The restaurant was not an illegal place to be carrying - serving beer. Perfectly legal, as verified by our OK2A rep, @sturgisrunFirst of all, welcome to the forum, and I 100% agree with this last statement, but I do have to agree with a large majority of gun owners that his actions as an auditor were not appropriate and did not help the cause.
When His "audit" at the restaurant hit the national news which always takes incidents like that in a negative manner, it doesn't help gunowners.
There are many other ways to "educate" the public and LEO that were brought up in the thread. He could have set up a booth, posted signs, and offered to "educate" to those that want educated and maybe inform those that are on the fence.
But, he chose to use shock therapy on the public and went into an area where he was not educated on current gun laws in the state of Oklahoma. Before one attempts to educate, they should be educated.
Not sure what his charges were.