personnel are going to united and dedicated in killing American civilians? I would guess not many as they would be ordered to kill their friends and family. The Govt would have a lot of AWOL soldiers. Of those that don't go AWOL, you would probably have a fair amount plotting to kill their superiors because they see what is being ordered and about to happen. I also take this same position with local and state LEOs as well. IMO, if the military tried to start up something like this against the American people they would be trying it with a skeleton force.

The only time I see the military getting them upper hand is if they started carpet bombing all the big city's Amd metro areas. But then I don't see people in these positions of physically dropping the bomb on use going through with it.

Just my opinion.

OTOH, if they carpet bomb the big cities and metro areas then the problem may well become self-correcting.

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