Do you think obama will "try" to take our guns?

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Do you think obama will "try" to take our guns?

  • YES

    Votes: 162 65.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 86 34.7%

  • Total voters


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 18, 2008
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Didn't think the Brady Bill would get passed, it did. Didn't think Obama would be elected president, he is. Healthcare bill was dead 6 months ago, it's now law. I put nothing past Obama, he has proved that he can lie with a smile on his face, backroom deals, political intimidation, fed appointments, this guy does it like a pro. Depends largely on the Nov. elections. Uncertain time for sure.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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But not until his 2nd term.

How is anyone's guess but he'll try something. Assuming he gets reelected of course and I consider the electorate stupid enough to do it.


Apr 5, 2010
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middle of nowhere
The Electorate must be bipolar.

When they elect the candidate we like they are savvy, conservative, real americans.

When they elect the candidate we hate they are ignorant sheep, selling out for some fleeting material gain.

Obama sure has learned alot in office. I'd say he is alot smarter than any other President we have ever had.

When he was candidate Obama he was derided as a bumbling niave novice with no real experience.

Now he is apparently a meld of two politicos who spent decades learning the ropes. Carl Rowe and LBJ.

If his comment about fearful conservatives clutching Bibles and guns in the dark is taken at face value, you might conclude he doesnt fear gunowners.

My personal belief is he is far more focussed on undoing the damage done by lassez faire ecomonics and rebuilding the firewalls that kept one economic sector from sinking a dozen others.

But I do understand how many with hate in their heart will project every Evil onto Obama.

The sands are shifting and what was once a given as a birthright to some is now in grave doubt. But that was happening for 20 years, just took time to generate enough smoke to be seen.

Its late, the weather is over, time for bed... good night all, and good luck


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 20, 2009
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I do i really do, But like everyone says. He will take it slowly to where we loose one thing at a time. We have gotta get something done. Say we have these conversations living in a free country!


Formerly SirROFL
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 4, 2009
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My personal belief is he is far more focussed on undoing the damage done by lassez faire ecomonics and rebuilding the firewalls that kept one economic sector from sinking a dozen others.

Are you referring to the sub-prime lending issue which was created by too much government regulation, or the actual laissez faire economic policies which haven't been the norm in the U.S. for 150 years?

On the rest of your post, they did the same with GWB...he was either a political mastermind plotting to take over the world, or a blithering idiot. They never made up their minds.

Birthrights don't change, they just get co-opted by people more surreptitious than a man's own children.


Apr 5, 2010
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middle of nowhere
No I'm talking about the total lack of any oversight in things like hedge funds, the elimination of firewalls between Investment banks and regular ones, the elimination of firewalls between lending, insurance, investment and finally the use of overvalued mortgages (falsely rated as AAA bonds because only those could be traded- NO oversite on that) as a commodity to be traded internationally.

I'm talking about the revolving door between Wall street and government oversite agencies. The guy who worked on Wall st now 'oversees' Wall st and will soon go back to Wall st. Bit incestious to me. Wall st got the bailout, Mainstreet/ paycheck America will pick up the tab.

I see the false prophecy of the market and corporations are true living beings which will not cut their own throats. CEOs would never risk corporation well being for short term gain, but thats exactly what they did to gain the millions in annual bonuses if a spike in the stock price was a certain level, nevermind like a plane at too steep an angle of attack it WILL stall. Market crashed, CEOs, CFOs, and select high level manglement bailed with golden parachutes or got millions each in bonuses for directing the massive failure.

BushII was a C average drooler who was putty in the hands of career gameplayers. I am reminded of an old cartoon, Pinky and the Brain where each episode they attempt world domination, but Brain is too arrogant and Pinky a total bafoon. (Ummm and incase it isnt clear Bush the Younger is bumbling Pinky.)

I was just amused by how quickly Obama went from inexperienced to master manipulator- NEVER said it never happened to others!

Birthrights are a funny thing. Some are fleeting, a case of birthright by default. Lack of any competition for the status leads some to be complacent. As new elements enter the mix, hungery for a place and are willing to do more for less its only natural some of the original crowd get angry, fearful and very resentful.

When our nation went from agrarian to industrial our workforce underwent a great upheaval. As the Industrial related companies fought ruthlessly for market domination the federal government was forced to finally act over tremendous Robber Baron objections of Government interference and its the natural order in Capitalism. (not like health care today) Finally the Anti-trust laws were cobbled together (heathcare insurance is exempt) and some sort of leveling off occured until the stock market, which was then the speculative outlet for surplus money, overheated and collapsed.

I understand the fear and uncertainty, but I also understand what many see as a birthright was merely a temporary bonus.

Just how much resentment and backlash is based on fact and how much on hate is very subjective.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Oh wow, this has now turned into an economics discussion?

OK, i'll throw in my .02 worthless, inflated FRNs on that subject.

What I don't get is why we keep on listening to the supposed "experts" on economics and monetary policy, such as Geithner, Bernanke, Paulson, etc., when none of them saw ANY of this current mess coming, nor did anyone of the economic philosophy they subscribe to (Keynesianism). Yet we keep on listening to people who espouse this philosophy (which is very big-government oriented, which may have something to do with why all government economists are Keynesians).

There is an economic philosophy called the Austrian School of thought which is in the minority in academia and is non-existent in government circles who predicted this current mess, along with pretty much every major crisis from the Great Depression on. They have a completely different theory regarding the business cycle, which makes a lot of sense if you look into it. The Austrians tried to warn us about where all the Keynesians' policies were leading us. Now that they are proven right, they are still largely ignored by the media, the government, and the people. We keep on letting the same idiots lead us down the same road.

BTW, the Austrians advocate the exact opposite of what the Keynesians advocate. The Austrians say we need LESS regulation, LESS manipulation of interest rates, LESS tax incentives and other causes of mal-investment... basically, LESS GOVERNMENT, MORE LIBERTY.

I'll leave it up to you to decide which group we should listen to. The ones who were oblivious and didn't see the crisis coming until it slapped them in the face, or the ones who saw it coming and tried to warn us?

And what this has to do with Obama taking people's guns I have no idea. :)


Apr 5, 2010
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middle of nowhere
Economics comes into this as we have gone through a tremendous loss of wealth and had the first temors of all is not well with our current economic foundation.

While some are one issue plank thinkers, I beleive most of the Nation doesnt see gun control as a front burner issue and Obama needs jobs not our guns to get re-elected.

Oh the Austrian model was practised here since Reagan, dereguate and allow business to run business. Here the flagbearer for deregulation was Milton Friedman. His cures for other nations' economic troubles ignored political reality and were not successful. He blamed not cutting social spending near deep enough nor exporting national wealth fast enough to satisfy the world investment banks who loaned billions to each country.

One can argue the cure's effectiveness, but the Investment banks made billions and alot of that was at American taxpayer expense. nowhere has the Friedman model worked, it starves the herd to pay the banker and eventually the cows all die.

I apologize for all the off topic, but there are bigger fish to fry than gun control.

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