Why we gotta have this forum-on-forum hate?: Thread about okshooters on opencarry.org

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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What is the difference between going to the store concealed and going to the store open? You have to take your cc holster with gun, extra ammo , your edc light, and your edc knife. How exactly is that different than carrying the same thing openly? BTW at what point in time did honest men start having to hide their guns? We have had the discussion, in the warrior cop threads, that criminals have never changed. So why did the way law abiding citizens carry change?

I slip my KelTec into my right front pocket and go. I have no need to drag that other crap around. Maybe you don't get out much but hooligans and other criminal types have been concealed carrying for decades.


Special Hen
Dec 31, 2008
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north of tulsa
Thanks for calling me a liar. Please offer a fact-based counterpoint next time. Otherwise, you're contradicting your own "want" for a "reasoned, logic[al], and intelligent discussion" by making claims based on emotions rather than facts.

first of all please take nothing personal i have said or fixin to say (and ya i know you like me using fixin lol you know who you are)

i work for some real number fanagalers ,so your first post put me off. but then i said out of humor, i could do it . so i crawled back through the thread .

first emotions are hard to shed , and i had to use them on the posts that lent an opinion, but didn't come straight out and say. your first post listed i guess total numbers . i'm keeping them to just this thread . more germain and current ,plus it helps my numbers. lol
so here we go hopefully my cut and paste isn't to confusing .

FWIW, in the last 30 days we've had 1,374 unique posters. Only 15 posted anything negative about open carry, or 1.09%.

In the last 90 days we've had 1,982 unique posters. Only 17 posted anything negative about open carry, or 0.85%.

4 opinions voiced on page 1
2 opinions voiced on page 2
5 opinions voiced on page 3
5 opinions voiced on page 4
5 opinions voiced on page 5
0 opinions voiced on page 6

as to whether or not you opposed or cared . 2 opposed one harshly. 8 pro 11 indifferent .

my original statement
"and only feel that a small percentage 35% of those who opposed do so harshly . my post here could even be concidered harsh . but i truely only poke fun at the 35%"

so now this is totally out of sport and because i did just pic a number out of my hat.

20% of this thread voiced an opinion on open carry. of those
51% cared less
44% are for
05% opposed, of the opposed i felt 1 or 50% was harsh

when i first typed my statement i said 40% but changed it to 35% giving the benefit of a doubt and thread expansion .

so my original statement that ONLY a SMALL amount WHO OPPOSE do so harshly . and i find in my numbers i was wrong it was more lol

please don't have me do that again and i wont be flippant with spoutin numbers.



Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Well, in all honesty, I'll post a comment I made a year or two ago that sent a (new) guy off so far that he was calling me the "f" word and others. The mods got rid of him, and it likely increased the IQ on these forums a lot. What ticked him off was this:

"To be truthful, there are even some folks on OSA forums that I wonder whether they should even own a firearm."

That, by the way, does NOT apply to the VAST MAJORITY of the participants here. But, it "might" apply to "whats-his-face" that wants to start things over here.

Time will tell on that one. It all depends on the individual's attitude.

Not trying to start anything, but my curiosity has risen. What with all the comparison of statistics going on here, I wonder where my above comment fits. After all, it said nothing about open carry or concealed carry, but it might have said a lot about a (very) slim minority of the OSA members.

I will venture the comment that your coming here and "hashing it out" with us instead of badmouthing us elsewhere does indicate that you have a better attitude than I first thought.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Accusing VeggieMeat of manipulating statistics is kind of surprising. Why would he do that? This is just not some big deal.

"Reasoned, logic, and intelligent discussion?" Bro, you do know where you are right? I mean, you can hope and dream, but you can't expect miracles. It would be contrary to the natural order of life for us to produce a thread without sarcasm on OSA. It would be the equivalent of being able to turn lead into gold or flying around on a magic carpet.

I agree with this. Ballbusting is our Forte'


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
i'm keeping them to just this thread . more germain and current ,plus it helps my numbers.


