Statement by OK2A

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Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Unlike the hyenas in the mainstream media and liberal politicians feasting on those poor victims and their families within an hour or two, pro 2A groups remained decent, gave folks time to mourn and are now coming out with sensible well thought-out statements.
Here is a statement released by OK2A that makes total sense to me. Let us hope NRA echoes something similar. I know Larry Pratt has been saying similar things (Gun owners of america).
Gun Free Zones or Killing Zones?

Up to now, OK2A has remained silent about the horrible events of last week in Connecticut. In the face of such tragedy, I would have preferred to see our nation come together to support the many grief stricken families who this week are burying their loved ones. I hoped we could honor the memory of these wonderful children that had so much to look forward to in life. I hoped we could honor the teachers and administrators who bravely put themselves between the gunman and the children under their care. I hoped that we could morn as a nation. Predictably though, within short order the progressives began using this tragedy to further their ideology; an ideology that ignores logic, truth, fact, and the Constitution.

We are told now that we must come together as a nation to deal with the cause of this violence then they ignore the cause and instead blame an inanimate object. Adam Lanza killed 26 people at that school. It was his decision. It was his action. Nevertheless, the progressives blame the gun instead of the gunman and they want to make the honest, law-abiding citizen pay for the sins of the criminal.

The fact is criminals do not obey no gun signs. Let me repeat that. Criminals do NOT obey no gun signs. In fact, evidence suggests that they look for them when deciding on a target. James Holmes passed up several theaters in Aurora, Colorado that allowed concealed carry to go to one that did not. Since the 1950's, almost every mass shooting has occurred in a "gun free zone." What the progressive calls a gun free zone is, in fact, nothing more than a killing zone.

Another ban on (so-called) assault weapons won't work. It made no impact on crime rates in the 1990's when President Clinton tried it and it will make no impact now. It was already illegal for Adam Lanza to have any weapon when he entered that school. But again, criminals don't obey no gun signs. That being a well established fact, what is tighter gun control going to do to stop anyone else from doing what he did? The answer is nothing.

So, what can we do to lessen the likelihood that this will happen again? Every morning when children, teachers, and administrators enter their school buildings they become nothing more than fish in a barrel. The thought of even one more teacher anywhere being forced to beg for their life and the lives of their students ought to stir us to action. While we may not be able to change the laws of the other 49 states, we can change Oklahoma's. It is time to allow educators to defend themselves and their children. It is time to allow carry permit holders to carry concealed while on school property.

Alicia Priest, Vice President of the OEA, said, "Teachers did not go into the profession to be teachers in order to carry a gun. That is a training issue and a mentality that is left to police officers and trained school resource officers. What we would like is resources to hire and train our counselors and administrators and teachers on dealing with mental health issues" (

Dealing with mental health issues is important but when the gunman is shooting his way into the school and there's no policeman or school resource officer in sight, I sure hope the counselors, administrators, teachers, and any other carry permit holder has a firearm too so they can defend themselves and the students. Until we start using logic, truth, and fact to solve this problem, there will be more Columbines and Sandy Hooks.

Give our educators something more than words to use to defend life. Quit making our children fish in a barrel. Abolish the killing zones. We call on Congress and the President to repeal the Federal Gun Free School Zones Act and we call on Governor Fallin and our State Legislature to allow concealed carry in Oklahoma's schools.
Posted on Wed, December 19, 2012 by Tim Gillespie filed under

* Gun Free School Zones Act,
* Concealed Carry,
* Schools


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
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Well written & gets the point across without bashing anyone. Yet somehow I feel the Liberals will turn this into a "excuse" by pro-gun people to have more freedom to carry anywhere. They are pretty tricky about turning things against the gun community. Its like common sense & logic do not apply when dealing with those kind of people.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Well written & gets the point across without bashing anyone. Yet somehow I feel the Liberals will turn this into a "excuse" by pro-gun people to have more freedom to carry anywhere. They are pretty tricky about turning things against the gun community. Its like common sense & logic do not apply when dealing with those kind of people.

Sure, but then who expects the liberal progressive fascists to listen to reason? No, we are appealing to the common person here. And to the gun owners who may have voted for liberals but have perhaps now seen the light?


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
That is a very well written statement. I really hope that the NRA has been working hard on having a similar statement ready. They are the ones that can afford and have the pull to get on major networks to get their points across. It would be very beneficial if they delivered a statement that is as good or better than this one. Maybe it will change some people's minds. I doubt anything will but lets hope.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2006
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SW of Vinita
It is time to allow carry permit holders to carry concealed while on school property.

That is my number one suggestion point for Oklahoma. Both "schools" and the universities. Bugs the heck out of me that I can't just go for a walk on the OU or OSU campus without leaving my gun in the car. How is that a better idea? And if you have students who are over 21 and pass all the legal requirements... how can you tell them their permits are invalid in the part of the world where they spend most of their lives?

As far as teachers in schools and universities, lets not forget that a whole bunch of prior service military end up in the teaching profession. I did myself after eight years of Army service. We've got a BUNCH of trained ex-military types in the US now. Competent, trained, and motivated _combat_ veterans. A huge resource that we actively discourage from carrying guns around our schools. That HAS to end!!!!



Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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After the excellent statement by the NRA, here are some things I plan to do:
1. Donate to the NRA (i'm already a member). Get at least 2 friends to join and pay for their membership if needed.
2. Join 2AF and GOA.
3. Take people who are new to firearms, out shooting. Show them how fun it is.
4. Write strong letters to my Congressman & senators come early Jan.
we all spend money on our hobbies, it would be good to set aside $100 or so a year to keep our 2A rights alive. NRA has only about 4 million members. there are 80 million + gun owners in USA. Free riders need to sign on. Pull your own weight. Keep the politicians scared of the NRA.


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