Cops Barge Into Calif. Parents’ Home, Take Their Baby After They Seek 2nd Medical Op.

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Special Hen
May 24, 2010
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Yes it could, even though anonymous tips do not constitute probable cause they are often acted on without a warrant relying on coercion instead. Even though the child was returned nobody involved was held accountable were they?

Absolutely not, the name of the accuser is protected by state. So no chance to face your accuser nor can you sue them in civil court. Anonymous accuser never has to be present in court nor can your lawyer subpoena them! I think its under the federal child protection act? And believe it or not his ex having faced no penalties the first time around attempted to do exact same thing a second time about 6 months later however they only sent social worker to speak to him and physically see child to which they determined there was no obvious signs of abuse.

The guy was forced to sign up for parenting and family help classes in order to keep seeing his child. So in essence he was forced into the system anyway. Its downright scary the power DHS has over your children! And god forbid you cannot afford an attorney.
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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
It happens more than we know, and way more than it should.
Judge told me , its the way the law is written, dont like it, then try to change it, I did what I could.

.No need to hang around if theres no profit , or your butts on the line.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Absolutely not, the name of the accuser is protected by state. So no chance to face your accuser nor can you sue them in civil court. Anonymous accuser never has to be present in court nor can your lawyer subpoena them! I think its under the federal child protection act? And believe it or not his ex having faced no penalties the first time around attempted to do exact same thing a second time about 6 months later however they only sent social worker to speak to him and physically see child to which they determined there was no obvious signs of abuse.

The guy was forced to sign up for parenting and family help classes in order to keep seeing his child. So in essence he was forced into the system anyway. Its downright scary the power DHS has over your children! And god forbid you cannot afford an attorney.

Some contend that by signing a "Service Plan" with DHS you're admitting guilt and placing both the parent and child under voluntary jurisdiction of an administrative agency.
And who are the approved contractors used by DHS and the courts running the classes/counseling etc.?
Note the references to the contractor in the Hall case final order I posted, last I knew they're still the approved contractor for Mays and Rogers Co.s


Special Hen
May 24, 2010
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Though there was no abuse, no injuries and when questioned by social workers with him not present of course the child confirmed that his father had never hurt him they still insisted he sign this "Service Plan" explaining that it was just to help parents etc. He wasn't able to afford an attorney and didn't want to chance losing his child or going through this nightmare again so he reluctantly agreed. After a while he eventually completed all the ridiculous programs and hasn't had any issues for several years now. It's sad how easy it is for a disgruntled parent or even neighbor to abuse and exploit the system, and the emotional toll it took on my friend has forever changed my friends life. The trauma of having his child taken into custody forcefully and examined by strangers and the fear of being falsely accused of abuse and prosecuted kinda gave him a sort of PTSD or something? It was a pretty scary experience for him.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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It happens more than we know, and way more than it should.
Judge told me , its the way the law is written, dont like it, then try to change it, I did what I could.

.No need to hang around if theres no profit , or your butts on the line.

Considering what's possible everyone with a child, grandkids, or elder potentially has their butt on the line.
Just like in divorce/custody cases DHS or threats of it can be used in other family disputes. And in fact it was done to my mother and I almost 2yrs. ago. One of my sisters physically attacked me in front of my elderly mother over family/legal issues, we were then threatened with DHS if we didn't keep quiet.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Though there was no abuse, no injuries and when questioned by social workers with him not present of course the child confirmed that his father had never hurt him they still insisted he sign this "Service Plan" explaining that it was just to help parents etc. He wasn't able to afford an attorney and didn't want to chance losing his child or going through this nightmare again so he reluctantly agreed. After a while he eventually completed all the ridiculous programs and hasn't had any issues for several years now. It's sad how easy it is for a disgruntled parent or even neighbor to abuse and exploit the system, and the emotional toll it took on my friend has forever changed my friends life. The trauma of having his child taken into custody forcefully and examined by strangers and the fear of being falsely accused of abuse and prosecuted kinda gave him a sort of PTSD or something? It was a pretty scary experience for him.

Some call it "Legal Abuse Syndrome".


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Judge told me , its the way the law is written, dont like it, then try to change it

So said every state employee who wanted to justify committing vile acts as part of their official duties. It is basically the same as the Nuremberg defense: "I was just following orders." It is time we stopped accepting that BS cop-out, and holding people morally accountable for every act they take, whether it is countenanced by the law or not.


Dec 10, 2008
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So said every state employee who wanted to justify committing vile acts as part of their official duties. It is basically the same as the Nuremberg defense: "I was just following orders." It is time we stopped accepting that BS cop-out, and holding people morally accountable for every act they take, whether it is countenanced by the law or not.
hear hear


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I think this part covers it. They took the keys from the father by force and let themselves into the house.

Reinforcing the point: Don't open the door. In this case, I think the "authorities" used the parent's lack of knowledge on constitutional protections against them. Well, that and the fact that the father probably assumed that they'd listen when he told them it had been worked out at Kaiser Prmanente the day before. I still haven't seen any confirmation that the parents were served with a judicial order or warrant. If anyone has information on that, please post it.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Just so you know, I'm sure the police weren't the lead agency.....In my experience DHS will get an ORDER from a judge to take the children. Usually the police are only there to preserve the peace.....I'm sure they didn't just walk in and grab the kid for shits and giggles people.....c'mon. Because we know the media is ALWAYS telling the truth. I swear I'm getting tired of hearing people piss and moan.....What do expect it effing CA.....and in my experience, it only happens when the child is in grave danger.....

+1 It's like everyone is so preconditioned to automatically go on the warpath when they read a story in the media that even hints at a state or federal agency overstepped their boundaries. I'd be willing to bet 95% of any story is heavily biased in one direction or another. When I was a LEO I was constantly bombarded with acquaintances going off about some story they read or heard about that involved the police or fire department and they were ALWAYS wrong. People have a way of hyper-emphasizing or inventing their own details into anything that ruffles their feathers. It happens A LOT even on this forum. I'm not saying the police don't make mistakes or that DHS is without fault (Oklahoma's DHS is completely inadequate for the job) but when you read some news story any get all bunged up you need to consider the story was written less for accuracy and more for sensation plus it's someone's opinion who wasn't even there. These writers go around and gather information from the agencies involved along with the opinions of eyewitnesses who all will swear to what they saw except their stories are all different!

So unless you were there and witnessed each event in the order they happened and are privy to each and every detail there is no way your story of what happened is accurate or even close to accurate. There was a time in America where journalism was an honorable profession where the journalist would do everything in his/her power to get the truth to the people often risking their own safety to do so. Those days are long gone. There's no chance to maintain truth and honesty when news services are owned by corporations who use the news to sway public opinion. Just remember, before you go off on a tangent about some inflammatory story you read, that the story was never intended to pass the truth on to you but to illicit an emotional response, which they are quite good at doing, as we can see. For a group of people that pride themselves on being beyond the "herd" we sure do let ourselves be manipulated quite easily.

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