Sanders asked to leave restaurant

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Jun 5, 2018
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If one looks at Gary Johnson's platform statement, it can sway some that identify as an independent voter. But in reality, he could barely put together a sentence in live interviews failing to answer questions about the very things that were planks in his platform or incorrectly quoting them. It was pretty obvious he was a shill being led around by the nose by those around him which is why I didn't vote for him.
I too identify as an independent voter fully capable of voting for whom I think will do the best for this country following the principles of the founders of this country when they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights although I don't register as an independent because I wanted to vote in the primary's in Ok.
When I do my analysis of candidates, I look at their history and actually look behind the public persona of the candidate into their private performance over the years previous. There was only one candidate that met that criteria, and that was Trump.
The great orator he is not,(obama was not either, but a great reader of script on teleprompters) and sometimes I cringe with his tweets, while thinking if he didn't use that social media to get to his base, which is huge btw, the media would run rampant with propagandizing the American public, both conservative and liberal in an attempt to drive his poll numbers low enough that impeachment would be a reality. That was their goal in all of this fake news of lies and deceit by the media.
It hasn't worked. Slowly but surely the corruption of the obama administration is being uncovered layer by layer like peeling an onion. As the layers come off, the core of the corruption is getting closer to being exposed. The core is obama himself as expressed in FBI texts by those at the top of the leadership stating that POTUS wants to be advised of all progress in the effort to stop President Trump. This entire fiasco of Trump Russian Collusion/obstruction of justice/stormy daniels, has been nothing more than a smoke screen cover up trying to protect obama. Where is Russia, Obstruction or Stormy now? Gone with the wind. Nothing there, so on the media moves to create more chaos in the news feeds.
The proof is being stonewalled by the deputy director of the FBI that is denying the house the constitutional oversight that the constitution has given them.
It's coming to a head pretty quick. The corruption of the left in the obama years and during hillary's campaign will be further exposed more so than already has been.

And this is why I wanted Trump over Hillary. I knew it was one or the other as no independent or Libertarian has a snowballs chance in Mexico during summer. However, just because I agree with some of Trump's stances doesn't mean I can't disagree with others. Just right now I agree with more of Trump's than Hillary's. I did like Johnson's platform better though.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Horrible foreign policy: Pretty much most of our allies are either pissed or disgruntled, now in a trade war with several countries
Yes, NK is now at the negotiating table, at least in theory. However, this is one small good thing while Trump continues to pass tariffs against countries that are our allies. I can see taxing goods from China as they have screwed us over for many years, but Canada? The UK?

Transgender military service ban: Yes, lets shun a segment of society that wishes to protect our nation
Granted, I don't want a transgender's transition surgery or medical costs from transitioning being done on taxpayer's money. The problem is the way the order was written. Even those that are post op are barred from joining. This is what I disagree with.

The wall: Won't do squat except pad the pockets of the construction companies.
Fun fact: California has had a wall on the border for decades, doesn't do squat. You can't have eyes on every square inch, especially on a wall that spans ocean to ocean. At best it might slow them down just a bit, but there are already tunnels in place so a wall won't do much

Pruitt as head of EPA: Pruitt did nothing for OK except get us into costly legal battles, has no scientific background and is not qualified to clean up a diaper spill much less be in charge of an organization tasked with protecting our environment
Yeah, lets put a person who has no background in environmental science, has done nothing but put profit over environment every chance he gets, and only has his far right pedigree as his lone qualification in charge of a body that is tasked with environmental protection. That's like making a mechanic the surgeon general.

Twitter: Yeah, lets let our leader look like an idiot for the whole world to mock.
Sorry, you might like his vitriol, lambastic posts but he shows he is no leader. At best he is a loudmouthed CEO. This is not who I would want as the face of our Nation.

As I have said before, rather it be Trump than Hillary, we had 8 years too many with her in the WH, don't need it again.

You may disagree with me, that is your right to do so. I was just answer the question which policies I disliked. Basically I'm in favor of throwing all of them out of office, get rid of the political parties all together, and have people campaign on their personal beliefs and not just say whatever will take them to get elected under one banner or the other.

