Cops Barge Into Calif. Parents’ Home, Take Their Baby After They Seek 2nd Medical Op.

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Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
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Government employees... the real terrorists.

Anyone who has worked for the government or a large corporation knows that once the paperwork starts up the chain it's pretty much impossible to stop. Every link in the chain is all about CYA and no one accepts personal responsibility.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
I think we need to get rid of qualified immunity for government employees. You want to see individual government agents start behaving themselves properly? Hold them personally accountable for their actions. No multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the county while the agent gets a vacation; make the agent pay personally, out of his own pocket. Bad arrest or seizure? Yup, that's called kidnapping, boys and girls, and it'll get you twenty years.

Private citizens get held individually accountable for their actions all the time. Why should government actors--who are imbued with a monopoly on the legal use of force, including deadly force--not have to have even equal accountability?


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Just so you know, I'm sure the police weren't the lead agency.....In my experience DHS will get an ORDER from a judge to take the children. Usually the police are only there to preserve the peace.....I'm sure they didn't just walk in and grab the kid for shits and giggles people.....c'mon. Because we know the media is ALWAYS telling the truth. I swear I'm getting tired of hearing people piss and moan.....What do expect it effing CA.....and in my experience, it only happens when the child is in grave danger.....

Most of us understand you have a **** job, and though I dislike my government I am not an indiscriminate prick when it comes to my opinions of law enforcement officers. You have a habit of coming off as an elitist, you're a dude in a uniform with a badge. You are society's janitor. You're no better than me or anyone else on this forum. Were you bullied in school or did you become a cop because you believe in a society of laws and have a desire to help people? Most of us see the actions taken in this instance and the actions of those involved as unjust, and some of us even dare to express an opinion that there should be consequences for commission of unjust acts. At no point did anyone directly go after you personally but you decided to get butthurt about it and defend what a good majority of this cross section of society believes to be wrong, including me and I am a liberal in comparison to most people on here. You are a civilian working for a civilian agency maybe you need to go hang out with people who aren't cops and won't stroke your ego because you seem to be developing an awful ivory tower like syndrome. A situation that happens to everyone if they don't step outside their little box.

You ever want to sit down and visit over a soda pop or a beer, or a pile of street taco's in my neighborhood let me now.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Most of us understand you have a **** job, and though I dislike my government I am not an indiscriminate prick when it comes to my opinions of law enforcement officers. You have a habit of coming off as an elitist, you're a dude in a uniform with a badge. You are society's janitor. You're no better than me or anyone else on this forum. Were you bullied in school or did you become a cop because you believe in a society of laws and have a desire to help people? Most of us see the actions taken in this instance and the actions of those involved as unjust, and some of us even dare to express an opinion that there should be consequences for commission of unjust acts. At no point did anyone directly go after you personally but you decided to get butthurt about it and defend what a good majority of this cross section of society believes to be wrong, including me and I am a liberal in comparison to most people on here. You are a civilian working for a civilian agency maybe you need to go hang out with people who aren't cops and won't stroke your ego because you seem to be developing an awful ivory tower like syndrome. A situation that happens to everyone if they don't step outside their little box.

You ever want to sit down and visit over a soda pop or a beer, or a pile of street taco's in my neighborhood let me now.

Well said.


Special Hen
Feb 27, 2010
Reaction score
People in every profession have people tell them how they should do their job, its part of life.

I wore a badge in this state in a metro dept for several years. In general there are two types of officers, those who look at it as a job, and those who define their existence by it. The former will take their time and evaluate situations like this, and make a decision, the latter will relish giving anyone that questions them what we called "full fare" slamming a father to the ground because he asks you why you are at his house before you grab his kid. I get the sense we have a lot more of the latter running around these days.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
Just so you know, I'm sure the police weren't the lead agency.....In my experience DHS will get an ORDER from a judge to take the children. Usually the police are only there to preserve the peace.....I'm sure they didn't just walk in and grab the kid for shits and giggles people.....c'mon. Because we know the media is ALWAYS telling the truth. I swear I'm getting tired of hearing people piss and moan.....What do expect it effing CA.....and in my experience, it only happens when the child is in grave danger.....

Thanks for your Service Sarge!
As you know CPS is like its own entity, in charge, on the spot, and its always for the children(sarcasm)
Its not dept of human services, its child protective services, and the assex always know whats right, when They want to do it...;(
They tell the LEO what needs to be their discretion
dept of human services is bill collectors(child support)

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