Church shooting in Ft Worth

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Mad Professor

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Dec 1, 2008
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Moore, OK
It looked like a 15-20 yard shot to me, under a high pressure situation for a civilian. Like me. How was that for a do or die effort?

I was thinking about 12 Yards. First round DA with a P229. Instructor who owns a range, neither which automatically means highly skilled. He must have some skills, was very lucky, or had some Devine assistance. I’m glad he was able to pull it off in that setting.


Special Hen
Jun 21, 2019
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Holy crap . . . Shannon Watts is dumber than a box of rocks . . .

View attachment 149797

If that statement was actually made by Shannon Watts that's got to be one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard concerning guns. That statement sounds like it was made by a MORON.

Apparently its not the first time she has made stupid statements.

Mad Professor

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Dec 1, 2008
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Moore, OK
I was thinking about 12 Yards. First round DA with a P229. Instructor who owns a range, neither which automatically means highly skilled. He must have some skills, was very lucky, or had some Devine assistance. I’m glad he was able to pull it off in that setting.

I’ll add that his muzzle awareness was fantastic. Watch the video as he advances forward and the screamer pops up gets in the way.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
John is spot on in almost everything I’ve ever seen from him. I met him a couple of years and shot with him at a training event. He put on a 2 hour presentation on data he gathered from the videos with tons of examples. This was a Tom Givens class with a very top list of self defense instructors in attendance. Lookup Tom and RangeMaster to validate the level of training that goes on there.
John has since went full time (or about that time) with the videos.
John also has contributed in a private Rangemaster Instructor Only group I’m a member of.
The only negatives I ever hear are because of his promotion efforts for his page/channel. He has to make a living, so I can take that part of it.

A lot of his data findings verify Tom’s data he has gathered on his students involved in shootings. 66 or so shootings. That’s a big number. All won, but 3. The 3 lost because they were not carrying at the time.
I agree with this 100%. Correia looks at stuff from a strictly analytical position to see what went wrong and what went right in order to maximize the lessons available. At least that's my take on all his stuff that I've watched.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK

This is the usual crap that I’m talking about with the media and it’s propaganda. The people for giffords’ organization said a flat out lie in her statement. But that’s no surprise. Bloomberg’s rep in Texas did the same thing. Sadly there are many fools that will believe every word of it. Even when people’s lives are saved because of good people with guns, the media still does its best to make guns seem the problem. And of course the politicians do the same thing. I love the politicians in Texas saying their law to allow guns in churches is what made this possible. Really? If they were following the constitution there would have never been a prohibition of it in the first place. Republicans are no different than the democrats. They all do the same crap. We have the Texas Republicans taking credit for passing the law to allow carrying in places of worship. They are taking advantage of the tragedy to make themselves look good. Its no different than the dems using the same tragedy to push more gun control. This article contains the most ridiculous lie I think I’ve heard. That the places with the strongest gun control have the least amount of gun violence. That is laughable. I bet Chicago, DC, California, Baltimore would all disagree. Also, the media is pushing hard that this was a “security team” not just worshippers that stopped the bad guy. They don’t want the sheep knowing the truth. I even saw in this article where it was mentioned the good guy that stopped this was a “reserve deputy”. Even if he was so what? There were many armed folks there. This guy was going down regardless. This is why we will lose this war over the constitution. The left has the media on their side as well as multi billion dollars companies to brainwash the masses. Oh and don’t forget schools too. People that think we are gonna win by voting are delusional.
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Mad Professor

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Dec 1, 2008
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Moore, OK
Did you ever see a pistol shooter who did better at speed, when pushed?

No, they usually fall apart when pushed for speed or stress is introduced.

I see it all the time in various competitions. Man vs Man bowling pin matches is the best place to observe it. The next is to watch people that are used to shooting PAR timed matches shoot one that is Hit-Factor based. Par time means they have say 15 seconds to shoot 10 rounds. Hit-factor divides the score by the time in seconds it took to shoot it. Unless the Par is extremely short, it does not put enough stress on the shooter to validate their abilities.

I know of several shooters that do very well at generous PAR based events that finish way lower in the ranks at hit-factor scored events.

The first person that put accurate or semi accurate hit(s) on their intended target usually wins the gunfight.

I recently attended a match where they had a stage where there were 9 targets in row and only the A zone counted (about 6”x11”) as a hit. Distance was about 3 yards. You had to draw, engage the center 3 targets 2 rounds each, reload and engage the right 3, reload and engage the left 3. 5 point for hits, a penalty for misses.
The winner overall had 100% hits in 10.80 second with a production gun, not a race gun. That was against carry optic guns, open guns, and even PCCs.
There were a few with faster times (fastest was 9.95) but a miss was critical. As it should be, as where did that round go? The winner knew the pace he had to run it and still make the hits. 18 rounds, a draw, and 2 reloads, in less than 11 seconds.

It’s all about knowing your abilities and limitations when stress in introduced. I know for a fact the winner in the above match is capable of knocking a second or two off that pace, but might risk a miss. A miss could be costly.

Here were the top 9 of about 40 shooters.


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