Cataract Surgery

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Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
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I did it best I remember about 4 years ago. I wasn't all that sure I needed it at the time, and couldn't tell it made that much difference afterward. I probably had it sooner than I really needed to.

I went with lenses that were supposed to eliminate the need for glasses for distance. My far vision is better, but not good enough to really do well without glasses. Can't see up close very well, but never could and that wasn't an expectation.

The lense in my left eye rotated about 20 degrees off axis, not sure if during or after surgery but vision wasn't great at any point after surgery. They kept telling me to let it heal, but it never got better. In all fairness, the doctors said they would rotate it back into position for no charge, but the surgery center wanted another $1500. I felt like I had already dropped an extra $4000 that didn't do any good, and wasn't going to throw good money after bad. The doctors also said they could correct it with laser treatments for no charge, but I had lost confidence in them at that point and didn't want them chopping around on my eyes anymore.

As far as it being a difficult surgery, complications, etc... no complaints there. As mentioned above, lots of eye drops, before and after, but no unexpected issues or problems.

So overall, it wasn't an ideal good outcome for me. I wish I'd just had them replace the lenses and not tried the expensive corrective lenses that didn't really help.
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 19, 2012
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Del City
I've had both eyes done. Can't remember the lens replacement I used but very expensive. I had astigmatism that also got corrected with the new lens. The new lens had numerous circles to create a trifocal effect; something like a toric symphony (sp?). I've worn glasses since childhood, but not now. I like that part of it. However, I would be careful of the latest and greatest lens. With mine, driving at night is somewhat of a problem; oncoming headlights, street lights, most all lights have rings or circles around them which is very distracting. It gives me depth perception issues. Also, I got dry eye very bad in both eyes now. Vision at arms length is not what was advised it would be; seeing the console in my Jeep has taken some getting used too. Seeing far away is fantastic. Still have to use reading glasses, but that's not so bad. The surgery itself went like a charm. Dr. Pickard at Precision Eye in Midwest City did the surgery. I have heard he sold his business, so I can't testify to quality of treatment. I still go back if I'm having problems, but they have changed people, so they don't know me or my file.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
Who's had cataract surgery? What replacement type lens did you get? Did you like the results? Any recommendations?
I'm about to go down this road....
My wife did hers March of last year, with the fancy expensive toric lenses for distance vision. Has been severely nearsighted since long before I met her. Surgery went fine, vision was fine, for a few weeks, but she still had pain in her eyes. Year and a half later, she's still having pain in her eyes, her vision has deteriorated badly, lenses moved a bit from where they're supposed to be, and they did a YAG laser procedure to clear the protein film that was developing on the lenses last year, and now there is nothing they can do about the lenses. She sees double images in both eyes, lots of glare and rays around bright lights. And, did I mention, still in pain. $3450 worth off out-of-pocket expense for the fancy lenses. She can read her 10" Kindle with the largest type it has, but it slows her down badly. She can sort of see a computer screen. Color her very unhappy.

I am also very nearsighted, since about the 5th grade. I had mine done late June/mid July, and opted to have the normal, basic, cheap lenses for closeup vision installed. I've been learning precision machining, and wanted to be able to read micrometers and calipers without glasses. Different doc, at Dean-McGee , put in my lenses two weeks apart, 28 June & 12 July. Once the irises stopped being dilated, about three days, I could see just about as well as I had before, with the old glasses, except that everything was whiter and lighter/easier to see. I'd been having to use a LOT of supplemental light to read the measurements, etc. I can read without glasses now, with the book about 8" from my face. Likewise with micrometers and calipers. Which is what I asked for. Need glasses for anything much farther than that, but that's the way it's been since the summer between 6th & 7th grade when my grandma took me to the eye doc the first time, when I got my first glasses.

My doc, Dr. Melson, got the lenses to match what my vision was about exactly. Got rid of the cloudiness and yellow tint in my original eyeballs, and I'm as happy as a guy can get! My pupils seem to be a little farther apart now, so with my old glasses, I have to turn my head a bit to find the distance vision band, but I can drive. Ordered my new glasses Monday, $525 for a set of ANSI-Z87 safety glasses with Transitions, anti-glare coating, polycarbonate lenses (can use as shooting glasses, too) which I've been wearing since I decided to be a hobby machinist a few years back. Would have been worse, but Medicare covers a portion of the first set of glasses after cataract surgery. Saved me about $130. Should have them in about two weeks. I'll let you know if I have problems with them, once they get here.

Got my new glasses at McBride, as well, previously, I'd been getting them at EyeMart Express. Got two pair last time, about $800 for the two pair, same options as this time except that I'd not been getting the anti-glare film before. I've not had vision insurance for a couple of years now, due to job loss/retirement after Covid-19. Didn't really matter to me, as insurance doesn't cover ANSI-Z87 glasses, since your employer is supposed to buy them for you. Eyemart cuts the lenses on-site, so you get your glasses sooner, usually an hour or so, but the last two pairs I bought from them, the frames were a little fragile. They replaced one under warranty, and I kept the other pair for a spare anyway, but the replacement frame also broke, so I wanted to try a different brand of glasses. The old ones also use a soft rubber nose bridge that liquifies after a few months. Replacement are about $13 at Amazon, and I've probably bought another hundred dollars worth since I started wearing them. the new glasses have a different style of bridge. We'll see how that works out, but they felt comfortable when I tried them on.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
I am in the Tulsa area with an opinion. I had excellent vision all my life. (I am 74) Was able to read signs farther than most people, able to do detailed electronic work up close, etc. all my life. My eyes had been slowly degrading for several years, so slowly I did not realize how bad they were until it started affecting my night driving vision. About 3 years ago my General Physician recommended I go to Dr. Daniel Corbett at the Eye Institute in Tulsa adjacent to St. Johns Hospital at 21st and Utica for cataract surgery.

