Are you a Modern Man or a Man's Man

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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The I'm harder than hard story is neat and all but you're not the only one to clean up some shyt growing up. Validations don't prove any points here though. Is there some example you can give of him acting as such? I figure we need more people like him exposing what normal people do, instead of the rest of the world glorifying unrealistic dream jobs. But that's just me.

Not about being harder than hard, more about human nature. Most of the people I grew up with never worked or got dirty as kids and looked down on those that did because they were better and deserved more than that just like much of our society does now.
As to whether I'm bitter or not about it , no, just pointing out that it's part of the reason fewer people want to pursue those areas of employment.

And seriously? A self admitted loafer who only took a real job to get nookie. Then "accidentally" got another real job where he openly belittled his customers(to get fired maybe?). And who admittedly never really put all in to a job until he could get the big bucks is now accepted as the conscience and judge of the American work ethic. Have to wonder if he wasn't also one of those Americans he's talked about not being ready for the shovel either huh?, you know when he tried to get in with Obama on the "shovel ready jobs deal".
And isn't getting to $10 mil. a year by talking about what other people should do(but not him) or other entertainment/politics, the glorified unrealistic dream job that people like him, the Kardashians, Kennedy's, Bushes, Clintons, etc. and those people on American Idol, next star or whatever seem to think they deserve for no other reason than being lucky enough to live in a warped society that thrives on the cult of personality and values entertainment and ******** more than production, substance, or ethics. Maybe that's where we're at as a nation?
Instead of admonishing people for not taking the blue collar jobs should we maybe admit how our society and systems are often biased against them and deal with those issues instead of ignoring them.
While I find Mike's show entertaining I'm not sure his presentations of those doing the jobs is more about respecting them or just making money off it, kind of like Trumps alleged respect for the military he says he felt a part of just because he went to military school.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
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Mike Rowe has lived in the same apartment for 15 years.
Mike Rowe will call himself out as a B-list celebrity, as seen in this post about someone calling him out on the gun comment used by the NRA.
Mike Rowe is a very articulate intelligent man, watch his video when he spoke to Congress, or the college, or the Boy Scout Jamboree. If he's preparing for politics, he'll get my vote.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Man... people are up in arms about his profile on his site... anyone ever thought those descriptions of his career path were "tongue-in-cheek"? Like... poking fun at the media itself while admitting he got to where is through mostly luck and BSing? Some people are a little too uptight, I think...

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