Prayers for one of our own.... cooljeff (medical diagnosis)

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Special Hen
Jun 11, 2007
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Canadian County
I have permission to share this now that the family has shared the news. Below is the Facebook post pertaining to his recent diagnosis of esophageal cancer.
We're all praying for you @cooljeff

His text to me this afternoon, shared with permission:

Hey buddy, I've been wanting to send this, but wanted to wait until I knew more, before I let everyone know. I may be off and on the facebook groups for a while and I may be selling some things in the future, just not sure yet.
I just found out that I have esphogeal cancer over the Christmas break. I had my first test today to stage the cancer and see where it's at.
The endoscopic ultrasound today took about an hour and a half. Here is what we know so far.
The surgeon hoped to be able to do a laparoscopic resection of the esophagus lining if the cancer was localized and small enough, however it was bigger than he hoped so that wasn't an option. The cancer is stage 2a and It has spread to the deep muscle tissue below the esophagus which isn't ideal, however the good news is that he didn't find any cancer in any the surrounding lymph nodes at all, which he said is not typical and is very reassuring. He also found no signs of cancer in the liver or pancreas of other surrounding organs. He said there is a very small 4mm lesion on the stomach just before the esophagus begins. He said that will be biopsied to make sure it's not cancer. He said most likely because the cancer is deeper in the muscle of the esophagus and not just the soft tissue, that it will very likely require surgery and either radiation or chemo afterwards. I will need to do a PET scan next to do a total body scan before meeting with the full team of oncologist. He said if surgery is the next step, unfortunately it will be major surgery because it requires them to go through the thoracic cavity, the neck, and abdomen due to its location near the stomach. The PET scan will determine for the oncology team when they move me to the next step in the process and what exactly will need to be done. I will keep you updated as I know more.
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