Church Minister Throws fit.

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Special Hen
Feb 10, 2013
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I don't have any rocks to throw, you bring up some good points. But in this day and age if I can get a person to come to church and it is a 1.5 hour long sermon, and someone text a little or nods off once in a while you would think that most of the time that the person is getting some good out of the sermon. I mainly don't agree with the public chastise, but to your point maybe he has already talked privately about it. I think I can say to Streetrats point, when he was on his "rant" he did seem desperate, and he did say he felt good after all was done. Most preachers ask God to speak through them, Jesus use me as your puppet, your mouth, speak though me. I did see the Fox News report that reported that the soon to be married couple no longer attend the church


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2009
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Perkins, OK
In a weird way, I kinda got a kick out of the clip. I guess it didn't bother me that much because I've seen way worse behavior from pastors than that.

That being said, you don't get any clue to the relationship he had with his congregation from this video. Evidently, the church likes him or he would be unemployed.

I will agree that his continual use of "I" and "me" turned me off.

Until I read the news article I was wondering if this was something that was scripted.


JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I agree that you shouldn't judge a person's whole life by a 5 minute video....BUT...I really cannot see what would justify such a rant from the pulpit that was so specifically demeaning to individual church members. There was nothing Christ-like in his rant. It was egocentric and abusive. The truth is in fundamentalist type churches, the pastors command an enormous amount of personal power, even more than priests in Catholic parishes.

My next door neighbor pastors a mega church here in Tulsa. Although I do not attend his church, I've developed a good friendship with him. I've been at his church as they are preparing for their various events, etc, just in the course of hanging out a bit. I'd like to think I enjoy his confidence as we have discussed personal issues as friends do. I have never seen him demean a member of his congregation. I have never heard him speak an ill word of one of his members. Quite the contrary, he seem to spend an enormous amount of time helping and encouraging his flock.

I will reiterate my call for prayer for this man in the video. My pray is either he has a complete change of heart, or he leaves the ministry. Christians have a difficult enough time without grotesque caricatures making public asses of themselves for their own gratification.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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All this clown would have seen of me is my back side as I walked out. I have been a christian for 35 years and have listened to A BUNCH of preachers/evangelists over the years, but I have never heard a single one with an ego like this guy.

I couldn't care less about the why's or what happened before or after this clip. There is no call for any preacher to show his tail like this guy.

I don't go to church to hear "touchy/feeley" sermons, but I won't go to church to be intimidated either.


Dec 10, 2008
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Is your Englave paid for?

I know mine is


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
All this clown would have seen of me is my back side as I walked out. I have been a christian for 35 years and have listened to A BUNCH of preachers/evangelists over the years, but I have never heard a single one with an ego like this guy.

I couldn't care less about the why's or what happened before or after this clip. There is no call for any preacher to show his tail like this guy.

I don't go to church to hear "touchy/feeley" sermons, but I won't go to church to be intimidated either.

I agree. There is a difference in trying to motivate a congregation, or even an individual, and losing your temper because you, as a "leader of the flock" have been slighted in some way. I get the sense this was about the preacher's hurt feelers. Jesus chastised folks many times in his lifetime. Even though I don't have a youtube video to watch, I can't see him behaving like this man did ...

Oh, and I agree with JB, too. This man needs prayer. I attend a fundamentalist church. Do I agree with everything the preacher says? No. But then again I have never attended a church where I agreed with the doctrine completely. However, I do trust that my pastor is respectful and cares about his congregation, as well as the people who attend there, individually. Not something I can say for some other religious leaders I've encountered in my lifetime.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Ergh ... One more thing. I'm on my phone and it won't let me edit my post so ...

Anyway, I've never been much of a follower. I tend to listen, take notes here and there, and then go home and study. I am in no way a scholar of anything, and most especially I am no expert on the Bible. But, I do know what I believe and I'm not gonna change my core beliefs just because somebody tells me (or tries to scare or humiliate me) into doing so. The changes in me that have come about in my lifetime have come from prayer, my own study and hard knocks ... Unfortunately, not necessarily in that order ... :wink2:

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