What will you miss during the Apocalypse?

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Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
I liked the old show on PBS of some guy up in Alaska that was just him surviving and video taping his ventures. He'd have someone fly in to bring supplies like once or twice a year. A guy could dream...
Found it! Guess his name was Dick Proenneke. Always thought his documentary was cool.
I actually met a guy like that many years ago on a fishing trip to the Northwest territories with my father. Sometime after our arrival at the lodge the owner told me about a trapper who, with the exception of his pack of sled dogs, had lived up there by himself since sometime before WWII. He said the man was named Ragner Johnson and he made his living trapping. He also said that, besides some drops of supplies that were flown in a couple times a year, he survived off the land.

I was at the age were I thought yeah right, this is some story they tell all the kids to add some adventure and mystery to the trip. That was until one day as my father and I were on the boat looking for a spot to drop our lines I noticed a guy on the shore waving at us. I told my father, who hadn't seen him yet and not knowing if it was someone in distress he turned the boat toward shore and headed in. Imagine my/our surprise when we pulled up and a grizzled old man wearing a coat made from, I believe, reindeer hide helped pull the boat on shore and then introduced himself as none other than Ragner Johnson. He invited us to sit around his camp, along with his pack of very large sled dogs, and share some trout he had just caught. He also told us about some spots to try out when we went back out. Needless to say they proved to be great fishing spots filled with huge Lake Trout and Northern Pike.

Fascinating doesn't even begin to describe this chance encounter as the man was definitely the genuine article and had me mesmerized as I listened to the dozens of stories he shared about his life alone living off the land in an extremely remote area. I can still see old Ragner Johnson standing on the shore waving at us every time I think about that day.
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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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We didn't have AC when a kid, just a swamp cooler that didn't work in high humidity that Oklahoma is famous for. The schools were not air conditioned. We used fans and open windows, and so on, even into high school.
We definitely didn't have AC or the best amenities when in the Army back in the day. You made it through your day with nothing fun or pleasant. The latest vets playing in the sandlot had little to no shade and lots of heat to "get comfortable" in. Life was miserable, but one just moved on.
People are so pampered now that they think they can't survive without AC and all the stuff that makes life good now.
Yep. 4 kids in a 3 bedroom 1 bath house. Nowadays a couple thinks they “need” a $400k or more house. But it’s us boomers that are the reason younger people can’t make it.


Special Hen Banned
Sep 30, 2015
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I don't kiss guys but if "it" shows up at Doc's barber shop about 9 this Thursday we can have a mini OSA meet up.
You dont have to lie to kick it. also, i have work, because i;m still a functioning, contributing member of society with loved ones to support. I'm not sitting around just collecting a check and prancing around town.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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You dont have to lie to kick it. also, i have work, because i;m still a functioning, contributing member of society with loved ones to support. I'm not sitting around just collecting a check and prancing around town.
I hope your job isn't as a writer or editor. Maybe some other time. I only worked for 45 years total. Might get a part time gig this winter if @TedKennedy ever tells us how he's paying on all the people he's constantly hiring. I'd ask what you do but I'm sure you're probably ashamed of that too.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
You dont have to lie to kick it. also, i have work, because i;m still a functioning, contributing member of society with loved ones to support. I'm not sitting around just collecting a check and prancing around town.

Good. Make lots of money so the .gov takes more and keeps my retirement funded. I'm counting on you. It's only for 45 to 50 years...you can do it.

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