OK Governor's polls- they were WAY off

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Oct 9, 2012
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The baby murdering cult is dedicated to their demonic cause. All you mentioned pales in comparison to abortion. They just love killing babies.

Who gives a flying fig if a bunch of liberals kill their babies?

You think these losers are gonna bear conservative, freedom loving offspring that contribute to the country?

No, no, no....it doesn't work like that.

Well, I guess Herschel's kids might have been great Americans, but I guess we'll never know.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Who gives a flying fig if a bunch of liberals kill their babies?

You think these losers are gonna bear conservative, freedom loving offspring that contribute to the country?

No, no, no....it doesn't work like that.

Well, I guess Herschel's kids might have been great Americans, but I guess we'll never know.
Who cares about the senior citizen? They use up valuable resources in health care and income with social security? Same with mentally challenged, chronically ill and potentially terminally ill. Let's kill them all too while were at it. It's not about abortion, it's about unwanted people.

As for Hershel Walker, do you know FOR A FACT that he had dated a woman, impregnated her and asked that she get an abortion?

Some of us trust the news, some of us don't, just like the polls.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Who cares about the senior citizen? They use up valuable resources in health care and income with social security? Same with mentally challenged, chronically ill and potentially terminally ill. Let's kill them all too while were at it. It's not about abortion, it's about unwanted people.

As for Hershel Walker, do you know FOR A FACT that he had dated a woman, impregnated her and asked that she get an abortion?

Some of us trust the news, some of us don't, just like the polls.
Senior citizens communists or lifelong welfare parasites? It matters.

Mothers that would abort babies are much less likely to hold views I'd support, less likely to support themselves, and even less likely to have a dad around that's gonna bring up Jr. right.

At least one of Hershel's accusers has some pretty good evidence that she's legit. I know it's shocking to see a Christian practicing a different lifestyle than they preach, but it could happen.

The offspring of these socialist parasites that are reproducing today will haunt our future generations. Life ain't fair and the world is mean. If your enemies are limiting their own numbers, only an idiot would try to slow that process down.
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Jan 12, 2007
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I wonder how much polling reflects the people that chose not to vote in some races. I think that’s a reason reps didn’t take more nationally. Seems to be an issue in the ga senate race, along with people voting rep for gov, dem for senate. Walker was such a horrible choice to pick in the primaries.

I started in 2016, refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils, as it’s still a vote for evil. There are a lot of people fed up with the direction of both parties catering to the extremes, the rhetoric, etc. I’m in that camp.
Ok, but is a candidate like Hershel Walker actually "evil"? Or is he just a flawed human who might still hold some redeeming value?
This is easy. The mainstream media is the answer. Most people never hear about anything that makes democrats look bad.

ETA: This whole "get out and vote" thing needs to stop. People are clearly too ignorant and undisciplined to vote correctly. Look at Fetterman, they actually voted for him when he couldn't even do a debate in any meaningful way. It's like WWE or something now. People vote for candidates for any wrong reason that makes them happy instead of whether they can represent a constituency. No, they need to stay home and play their video games and let the adults do the voting.
I flipped through channels last night. Around 8pm, CBS had an in-studio host running an eBoard explaining how every last one of the 308 GOP candidates is an "election denier". He was detailing 6 factors, and that every one of the 308 were guilty of at least one of those factors. His summary was that any vote for any of the 308 GOP candidates was a vote to destroy "democracy". This was being broadcast nationally while polling locations were still open.

That is an extreme form of election tampering, pure and simple. The voters have been inundated with this propaganda by the major media outlets and the Democrat Party for two YEARS now. Is it really any wonder those fools in PA elected Baked Potatohead?

This IS the destruction of our democracy. When there is only one allowable choice and anyone who disagrees is an evil fascist bent on destroying the country, that precious freedom to choose is under direct assault.
Beto had 47% last night and didnt think he was going to win. What had me worried was that % gets a smidge higher every election. Glad to see he got less than 44%
Beto never should've gotten past 30%. As a professional election loser, getting 44% is an ominous indicator.
I agree that abortion is horrific, abhorrent and serves to devalue the lives of the unborn and the living, especially those who are old and have disabilities. Abortion is about unwanted people pure and simple. However the pro life movement had a big win in the battle of pro life versus pro choice with the supreme court and republicans should not have doubled down immediately. It is a battle, not wining the war. Attitudes, philosophy and morality still need to be changed in order for Pro Life advocates to claim a win. A good example our district attorney soon thereafter said on National News he would pursue women residing in Oklahoma who abortion a baby out of state. Actions like that although IMHO morally correct, lose elections for republicans. Again, my opinion and not trying to start an abortion argument just stating one of the reasons republicans didn't win big.

