OSA Chit Chat Thread

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2009
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Cheyenne, OK
Woke up with the 'CRUD' this morning after oversleeping by 3 hours (very unusual for me), and what's weird is that I haven't been around anyone for at least a week so I didn't get if from anyone else. Soup, tea, & me today 🤨
Hope you feel better soon, I still this bipolar weather is making all of this sick stuff worse!


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I've had a not so good morning, these dreary, overcast days make me dislike winter more every year. Hoping the sun pops out later, we've been foggy and now have the trees and such icing over, they were fine just a few hours ago, I think our temp has dropped since 8 or so.
Sir I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Dreary, overcast days that go on for more than a day or two make me unbelievably sad and just ... Bleh ... Not the normal "bleh, I guess today's gonna be a sucky day" but "bleh, my soul is SO tired and worn out I don't think I can manage much longer, ugly crying in the shower so no one sees or hears me" bleh ... It took me a long time to realize it was the lack if sunlight that was causing my problem, not that I was crazy or "attention seeking" like all the doctors told my parents I was.

I have found that light therapy helps where nothing else has. Not even those damned anti-depressants my doctor seems determined to put me on. And it sounds a little hokey to this ultra-practical tomboy who had always believed that you should not sit around feeling sorry for yourself but drag yourself out of the bar ditch, dust the dirt off your ass and just move on, but yoga -- and TRYING to meditate (because I REALLY am not very good at it) does help.

Take care of yourself -- even if taking care of yourself only amounts to drinking a nice hot cup of coffee, while you are sitting on the back porch, wrapped up in a blanket, watching and listening to the wildlife in the evenings. (THIS is my favorite form of meditation. 😉💖💖)


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Thanks, That Gurl. I hope so too. Small beans from what you go through, so I hope you're doing well this Holiday Season.

So far, so good!! 😁 I'm too onery to not be otherwise.

I have a co-worker who has a severely autistic child. He is one of the hardest workers I have ever met.

He lives week-to-week in a motel that is several miles from work (no car) and relies on his ex- for babysitting/car rides to and from work. That man lives a NIGHTMARE compared to what I deal with. If he worked anywhere else right now he would be homeless.

The owners of the store are going above and beyond to try and help him get up on his feet. Some of the rest of us do what we can when we can (like a ride to work or back home if his ex- doesn't have the car -- I dunno, I don't ask) or buying him diapers for his son, that kind of thing.

But I'm telling you I cannot imagine trying to do what he does day in and day out, day after day, for even a couple of days. I honestly don't know how he does it.

It doesn't take much looking around at all these days to find someone who has it worse than any one of us does. The trick is to remember to be grateful for what little any one of us has because there are plenty of people out there who have much, much less -- and are just barely hanging on.

The store owners just found him a new place to stay, that is a little cheaper and a lot closer to work, and bought him a bicycle, so he at least has an easier time getting back and forth to work. The rest of us are taking up donations so he won't have to buy diapers at least thru the winter. We are probably gonna go buy the thrift store and get them both some jeans, and a winter coat apiece. As bad as things have ever been for me I don't ever remember it being as rough as he has had it. My heart breaks for him. 😢

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