Now, let's discuss your concerns.
Trump's foreign policy is not being on an 8 year apology tour to our allies and enemies. His policy is to be in a position of strength on defense and doing fair and equal trade with countries that are our allies and enemies. Other countries put huge tariffs on our products while we in other than rare cases put none on theirs. China has been a huge issue with zero or extremely low tariffs on goods. Mexico and Canada are the same.
How many Ford, Chevy or Dodge products do you see on the road in foreign countries? Danged few because the tariff is 100%.
Canada charges 250% tariff on dairy goods coming from the US while we charge them zero coming into the US.
Is that fair trade in your opinion? That is just a few facts, there are more, but let's move on.

North Korea? They came to the table, they are verifiably destroying their missile launching sites as noted in sat photo's previously used in launches.
Yes, they have a history of deception in the Kim family, but Trump's position of verifying the denuclearization of the entire Korean peninsula is not under negotiation. It will happen or Kim will have to suffer the consequences of continued sanctions from allies of the US including China that has refused shipments of coal from NK and ordered shipments from the US to replace it. (ever see the main stream media report that?)
Trump isn't following in the steps of Bush, Clinton or Obama where they kicked the can down the street and dumped money like clinton on NK that enabled the nuke program they have going right now. Obama sending billions of dollars on pallets to Iran to stop their nuke program with zero verification OK with you?
Their superior negotiating skills by John Kerry that allowed Iran to self inspect their own facilities with their hand picked inspectors and none from the US is really going to shut down their program? Insane!

Transgenders in the military.....The military in its mission to protect the world it seems generates enough issues with straight gendered folks that aren't confused about who they are suffering with PTSD etc. resulting in a high suicide rate and so on that we don't IMHO need a class of folks than can't make up their mind who they want to be with more issues to deal with. I'll catch hell on this, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking with it.

The wall and your fun fact that in commiefornika it does no good.
Have you ever seen that wall in southern commiefornika? It's a joke. 10' tall with open storm drains running underneath it with no bars to stop anyone from stooping over and walking through. Current designs are being protested by commiefornika as they want open borders.
Sure they can dig tunnels, and accelerometers buried along with border with increased funding can detect digging way before it reaches the border. Accelerometers using vibroseis trucks have been used for 40 or so years to detect vibrations miles underground to map the underground in the search for oil. Simple technology to detect digging tunnels. ( the key is funding to stop it, and liberals did not and are opposing it now)
There is an answer to stopping illegal immigration and Trump, true to his word in the campaign is working toward the solution.

Pruitt. God, I love that guy. For the record, none of the past epa direcors had the "scientific resumae tht your looking for. It sometimes takes 2-5 years or more with thousands of reports to start construction of any kind due to the obscene requirements of the omnipresent EPA.
The EPA was developed (along with a lot of other government agencies) to do the dirty work that congress won't do because they want to get re-elected. Congress basically can just grandstand, pontificate about this and that before empty seats in the halls of congress with a single tv camera to record their great oratorical skills while doing nothing legislatively.
The dimocrats are famous for doing this. upchuck shummer and pelosi are famous for this.
Meanwhile Pruitt is dismantling the overreaching thumb that the epa has administered on this country along with obama's policies driving our businesses overseas to avoid the insane obama regulatory requirements.
Nobody wants dirty water, nobody wants nothing but clean air, and there are ways to achieve that without burdensome and unnecessary regulations. You don't need a scientific degree to know when regulations that are derogatory to the US are unnecessary. How many past directors are scientifically trained in not only the science but the legal ramifications of rulings from the epa? I don't know, just asking.
The liberal media along with the liberal scientific community with ties to solar, and wind business entities and their misconceptions with outright lies of global warming that were proven false, and now the narrative of global climate change which is a belly laugh show that we need Pruitt. The fact that the liberal media is hammering him daily is proof.

Twitter you say? Thank God for it, and Trump using it. He is exposing the bias against him daily and defending his policy's and those that work for him. You would say his tweets defending Sarah Sanders are not needed nor proper?
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Jun 5, 2018
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Like I said, we all have our opinions, and see things different ways. I never said Trump was this god awful monster that the dems scream (I love watching SJW's getting waxed in debates almost as much as I liked watching the HBC hate group get their windows smashed when they protested at soldiers funerals), I simply said I disagreed with some of his policies, and more specifically how some were implemented. Dennis, you are the only one who has actually sat down to discuss this, others just started calling me liberal and what not.