Other Factors, a big one, mitch mcConnell and his lack of support of ALL REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. Basically he is supporting the asinine democrat rhetoric of election denial and is a political elitist position. Mitch needs to go. Same with lindsey graham.

Add fraud, party loyalty, dark money and backroom deals, disingenuous news and a dumbed down populous you get what happened last night.
I'll go a step farther. I can't think of a single reason why banning abortion contributes to the good governance of our nation, or even our state for that matter. Not every matter is one requiring criminal enforcement by the State. I have no quarrel with anyone who believes that abortion of any type is evil, but in this situation it actually interferes with the good governance of our nation.

Those who are so obsessed with fighting abortion should channel all their energies into church. community and societal change. Stop loading your baggage onto the government's cart and demanding they carry it for you. They should and must focus on correcting the disastrous course our country is on. They need to run the country, not its people.

Mitch McConnell absolutely did not want to win the majority in this election. He prefers the cloak of Democrat control to hide his fecklessness. If he were in control of the Senate, he'd have to produce results, which is something he's incapable of.


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Oct 9, 2012
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I'll go a step farther. I can't think of a single reason why banning abortion contributes to the good governance of our nation, or even our state for that matter. Not every matter is one requiring criminal enforcement by the State. I have no quarrel with anyone who believes that abortion of any type is evil, but in this situation it actually interferes with the good governance of our nation.

Those who are so obsessed with fighting abortion should channel all their energies into church. community and societal change. Stop loading your baggage onto the government's cart and demanding they carry it for you. They should and must focus on correcting the disastrous course our country is on. They need to run the country, not its people.
This X 100.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Senior citizens communists or lifelong welfare parasites? It matters.

Mothers that would abort babies are much less likely to hold views I'd support, less likely to support themselves, and even less likely to have a dad around that's gonna bring up Jr. right.

At least one of Hershel's accusers has some pretty good evidence that she's legit. I know it's shocking to see a Christian practicing a different lifestyle than they preach, but it could happen.

The offspring of these socialist parasites that are reproducing today will haunt our future generations. Life ain't fair and the world is mean. If your enemies are limiting their own numbers, only an idiot would try to slow that process down.
The same argument you are using to abort babies was the same argument Nazi Germany used to eliminate schizophrenics and mentally challenged. Women have 5 choices now:

1) Birth Control (many choices there.)
2) Be picky about your partners.
3) Abstinence.
4) Adoption (there are many couples who want to adopt, no shortages there)
5) Abortion. Just not in this state unless the gestation of a child could harm or endanger the woman's life.

I thought sex ed in schools was supposed to end unwanted babies? Another MASSIVE FAILURE on the part of education and government.

A change in adoption laws would be very very beneficial. Perhaps a minimal sum to a mother who gives her baby up for adoption, less money to the attorneys. Also a better system if the mother or father does not want to ever hear from the child or offspring.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
The same argument you are using to abort babies was the same argument Nazi Germany used to eliminate schizophrenics and mentally challenged. Women have 5 choices now:

1) Birth Control (many choices there.)
2) Be picky about your partners.
3) Abstinence.
4) Adoption (there are many couples who want to adopt, no shortages there)
5) Abortion. Just not in this state unless the gestation of a child could harm or endanger the woman's life.

I thought sex ed in schools was supposed to end unwanted babies? Another MASSIVE FAILURE on the part of education and government.

A change in adoption laws would be very very beneficial. Perhaps a minimal sum to a mother who gives her baby up for adoption, less money to the attorneys. Also a better system if the mother or father does not want to ever hear from the child or offspring.
BTW, another failure of our politicians. They have created a complicated system that fails on many levels for babies and children with the HS. All they say is "no abortion" without adequate solutions for the mothers who choose to have a child.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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BTW, another failure of our politicians. They have created a complicated system that fails on many levels for babies and children with the HS. All they say is "no abortion" without adequate solutions for the mothers who choose to have a child.
I have an adequate solution for them. Work and pay your own way. Do not expect the rest of us to feed your offspring, we have our own responsibilities to pay for. Find some bleeding heart organization to leech off of and don't burden the taxpayers.

That work ok?

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