You have to run your own specific number to make that decision. Local electricity cost, days of sun (Seattle probably not a high contender), electrical consumption, orientation direction of home, performance of specific panels/system, et el, et el. There are other considerations such as stability of local power source. Do you have many outages in which you are without power/lose frozen foods? Are you a prepper type interested in off-grid sustainability, etc. Depends on what Return On Investment you would be happy with. Son and D-in-law put solar on their home in DC, four doors off of Pennsylvania Ave on Capital Hill, about 5-6yrs ago. They drastically cut and/or eliminated their electrical bill. Actually, sold electricity back to the power company. However, I surmise the pay back on their actual cash out of pocket was like 30 years....not counting tax subsidies. ROI on total cash flow would have been maybe 40-50 years. You and I paid dearly to subsidize their cost in the form of thousands/tens of thousands of dollars in tax credits. I don't have the specific numbers as they are flaming Libturds (Daddy tried......Daddy tried), knowing my "Extremist" Conservative tilt, they don't want to discuss fact/truth/accounting. Never would face the facts that other tax payers paid for a significant chunk of their system. They were pleased with it from a functionality perspective. I don't know about your financial justification rules of engagement, but I wouldn't spend money that didn't pay for itself in way less than 30 years. I always required my money work harder than that.I have a company trying to sell me on the idea of solar panels for the house. After the rebates, the monthly cost would be the same or less than my monthly electric bill and they say there is a lifetime warranty on the panels.
Does anyone have solar power or know much about it? Is it worth the investment?
That being said, maybe I have a touch of Libturd hypocrisy in me. I did put solar panels with Lithium batteries on my 45ft diesel pusher tag axle motor coach to be able to boondock away from power hookups, not having to run the on board generator all the time. High ROI on those beautiful vistas at breakfast and dinner, sans neighbors. Did not pursue tax subsidies for others to pay for my decisions. Very pleased with the performance. Did not do ROI calcs. Worked hard/smart/punched company numbers for 40+ years so today don't to have to punch numbers on anything I desire. Cost not an working hard now to make me smile.......doing a great job of it.

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