What's up with this winter?

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2007
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tulsa ok
I couldn't care less why its not cold I'm jut glad its not. Its a pretty common misconception that fat people like the cold. Not this fat people, I'd rather sweat than shiver.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Yes, could be like last year. Mild through January, then first week of February we get 20-something inches of snow, and temps in the twenties below zero. I like a little winter, but just about the time a guy is done with it and gets pumped up about starting on a garden, it'll turn into Alaska.


Nov 28, 2009
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All I know is that we are 'Bone Dry' down here in Altus ........ Lake is down 37' and no irrigation water is left. "Really" need some wet stuff down here ...... rain or snow .......


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
This is what my driveway looked like last year December/January...
[Broken External Image]

and now this year...
[Broken External Image]

But I dont trust the weather here. This warm stuff aint gonna last. I've only been a part time resident here now about 8 years but I know how fast the weather can change. This year I got equipped and stocked up ready for it in early December and been ready for when it does go to hell. And it will. Theres still 2 months ahead of us. But I am having fun being able to drive my GT around right now and not having to drive the 4x4. Yet. Its coming. Some time.

I grew up in southern California my first 17 years, the only time we ever saw snow was when we came here to visit relatives or when we went up to Bear Valley to our little cabin to skii during Christmas. Ive lived part time in northern Cali up on the mountain in the Sierras in that same little A-frame cabin now ever since. I spent 2 full years in Des Moines Iowa 10 years ago and liked to froze my rear off there with those ungodly cold 30 below nights we would have but the deep snow there is just like the ones we get up on the mountain in north Cali so I was used to them- I'll take deep snow driving any day over the freakin crazy azzed ice and ice under snow stuff that we get around here. I am not one of those people raised somewhere else who chastizes Oklahomans and what we have to put up with trying to drive in the winter here. Ice is fcked up to drive on no matter how badazz you think you can drive on snow. Hell I rarely have to put my truck in 4x4 in Iowa or north Cali except for in the really deep snow and most of the time in Iowa Im tooling around town in one of my RWD hotrods cause the snow packs down there and its easy for you to drive on it. A lot of times I would drive my 98 Supra to our shop and come out at 2am with it completely buried in the snow. Once I got the snow off the car I would just drive it on home trying to dodge the hundreds of big 4x4s with blades on the their fronts buzzing around clearing off business parking lots. I still have a couple small businesses, one in Des Moines and another in Modesto California with the ex, so I have to go to both places regularly and I usually get there and back here no problem. When coming back here though I usually have the most trouble near and around Kansas City and then to Joplin and on in to Tulsa it gets a little hairy. I have a few of my fave little motels along my route Ive had to shack up in for the night a few times over the years. Just comes with the territory cause it pretty much snows in both of those places from November to April non stop so Ive got that drive down to a science. I just take my time...

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