totally creeped out part deux

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Special Hen
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
You posted a thread about needing your garage door replaced a while back, did that happen, if so, that could be something to look into...

and Mark has a valid concern....unfortunately....

Kendall, not to be nosey, but how is you and your wife getting along. Or the other 2 people that have keys. This is just a possibility and only a possibility, she may be having an affair, came home for a quick one and not had time to put things away before returning to work. Or the other two people that have keys may have done the same thing. Bug the phone, put up lipstick cameras and let no one know about them. I hope this is not the case, but it has happened to others.

Old Timer

Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Shawnee-- - OKC area
I would put in a few of covert cameras in and around the house. Don't tell anyone what you are doing, or where, even your wife.
Then when you get pictures, you will know the truth. Not tp be paranoid, but things like Mark mentioned do happen. I know.
Of course, it might be one of your "growing" kids, got hungry, had a key you forgot about, and stopped in for a quick bite. You can always hope :fallangel

Otherwise, it is a burglar,:gun1:

Or an ailen from outer space :greetings


Special Hen
Nov 29, 2014
Reaction score
so I am the last to leave my house in the mornings(wife and I are the only ones who live here) and usually the first to return in the evening. so this morning I do the same routine as always ,put dog in kennel in living room,turn out lights walk out into garage and push garage door opener button get in truck and leave.

come home around 3pm, drive into garage and walk in house. utility room light is on,dining room light is on and living room light is on ,I call my wife and ask did you come home sometime today? nope. I let dog out of kennel and instead of running to the back door to be let out to go pee as always he runs through house sniffing every room. I follow and discover oven light is on ,but oven isn't. then I see an empty package of cheese slices and empty package of bologna that we had not opened yet sitting on kitchen counter.

I call wife again and begin searching house, she calls the only other 2 people with keys and nada. I find nothing else disturbed no doors unlocked ,windows all secured no clue to point of i'm not sure what to do.may set some game cams around.

what say you OSA?

Setting up some vid surveillance would be a very good idea. I did exactly that back in 2000. Here's the story: I came home from work at 3:20 AM like always and I thought something was odd. Some of my belongings were moved around in my house that I knew I did not leave them where I found them when I got home. Nothing was missing, just moved. I switched out the locks on both doors just to make sure no one else had a key. My house used to be like grand central station when I was younger, so there was no telling who had access. Being the worry wart that I am, I also bought a wireless video camera and attached it to my neighbor's house across the street. 3 days after, while I was at work, 3 boys (in Ocean Pacific hoodies no less) were caught on camera on my front porch and 2 of them kicked in my front door when they couldn't get in using what ever it was they tried first. They went into my house and came out with a VCR, 2 gaming consoles, about 20 video games, and my game chair and they left the front door wide open. I live on a busy street and my best friend had driven by just 30 minutes before and all was fine, (we watch out for those we care about around Duncan. That's just the way Duncanites are I guess) but on his way home, he saw that the door was wide open. He called me up on the phone at work and said I'd been robbed, so he stayed at my house until I could get off work and he even fixed the door for me so it would shut and lock again. It turns out that the video tape that had recorded the whole incident was laying in the floor. The kids popped it out of the VCR before snatching it. The cops took it as evidence. I was notified 2 days after, that these kids were caught breaking in to another house down the road by the owner, who almost shot one of them. They admitted breaking in to my house, but only after seeing the video footage. Their parents paid to replace my door and the whole frame and for the theft of my stuff that I didn't get back. They also did my lawn work for the whole summer. I didn't press charges against them because one of the kids was the son of an acquaintance of mine. He got mad at me a couple of weeks earlier when I wouldn't buy him cigarettes and I told his dad he tried to get me to do so. I don't think he got to do anything that summer but shovel horse manure and cow patties, but those boys learned their lesson the hard way. Their parents were some pretty tough characters, so I don't know what else they got as punishment.


Special Hen
Nov 29, 2014
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As I don't normally have a bunch of folks running in and out of my house I leave a ten spot or a twenty on the counter as a signal for the "all clear" when I walk through the door. Learned this the hard way when a coworker relieved me of a very expensive watch from my office drawer. I didn't notice the watch missing for quite some time until I went looking for a book of stamps in the same drawer. Disassembled the desk looking for stamps and that's when I discovered the watch had been snatched. Thieves suck donkey d***s.

Wow RH, some people are just sorry excuses for humans. I don't like a thief almost as much as I don't like an animal abuser. I pride myself in the fact that I can be trusted by people. I come and go at a local business with the owner being gone to handle his WIFI and internet woes and I have complete unrestricted access to everything in it, but never once had I ever thought about taking a single thing that wasn't mine. It sickens me to think that many people these days cannot be trusted for squat. Coincidentally, I left a router over there 3 weeks ago and haven't went back to get it yet and it is probably still sitting in the office where I left it.


Special Hen
Jan 7, 2013
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Very creepy and also some very good advice given by the "serious" responses! I would definitely take the advice given.

You know the truth...there's only a couple realistic possibilities; squatter, friend who is lying to you, thieve or your wife or her "friend".

In the interim, I believe I personally would be making several "unexpected" visits home throughout the day. Maybe leave a back door unlocked and/or some blinds up and when you come home, slip in through it vs signaling to everyone that your home by coming in the front door or garage.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
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Kendall, not to be nosey, but how is you and your wife getting along. Or the other 2 people that have keys. This is just a possibility and only a possibility, she may be having an affair, came home for a quick one and not had time to put things away before returning to work. Or the other two people that have keys may have done the same thing. Bug the phone, put up lipstick cameras and let no one know about them. I hope this is not the case, but it has happened to others.
nah her boyfriend doesn't like balogna


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
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I would put in a few of covert cameras in and around the house. Don't tell anyone what you are doing, or where, even your wife.
Then when you get pictures, you will know the truth. Not tp be paranoid, but things like Mark mentioned do happen. I know.
Of course, it might be one of your "growing" kids, got hungry, had a key you forgot about, and stopped in for a quick bite. You can always hope :fallangel

Otherwise, it is a burglar,:gun1:

Or an ailen from outer space :greetings
wife was at work,I know for a fact wasn't her. the other two key holders are adult son ,lives in Edmond ,works in Edmond,he said nope not him and adult daughter she was at dentist with grand daughter not her either.

never had anything like this before. locks have been changed ,whole house searched nada. I did have garage door replaced 3 weeks ago if it was the garage door man he was hungry cause who ever it was ate 16 slices of bologna and 24 slices of cheese
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Special Hen
Nov 29, 2014
Reaction score
On a different note (but still creepy,) I got creeped out this morning before heading to Chickasha. I had a guy from adult protective services
call me in regard to my great aunt, but how he got my number and the info that I was related to her totally dumbfounded me because she never
gave him my information, only her sister's contact info. We talked briefly about my aunt and her case, and made an appointment to meet up at
her place this morning, then I headed to her house and met up with him there. My mother asked how it came to be that the guy would contact
me, but I had no idea. I'm not listed as her next of kin or any kind of guardian. Anyway, I asked the guy how he got my number or knew I was related
to my aunt and all he said was, "We are part of the government and we have our ways." It's a good thing I didn't have an Agent Scully on speed dial,
because I'd have been calling her up and whining! LOL, he probably Googled my aunt and found me in her circle and said, hmmmm, lets call this guy!

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