20% of this thread voiced an opinion on open carry. of those
51% cared less
44% are for
05% opposed, of the opposed i felt 1 or 50% was harsh

Sample size of 21 posters in a single thread vs sample size of 1,374/1,982 posters?

Plus your math on your own sample is wrong.

1 "harshly opposed" = 4.76%
1 "opposed" = 4.76%
11 "indifferent" = 52.38%
8 "pro" = 38.10%

(Total may not equal 100% due to rounding. Also note that only 2 of the 15 from the last 30 days in my sample have posted in this thread so far.)

Even using your numbers with correct math (which is to your benefit), only 9.52% are "opposed" to open carry, but keep in mind that is limited to a single thread that spans a very insignificant amount of time.

Still, 9.52% is hardly a significant amount. And it's definitely not a large enough subset of a group to paint an entire group and organization as being against open carry.

Based on logins within the last 30 days and assuming a 95% confidence level, your 9.52% is within the 12.51% margin of error, which means even though you found 9.52% of a sample of 21 posters was "opposed", if the sample had been of the active users within past 30 days it could still be statistically 0%. Even if we use logins since this thread started, you still have a 12.43% margin of error. Thread views gets you a margin of error of 12.49%. Total posts leading up to yours is still a margin of error of 10.89%.

My first sample of 1,374 with a 95% confidence level yields a margin of error of 0.38%. My second 90 day sample with a 95% confidence level yields a margin of error of 0.32%

So, which polling company do I need to avoid hiring?


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Most of you know that I'm the President and one of the Founders of the Oklahoma Open Carry Association. First of all, I didn't agree with the premise posted in the thread over on OCDO. There are a lot of regular posters here who support OC, a few who oppose it, but the majority here really don't care one way ot the other. AS IT SHOULD BE.

There have been a couple of things said here that I think are patently false. I've NEVER seen an open carrier say that CC is wrong, as Mr. Books said. Then another comes along and tells us open carry is OK, just don't be doing it when it's not appropriate... according to what someone else thinks is appropriate? Or according to what is legal? I OC every day, everywhere I can legally do so. Saying stuff like "strapping on the hogleg to buy milk" is just silly. I holster my XDs every morning when I get dressed, and that's where it stays all day until I go to bed. I unholster when needed to go into a prohibited place, but otherwise, I OC all the time. I guess some people think I should unholster to stop at the store and buy milk, but frankly I don't give 2 shits what some guy on the internet thinks. Who are you to decide when it's "appropriate" for me to carry in the lawful manner that I choose?

Yes, there is some bully type of talk on this board about OC, but it's such a small amount that it's pretty easy to ignore. Everyone has the right to disagree with what I do or don't do, and I also have the right to not give a damn. I generally don't get into these arguments. It's pointless. But I will say that we should be on the same team working toward the same goals. Open carriers almost universally support concealed carry. Concealed carriers so not universally support open carry. OC or don't, it's up to you to decide what self defense strategy is right for you.

But ridiculing others because they don't choose to live in the box you created for yourself is just a dick move.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
MW City
dang.now at six pages..................
Its almost ready to turn into a food fight or worse.
Look I don't open carry but I got no problem at all with any who does.

I don't get excited and frankly probably haven't noticed that many OC'ers.
That being said, I did open carry for 25 years. As a cop that's a given.

Now veggie meats has pulled out the numbers and we got a percentage fight going on..............

No reason for ball busting on this issue.................some folk just like the oc is all.

Kid Glock

Special Hen
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
NE Okla.
I've been a member of this board for some time, although not very active, but do frequent here quite often. And although I've only read the first and last (6th) page of this thread, I've never got the perception that OSA is anti-OC. Maybe I just haven't read the right threads. After some thought about it, I'd prolly say a portion feel like I do. I think OC is ok and I'll certainly do it if/when I feel like it but I just prefer CC. Maybe out of habit, I don't know.
To each their own. I'm glad we have a choice.

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