Closest I've ever come to thinking I might need to use my carry...

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Special Hen
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
So I'm curious, if a shot HAD been fired (applies to cars too) you place it within the driver, correct?
Never had to draw so I'm curious as to limitations in 5 he scenario.


Supporting Member
Nov 10, 2010
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So I'm curious, if a shot HAD been fired (applies to cars too) you place it within the driver, correct?
Never had to draw so I'm curious as to limitations in 5 he scenario.

That would be my choice. Shoot whoever is delivering the threat and immediately scan the others for additional threat.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Lol... I just don't get it. This forum really blows my mind sometimes.

Oh well... AllOut, I'm with you 100%. You did nothing out of line from the story we've got, and certainly considering your options when you're being threatened is not unreasonable in the least. Not even a single iota. This is the very equivalent of being surrounded by large threatening strangers and harassed in a public place for being completely within your rights. In a situation like that, I'd be elbow-checking my piece as well. I think some folks shy away TOO much from the thought of using their firearm in a way overcompensating for the PC crowd. Yes, calling the law would have been good, but how many minutes away would they have been when you needed them in seconds? You already addressed the attempt to "walk away" on your part and the other boat wasn't allowing it. This wasn't a simple case of "another boat circling" yours, but one of a very real threat being exhibited, pushing the envelope of safety putting you and your passengers at significant risk of death or bodily injury if the other boater simply misjudged the distance (in the dark) or goosed his throttle a hair too much - it can be pretty easy to swamp a small flat-bottom with a large sporting boat. I think you handled it very well. I've seen first-hand plenty of time the damage that can be done on the water from fiddle-****ing around.

Yes, I'd learn some lessons from it - but being less likely to protect myself and my family/friends from life-threatening behavior certainly isn't one of them.

Well said ... And I'm firmly in the "AllOut camp" too ...


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
That would be my choice. Shoot whoever is delivering the threat and immediately scan the others for additional threat.

This would have been my choice. He (the driver) was in easy pistol range when he came around the front of our boat right in our lights. I was sitting right up front. He was literally less then 10" from the front of our boat while circling us.
But he had 5 other people in the boat with him. Looked like another guy up front with him, a guy and a chick in the middle and two chicks in the back that looked scared to death and were telling the driver to stop. To me that was to many people around to just shoot....
But if I felt I really had to in order to save me and my friends lives, you bet your ass I'd of picked off the driver.
No we didn't call LE, like stated above it'd of taken them how long to get there??? Middle of the night remember. Not to mention I was more worried with paying attention to what this dumb ass was doing instead of looking for a way to take down his registration # or digging through the dry storage to find my phone. I'd of much rather tried to defend us then drown with my phone in my hand.

Life jackets.....
It's BowFishing, yes we have them in the boat. But like Okie said, not really feasible to wear. And again, my attention was on the drunk idiot. I wasn't gonna take my eyes off him while I dug around trying to out one on.

I wonder why some of y'all even carry a firearm.....
By y'all's responses, Not like you'd ever use it anyway.

Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
I carry mine empty with one bullet in my pocket. I only take the bullet out when Andy says it's okay.

AllOut I don't see where you did anything wrong man.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I would have use a gun in this situation if I feared for my life and especially my wife and kid. BUT I think use of the gun could have been effective without firing a shot...I know dont pull it unless your gonna use it, bla bla bla but the drunk looking down the barrel of a .45 would have made him change direction and you know he's not callin the cops, hes going into flight mode with soiled drawers. He might have even crashed into the shore trying to flee which would have been justice enough for me.

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