I am kinda picky when it comes to my health and personal stuff because I am a very active person. From start to finish on a scale of 10, I would give Dr. Corbett and his staff a rating of 15+ in all categories of professionalism. I had no idea how bad my vision was getting, everything had become a soft blur and different shades of gray with very little color. The first time I took off the first patch was almost overwhelming with bright color contrast and sharp defined edges of everything. Yes I had unnecessarily waited way too long for no reason other than being stubborn. What a waste of my enjoyment of life and danger of not having good vision I put myself through.

I opted for my right eye to focus far away and my left eye focus one lens increment closer. This was during the Covid crap, so my second eye was done almost 5 months later than the first. By then the re-adjustment from one good eye and one totally bad eye did not make the transition to the second "good" eye slightly different focus much of a difference as some may notice when having both done in a short time frame. I never notice a difference in any way now with day to day tasks. Now only when I am tired or need to see something close up in great detail do I need 1.25 readers or a magnifier glass.

Yep, a few days of Dr. visits, taking it easy a couple days after each surgery that has virtually no pain or discomfort, having to remember to add eye drops on a schedule. No big deal at all, especially for the rewards of great vision again. Good luck to you.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
I had my first cataract surgery (non-dominent, right eye) on 29 June by Dr. Osborn at the VA Medical Center in OKC. Pre-op eye exam gauged the type and size of the 'Interlocutory Lens' to be used. For myself I have one called "AcrySoft IQ" with integrated blue-light filtration (I'm on the computer a lot) made by Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX.

Complete fasting (not even water except for a sip) for at least 12 hours before surgery. At the hospital they put in eye drops to deaden the eye, an oxygen cannula, then 'Twilight Sleep' via IV (same as for a dentist). A surgical dressing around the eye to be worked on followed by swabbing the eye with Iodine. Being that the surgery suite was cold (to reduce infection) I was covered with a light blanket.

The procedure involved using a laser to incise the side of the eyeball then a sonic probe is introduced to break up the cataract with sound waves (vibrations), then the cataract pieces are removed by a miniature vacuum. There is absolutely no feeling (pain, pressure, etc.) and no vision. Being that the optic nerve is deadened,
there is no sight. Everything is just black with an occasional spot of white light showing up for a second or two. The only sound was the low murmur of the surgical staff.

For me, post-op involved them wiping the Iodine off, putting eye drops in, placement of an eye-shield, and some water to sip. Second post-op was four hours later (after lunch) and I was provided with three different types of eye-drops and printed instructions to follow over the next couple of weeks. I did not have a companion with me so things may be slightly different with post-op for those with a relative for family member with them.

The eye drops were: anti-bacterial, light sensitivity, and swelling/irritation, all four times a day. No heavy listing, no bending over, no deep coughing/sneezing, and keep water out of the eye until completely healed (5-weeks for me).
So far I have been tested to show 20/20 with excellent distance vision and steadily improving near vision, though readers are sometimes needed for fine print. Still have some occasional irritation due to dryness but managed with 'artificial tears' eye drops. Definite increased clarity/sharpness, brightness, and color, though slightly decreased night vision which I'm told will improve with time.

Second eye surgery (left eye) is scheduled for Aug 24th with same procedures and same expected results. Right now, being that I have excellent vision in right eye, but blurry in left eye, my depth perception is really off. Hopefully, after the left eye is done I'll stop running into door frames 🤣🤣

Good luck 'davek' on your upcoming surgery.
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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 27, 2019
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Norman, Ok
Who's had cataract surgery? What replacement type lens did you get? Did you like the results? Any recommendations?
I'm about to go down this road....
I had mine done a couple years ago - got the expensive ones [think I pd about 5k extra] because I plan to live long and over the time they will be dirt cheap if they work. mine work very well - I see as well - better than anyone I know for distance and can read most things incl magazines and newspapers in good light - sometimes menus in restaurants are a problem -- there were a few minor issues with rings around lights at night but I don't notice them now. I do need reading glasses for close work - ie when my loading press screws up or working on almost anything within about 18-24" of my eyes. Dr Weir at the SW Eye Clinic did them -- they do LOTS of eyes and they can/will tell you if you are a good fit for this type of lens


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Dr. Jeffery Shaver in Edmond was recommended to me by my eye doctor. He said he has examined people that Dr. Shaver did the surgery on, and my doctor said he couldn't tell that they had the surgery. I going to have to have the surgery soon also.
I too recommend Dr Shaver, his Dad was an Ophthalmologist also and that was part of what encouraged Jeff Shaver to go into that line of medicine. Moreover, I worked with Jeff and can attest that not only is he an excellent ophthalmologist, he is a wonderful person. I wholeheartedly recommend him for anyone needing visual help.

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