So I will further explain:

Foreign Policy: You bring up good points on the tariffs. No, I don't think it was fair. NAFTA killed Detroit and put a lot of manufacturing jobs out of business, but not by itself, we have unions to thank for part of it. I agree that things should be evened, however just coming in like a bull in a china shop wasn't quite the way it should have been done. Now we are in a trade war with not only China, but the UK as well. Granted, China can go sit on their thumbs and rotate. They would love to see the US ruined and split up since we are one of two other countries that could stop their march for more power. The other country is just like them. However, the UK is one of our biggest ally. Same thing with Canada. I just feel this could have been handled better. Add that with his brash, "I will say whatever I want and damn the consequences" attitude on twitter paints the US in a light I'm not to keen on. Maybe it will work out. I would love to see more blue collar jobs back in the US. The only thing is we have to reign in the unions so those jobs are not overpaid and we see repeats of Hostess.

Transgenders in the military: The stance you provided is a bit typical from the far right. "Class of people who can't make up their mind who they want to be" This has to be the worst way to describe transgenders I've seen in a while. They are not confused, they just feel that their biological gender was wrong and changed it. If they are post-op and have completed the change, that doesn't sound to confused to me. And you opened a whole other can of worms with the PTSD situation. I'll just say this: Any able bodied person who wants to serve in the military should be given the chance, regardless of anything else. The whole "We don't need any gay, lesbian or transgender in the military" argument is the same thing that was said about blacks in the military. As I said, any able bodied person who wishes to serve in the best armed forces in the world should be allowed. Now, if they are pre-op, I agree that the US military should not pay for their transition surgery. However they should be given the choice to take a leave of absence, have the surgery, then be able to rejoin once they show they are able bodied again.

Pruitt: This is where we will have to agree to disagree. The guy is an idiot who panders to the far right and big businesses with no regard to the ecological impact, plain and simple. Denying climate change and how human CO emissions have influenced it is just as bad as the far left ignoring the factual stats on gun crime and baying about wanting to ban this and restrict our rights. I will agree the EPA has been over burdensome, just like other alphabet divisions of the government, but Pruitt is willing to sell out the environment so big companies can profit. I'm no eco nut, our car is still fully gas though it isn't a gas hog. We need to get away from fossil fuels plain and simple. And yes, the EPA was over reaching in many ways (There was a Ford compact that could not be sold in the US because it didn't have a cat converter, it didn't need it. But the EPA said no, even though its emissions were better and got 45 MPG). Now, if Pruitt or Trump were to come out and support research into a better fuel source, say fission powered vehicles, I would support that. But, again, we will just have to agree to disagree on this choice. My views on Pruitt are based off of his choice to cost Oklahoma several million dollars in lawsuits on issues that appealed to the far right and had no chance to win. To me he is just another far right shill who does what he can to stay elected and get money.

Again, thanks for actually discussing this instead of just going off and calling me a liberal. I'm anything but. As Dorian Grey once said "I'm complicated".


Special Hen
Mar 2, 2016
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fission powered cars? how would one dispose of them? how many times has the climate changed since the formation of the planet? to blame human activity for climate change has not been proven. to lower the temperature of the planet 1 degree F is simple, every human on the planet needs to give up cars, heat, cooking, air conditioning, light for 20 years. that should thin the species down to a manageable number. the species in some parts are so stupid they're destroying the huge rain forests which support their lives. but hey, must be America's fault.

saw "birthers" mentioned earlier, i presume we all know the difference between a Certificate of Live Birth and a Government issued Birth Certificate. Walk into the local Social Security office with a Certificate of Live Birth and apply for anything, they'll quickly tell you to come back with your Birth Certificate as the other document is not recognized by government agencies as a legal document.

i too cringe over some of the tweets, but there is no denying Trump is actually doing some things for the country, some seem counter productive but time will tell the final outcome. personally i blame what i call "the walmart syndrome", we want it cheap. i refuse to go into a walmart store, where ever possible i do not purchase products that are not produced here in America, i will pay the increased cost because i firmly believe we have to start making things again, things other than currency used by the world.

