Post apocalypse locations

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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
I have thought about this a little myself. I live in the country very close to a major fishing lake. 1 mile of only one way in or out by my house road for me or anyone else driving by to get to it. I own 1/24th of 200 wooded acres with my lake house neighbors, depending on where I am standing or shooting is mine.

Kinda get amused at the "big game deer hunters" in season. Many of the deer gather in my front yard within .45 range off my front porch. Spook them and they always run to the 200 acres which has water on 3 sides. I usually have a garden, have stuff in the large pantry and the deep freeze for short term I would have to keep going. I do try to keep my spare frig stocked with beer, just in case, but could drink it hot if totally necessary.

If it all lasts longer than I can easily make it, hell, I am an old guy, not sure I want to be here to see what is left over after all my ammo is used up anyway.

Yep, if I still lived in the city, I would have a different perspective. I am not a prepper as such, but I was a Boy Scout before they started giving badges for basket weaving.


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Dec 22, 2017
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Well, I've thought about this a little. I live/work on 12,000 acre ranch. The owners have 3 family homes here and there are 3 employee homes. Also, 3 empty houses. I think the trick to survival in an apocalypse would be keeping folks beat back from what is "ours". Hypothetically nobody would respect what is "ours" and would come right on the ranch to get what they needed. I can't say I would blame them doin so in the name of survival but that's what I see would be my main focus, security. We've got deer, quail, fish, water and wood for building and heating. We keep 1000 gallons of diesel and 500gal gas on hand. I guess some of you OSA'ers could come live here to help with security if you don't have a good spot. THAT OFFER IS ONLY GOOD IN AN APOCALYPSE!!!! Lmao


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2017
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@Annie you would be a great help! From what I've gathered, you don't take no crap know chickens! I forgot to mention we maintain a herd of about 1000 momma cows but we ain't got 1 single chicken. When shtf bring your chickens please! Lmao


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
@Annie you would be a great help! From what I've gathered, you don't take no crap know chickens! I forgot to mention we maintain a herd of about 1000 momma cows but we ain't got 1 single chicken. When shtf bring your chickens please! Lmao

I'm a miserable gardener but I'm your girl if you have critters -- I'll bring the ducks, rabbits and quail, too. :sunbath:


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Probably already been said, but if where you are isn't going to cut it for TEOTWAWKI then that opens up a whole different can of worms. Having a fully prepped and prepared alternate location means you need to be able to get there. Getting there probably won't be simple or safe.

It ain't going to happen, but if it did I'll probably just make a go of it at my home place and see what happens next LOL. I've got room to garden, access to water etc...


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Probably already been said, but if where you are isn't going to cut it for TEOTWAWKI then that opens up a whole different can of worms. Having a fully prepped and prepared alternate location means you need to be able to get there. Getting there probably won't be simple or safe.

It ain't going to happen, but if it did I'll probably just make a go of it at my home place and see what happens next LOL. I've got room to garden, access to water etc...

That's my dilemma, I live in the burbs. I've got maybe 1/8th of an acre in land on my plot (plot size minus house) that I could use for a garden. I would have to remove one good size tree, cut out all the cable, phone, electric and gas lines, and I doubt I would have enough room to garden enough to last over the winter. Not to mention no pump for water and with there being a ton of stray dogs and cats, too many predators in one area to find small game. My tentative plan would be to honker down for a few weeks, then hit the road. I would convert my work van (a Mercedes Benz Sprinter, so plenty of room) by taking out all the cable stuff, leave one shelf and make room for sleeping. Then gather what supplies I could and take my family somewhere else. Gas wouldn't be a problem, would use a suction pump at gas stations. It would take a while unless I could get one that does a gallon per pump. That or use an air compressor driven suction pump (van does have a 1,000 watt inverter). Just wondering if it would be better to head north, go to a coastline, etc. I know I wouldn't want to go west, nothing really there until you get past the rocky mountains and then your locked up against the west coast.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
You have to re-think things. In that situation, stray dogs and cats are small game. ;)


Family: What we are having for dinner?
Me: Mittens
Family: We can't eat yarn!!!
Me: No, Mittens, the neighbor's cat!
Family: Oh.......

(bet you were thinking I was about to make a dirty joke right? Get your mind out of the gutter!)

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