Why I choose to carry a revolver...

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Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I will offer that I much prefer a semi-auto over a revolver as a primary and I have trained enough to become fairly proficient with a revolver i.e. IDPA Master class (with a model 10 and speedloaders not moon clips), Master class in PPC, and one of only a dozen or so candidates ever who fired at least 590/600 at the CLEET Firearms Instructor School with a duty revolver.

I simply believe that I'm about half as good in a fight as I am in training and prefer the edge that twice as many rounds gives me.

Even as accomplished a revolver shooter as Jim Cirillo decided to start carrying a semi-auto as a primary (S&W 4546 and later a Glock 30 or 27) as soon as he was allowed despite being involved in over 20 shootings with a Model 10.

I have emptied a semi-auto in a fatality shooting and had no difficulty in court. I was not sued nor questioned about the number of rounds fired.

I have no difficulty with anyone who trains with one carrying a J as a primary; It's their choice and if they feel comfortable with it and have HONESTLY assessed their risk and ability, who am I to say different?

I have simply evaluated what I believe to be my risk and have come to the decision that I prefer more than five or six rounds before having to re-load.

If they decided to outlaw semi-autos today, I'd switch to a revolver by 9am and not miss a beat but if given a choice I don't any reason not to have more rounds between re-loads.


Michael Brown

Michael, My comments were not meant towards you, but others here. Sorry if I hit a nerve with you.



Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
You have clearly caught "the gay" at that website.

The only remedy you have is to walk outside and punch the next guy you see square in the face. That is the only known remedy for "the gay".

Michael Brown

I'll wait until I get to work tonight.I'll probably have to do something "similar" with some ETOH or OD.Will that work?? As far as catching the "gay" you know there are many threads on OSA frought with it so it's really about knowing what to keep and what to flush with ANY gun forum.There is a lot of good info on his site but I actually limit my visits to AK and Com Bloc weapons sections in general. Steve

Besides,it's raining outside and I just did my hair.


Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I'll wait until I get to work tonight.I'll probably have to do something "similar" with some ETOH or OD.Will that work?? As far as catching the "gay" you know there are many threads on OSA frought with it so it's really about knowing what to keep and what to flush with ANY gun forum.There is a lot of good info on his site but I actually limit my visits to AK and Com Bloc weapons sections in general. Steve

Besides,it's raining outside and I just did my hair.



Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
Some of you sound like your going to Iraq or the "Stan" to fight Alibaba, and others seem to have enough faith in their bottom feeders to where you only carry whats in the gun. I do pray that those of you in either position never ever get into a gunfight; 1. Your going to have a tough time in court, or your going to meet Mr. Murphy.

I pray that too - especially now, as I don't carry anything. As I said before, I'm ignorant in all of this debate. I'll let those in the know carry on, and I'll still contemplate whether I'd carry the "five for sure" in the SP101, or move to a semi-auto that I could be confident that I could operate (and hit the broad side of a barn with).

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
I'll wait until I get to work tonight.I'll probably have to do something "similar" with some ETOH or OD.Will that work?? As far as catching the "gay" you know there are many threads on OSA frought with it so it's really about knowing what to keep and what to flush with ANY gun forum.There is a lot of good info on his site but I actually limit my visits to AK and Com Bloc weapons sections in general. Steve

Besides,it's raining outside and I just did my hair.

Every thread at Warriortalk is infested with "the gay".

It is possible not to catch "the gay" if you limit your visits there to times you want to ridicule others over their catching "the gay" or if you need specific information from Jim Fuller on an AK and you avoid all other threads.

That is the only way to prevent it.

You will still need to cure your current outbreak however.:madbox::wink2:

Michael Brown


Special Hen
May 11, 2010
Reaction score
I will offer that I much prefer a semi-auto over a revolver as a primary and I have trained enough to become fairly proficient with a revolver i.e. IDPA Master class (with a model 10 and speedloaders not moon clips), Master class in PPC, and one of only a dozen or so candidates ever who fired at least 590/600 at the CLEET Firearms Instructor School with a duty revolver.

I simply believe that I'm about half as good in a fight as I am in training and prefer the edge that twice as many rounds gives me.

Even as accomplished a revolver shooter as Jim Cirillo decided to start carrying a semi-auto as a primary (S&W 4546 and later a Glock 30 or 27) as soon as he was allowed despite being involved in over 20 shootings with a Model 10.

I have emptied a semi-auto in a fatality shooting and had no difficulty in court. I was not sued nor questioned about the number of rounds fired.

I have no difficulty with anyone who trains with one carrying a J as a primary; It's their choice and if they feel comfortable with it and have HONESTLY assessed their risk and ability, who am I to say different?

I have simply evaluated what I believe to be my risk and have come to the decision that I prefer more than five or six rounds before having to re-load.

If they decided to outlaw semi-autos today, I'd switch to a revolver by 9am and not miss a beat but if given a choice I don't any reason not to have more rounds between re-loads.


Michael Brown



Special Hen
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
When training wear a sports bra or shirt without an opening showin' the girls off... A hat will help too...
A little hot brass in a bad place now or a coffin later... You decide...
Well I'm not standing there shooting in a bikini. Usually it's a cowl-neck (spelling?) or a v-neck t-shirt, or a polo type shirt, none of which "show off" *rolling eyes* the girls. I've seen righties shooting and it'll happen to them every once in awhile, with me (a lefty) 1 out of 3 rounds is a close average. AND IT FREAKING HURTS! Not all women have this problem.

I've heard men telling women the same information you just gave me and I've often wondered why. It's fine for the range but in the real world? "Dear BG, please hold on while I put on a hat, make sure my stance is perfect so that I can shoot you dead and the casing doesn't end up on my chest making me believe I'm hit and causing me to do something drastic that I wouldn't normally do." When the more practical approach is to let her handle a revolver and improve her aim.
Look around, how many women do you see wearing a sports bra every day?
Have a hat on everyday?
How about a turtle neck or button up shirt everyday?
But I'll tell you this, a nun could so kick some serious a$$ with a semi-automatic!

As for me, a revolver it is.


Special Hen
May 11, 2010
Reaction score
My Wife is a leftie & has never been plauged by brass pelting her... Dunno why semi's don't like you...

As for reducing the chance of brass in training it's an easy step to take...

In a real world situation the last thing you're gonna worry about is brass going any where... Adrenaline will make sure of that believe me...

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