Was I wrong for doing this? (kinda long - sorry!)

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Saturday afternoon, I was in Sam's Club with my wife and daughters. I saw a guy coming my way pushing a cart and the first thing I noticed, he was wearing a Daniel Defense T shirt. That kinda caught my attention (I rarely ever wear anything that marks me as a gun guy). Then, as he got closer, I could tell he was appendix carrying, because he was printing just a little bit. Not a helluva lot, mind you, but just enough that I could spot it. None of the sheeple in the store could, but I did.

He walked up to his wife/GF and they started talking. I casually approached him and gently whispered, "dude...you're printing just a little bit." He obviously knew what I was talking about, because he didn't say "what?" or "excuse me?" he simply chuckled a little and said, "ok, thanks" and we parted ways.

Not hearing what I said to the gentleman, Mrs. GED asked, "what was that all about?" I told her, "I just informed that guy he was printing." Of course, Mrs. GED replied with "huh?" just like I knew she would. My oldest daughter, who then noticed our conversation, asked what was going on. So I told her what I said to the man as well and, just like her mother, she said, "huh?"

Later, Mrs. GED said that was it was rude and very unappropriate (is that even a word? :scratch:) for me to approach a complete stranger and make a remark like that. I informed her that if it were me that was printing, I would want a fellow armed citizen, if he/she noticed, to inform me to the fact, so that I could re-think my attire and/or concealment system.

Have any of you have someone tell you that you were printing? Have YOU told someone they were printing kinda like I did? What were your results? Did your wife/GF tell you it was the wrong thing to do?

This isn't the first time I've done this. The first time was a state trooper that I knew. Hell, he was wearing one of those skin tight Under Armor shirts and you could damn near make out the grenade checkering on the grip of his Glock 22. I didn't just advise him of his printing, I more or less scolded his ass for wearing that kinda shirt while carrying concealed and told him never to wear such a thing ever again! :nono1:

The other guy was at the Shawnee mall. He wasn't printing, per se, but rather, he had on one of those "shoot me first" khaki vests in the middle of August. He was sitting on a bench, obviously waiting on his wife, so I sat down on the other end and simply asked him what he was totin'. He tried to play dumb, never making eye contact with me and with a chuckle and a tongue in cheek smirk he said, "I dunno what you are talking about."

Judging him by his age (mid 60s) I said "you look like a 1911 guy." He chuckled and said, "close...Browning Hi Power." then we both laughed for a minute, talked a little shop until his wife came out of the store and they walked away.

So...am I wrong for doing this? If I were printing, I definitely would want somebody to bring it to my attention so I could change my method of carry, my daily attire or maybe BOTH.

What say you?

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Nope. You're good. I've done it before. Grumpy has done it before. Heck, we've even done it to each other before. :blush:

But seriously, I'd want to know. Every single person I've ever told they were printing, or their gun was showing (because his t-shirt had hiked up and gotten hung on the grip, probably when he reached for something overhead) has been extremely appreciative and thanked me. I've been the same way. Better someone saying something quietly than some idgit screaming at the top of their lungs "GUN!!" and pointing at you like a reenactment of "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers".


Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
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Green Country
Better than I received when I was reaching for some onions at Sprouts. Guy and his wife, "Gun!". Wife says what? "That guy has a gun. Where? I don't see it. In the front of his pants. Wife: I think you are seeing things." I continued my shopping. I was not asked to leave.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Better than I received when I was reaching for some onions at Sprouts. Guy and his wife, "Gun!". Wife says what? "That guy has a gun. Where? I don't see it. In the front of his pants. Wife: I think you are seeing things." I continued my shopping. I was not asked to leave.

See?? Things like this are why I'm RARELY seen in public anymore. I JUST cannot deal with the level of stupid that is out there running around loose ...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 27, 2017
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I would never had done that.
Just think. What if that dude was a felon on the run?
At the very least, myob rules, and open carry laws leave him 100% in the ok.
If it were a safety issue then that’s different.

I totally understand the desire to help out a fellow law abiding gun carrier, but I would hope I’d just leave him be. Guys like that don’t listen to stuff like this.

Ignored Member

Aug 15, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I've seen it a lot, but never said a word. I feel it's the responsibility of the person carrying concealed, to be concealed.
The wife and I have gone out to dinner and movies several times and at the end of the night when I unholster she's said "I didn't know you had that" to which I reply, "that's the point"


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
In states with open carry I don't even think about it. I carry OWB with a shirt that hangs over it. The only time I attempt to cover up is if I go into the hospital for my wife or a dr's office at which point in time in the winter I wear a jacket and in the summer I have a bunch of hawaiian style shirts that I toss over. Same goes for the theaters and the mall, if they have a sign I just try a little harder beyond that IDGARA is my motto. When I go to states with conceal only I tend to carry IWB with a tshirt and a jacket or hawaiian style shirt and keep it concealed.

More than likely if you were to say something to me I would have said something to the effect of "Thanks" while tucking my shirt between my skin and pistol. I have seen people conceal carry and print and just leave them to it.

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