Folks promoting transgender and openly gay individuals in the military, unless line company/combat units have changed, have never been in a gun fight. you may absolutely loathe a fellow grunt but when it hits the fan you know he will be there. which body will the transgenders bring to a gun fight? which mindset will these folks bring into a combat situation? a grunt has to know, absolutely know, their squad members will there and in the fight. Top Burris was with Chesty at the Frozen Chosin, during the fight to sea his feet froze, his platoon commander ordered him to board a vehicle, Top refused telling the LT he could still fight, again he was ordered to board the vehicle, again he refused. The LT knowing he wasn't going to win this one worked out a compromise, Top would ride shotgun on the vehicle's fender, Top accepted that and got on the fender, a mortar round landed nearby and blew off a portion of his right foot. Top lived down around Moore and taught me about asparagus growing. Top Burris would be there for you, pulse nightclub patrons..are a question mark. i wouldn't want to bet my life on a question mark. before i'm labeled a homophobe i'm all for them getting married, let them be as miserable as the majority of married folk are. i don't think they are special people who deserve special treatment, instead i think they have never learned that certain "jobs" do have limitations.

Term Limits for all is a rally call that would attract a majority of voters. it would take decades to ratify a new amendment, but it is one of my fondest wishes it will someday happen.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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fission powered cars? how would one dispose of them? how many times has the climate changed since the formation of the planet? to blame human activity for climate change has not been proven. to lower the temperature of the planet 1 degree F is simple, every human on the planet needs to give up cars, heat, cooking, air conditioning, light for 20 years. that should thin the species down to a manageable number. the species in some parts are so stupid they're destroying the huge rain forests which support their lives. but hey, must be America's fault.

saw "birthers" mentioned earlier, i presume we all know the difference between a Certificate of Live Birth and a Government issued Birth Certificate. Walk into the local Social Security office with a Certificate of Live Birth and apply for anything, they'll quickly tell you to come back with your Birth Certificate as the other document is not recognized by government agencies as a legal document.

i too cringe over some of the tweets, but there is no denying Trump is actually doing some things for the country, some seem counter productive but time will tell the final outcome. personally i blame what i call "the walmart syndrome", we want it cheap. i refuse to go into a walmart store, where ever possible i do not purchase products that are not produced here in America, i will pay the increased cost because i firmly believe we have to start making things again, things other than currency used by the world.

Folks promoting transgender and openly gay individuals in the military, unless line company/combat units have changed, have never been in a gun fight. you may absolutely loathe a fellow grunt but when it hits the fan you know he will be there. which body will the transgenders bring to a gun fight? which mindset will these folks bring into a combat situation? a grunt has to know, absolutely know, their squad members will there and in the fight. Top Burris was with Chesty at the Frozen Chosin, during the fight to sea his feet froze, his platoon commander ordered him to board a vehicle, Top refused telling the LT he could still fight, again he was ordered to board the vehicle, again he refused. The LT knowing he wasn't going to win this one worked out a compromise, Top would ride shotgun on the vehicle's fender, Top accepted that and got on the fender, a mortar round landed nearby and blew off a portion of his right foot. Top lived down around Moore and taught me about asparagus growing. Top Burris would be there for you, pulse nightclub patrons..are a question mark. i wouldn't want to bet my life on a question mark. before i'm labeled a homophobe i'm all for them getting married, let them be as miserable as the majority of married folk are. i don't think they are special people who deserve special treatment, instead i think they have never learned that certain "jobs" do have limitations.

Term Limits for all is a rally call that would attract a majority of voters. it would take decades to ratify a new amendment, but it is one of my fondest wishes it will someday happen.
I think you'd be surprised at the opposition it would bring.

"It's not my Congressman who's the problem, it's those 434 other guys! My guy is doing great!"


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Jun 5, 2018
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fission powered cars? how would one dispose of them? how many times has the climate changed since the formation of the planet? to blame human activity for climate change has not been proven. to lower the temperature of the planet 1 degree F is simple, every human on the planet needs to give up cars, heat, cooking, air conditioning, light for 20 years. that should thin the species down to a manageable number. the species in some parts are so stupid they're destroying the huge rain forests which support their lives. but hey, must be America's fault.

saw "birthers" mentioned earlier, i presume we all know the difference between a Certificate of Live Birth and a Government issued Birth Certificate. Walk into the local Social Security office with a Certificate of Live Birth and apply for anything, they'll quickly tell you to come back with your Birth Certificate as the other document is not recognized by government agencies as a legal document.

i too cringe over some of the tweets, but there is no denying Trump is actually doing some things for the country, some seem counter productive but time will tell the final outcome. personally i blame what i call "the walmart syndrome", we want it cheap. i refuse to go into a walmart store, where ever possible i do not purchase products that are not produced here in America, i will pay the increased cost because i firmly believe we have to start making things again, things other than currency used by the world.

Folks promoting transgender and openly gay individuals in the military, unless line company/combat units have changed, have never been in a gun fight. you may absolutely loathe a fellow grunt but when it hits the fan you know he will be there. which body will the transgenders bring to a gun fight? which mindset will these folks bring into a combat situation? a grunt has to know, absolutely know, their squad members will there and in the fight. Top Burris was with Chesty at the Frozen Chosin, during the fight to sea his feet froze, his platoon commander ordered him to board a vehicle, Top refused telling the LT he could still fight, again he was ordered to board the vehicle, again he refused. The LT knowing he wasn't going to win this one worked out a compromise, Top would ride shotgun on the vehicle's fender, Top accepted that and got on the fender, a mortar round landed nearby and blew off a portion of his right foot. Top lived down around Moore and taught me about asparagus growing. Top Burris would be there for you, pulse nightclub patrons..are a question mark. i wouldn't want to bet my life on a question mark. before i'm labeled a homophobe i'm all for them getting married, let them be as miserable as the majority of married folk are. i don't think they are special people who deserve special treatment, instead i think they have never learned that certain "jobs" do have limitations.

Term Limits for all is a rally call that would attract a majority of voters. it would take decades to ratify a new amendment, but it is one of my fondest wishes it will someday happen.

Wow, where to begin. On fission, that was my mistake, meant fusion. Fusion does produce radioactive waste but it is very short lived unlike the waste from fission. Do some studying on it. As far as climate change goes, no its not proven that humans have caused the raise in the earth's temp, but it IS proven we have contributed to it. Besides, go to a big city like LA and see how you like breathing that air. Simply put we need to get away from fossil fuels. They are a finite resource, pollute the planet, cause economic catastrophes (exxon valdez, Deepwater Horizon, just to name a few). Why are some people so against find another way to power our planet without dumping crap tons of CO into the atmosphere or destroying the earth trying to get it out of the ground? I'm not saying give it all up at once, but how about focusing on policies that help develop alternate sources of power?

Your stance on LGBT in the military is again the same stance people had against blacks in the military. "How can you trust them..." Hell, how can I trust that the anglo saxon heterosexual guy next to me is going to have my back? Those that can't hack it are weeded out just like all the others. But putting a blanket policy in place that bans a certain segment of the population from serving their country is wrong, period. I was the same way with women serving front line duty, if they can hack it, let em. Not only am I prior service, so is my brother, both parents and both grandfathers. So please don't tell me I don't know what its like.

And yes, I support term limits as well.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Hell, there's a lot to recommend even fission reactors. We're hung up on the waste products, but there are designs that are much cleaner than our current pressurized-water low-enriched uranium designs. Breeder reactors are great for producing fuel at the same time as power, and there are thorium-fueled designs that are pretty clean as well. As to where to store the waste, that's a political problem, not a technical one. We have storage facilities--Yucca Mountain comes to mind--but powerful politicians and NIMBYism, combined with general ignorance, make it impossible to get things done.

So we burn coal, which emits more radioactive waste in a year than most reactors will produce across their entire lifecycles.

As to nuclear-powered cars, that's a non-starter; there's just too much loss of economy-of-scale to shrink reactors down to the size necessary for a vehicle (and shielding is damned heavy). Nuclear-powered cars would work the same way as nuclear-powered Earth: a big reactor, situated remotely, converted into another form of energy (probably electricity), and used in that secondary form.

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