I need extra money!!

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Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
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be careful about being so judgemental about a situation you know pretty much nothing about.....

Let's just be honest. If it weren't for some type of assistance, what would these people who say that can't get a job for two years have done??? Would they be homeless? Starved to death? Or would they have figured out a way to get some type of job, make some money?? Unemployment, family, friends, something is helping these people along and for right now, they are choosing to do that as opposed to finding work. We can argue the economics of it or other various reasons why people haven't found jobs but the basic reason is whatever situation they are currently in is more favorable than any jobs that are available. Let's cut the crap. No more of this "I can't find a job". It's really "I can't find a job that would make me better off than I am now, at least not at a level of effort that I am willing to give, so I'm gonna stay where I am". That's the real story.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Cut off the extend unemployment benefits and send the illegal aliens back to where they came from. Then there would be plenty of jobs. I remember the days when I used to roof houses and make good money. The inflow of illegal aliens brought that carrer to screeching halt. Send them home and cut off the flow of the public tit. People will start working again cause they will have to.


Special Hen
Nov 23, 2010
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Key words right there. 2 years ago I was a roughneck, making 4k a month and sitting on top of the world. Now, i'm an unemployed bum living with my wifes parents sucking the unemployment tit. I'm out looking for work as often as I can be, usually three days a week. Have not had one single lead since August. Not one callback to any of my applications. And why would I go work at Wal-Mart for $250 every two weeks when I make $409 a week on unemployment? That is what unemployment is for, to find a similar paying job.

If you have a good recession proof job, good for you. I am happy that you can provide for you and your family. But when that manager comes and hands you your pinkslip, and tells you that in order to keep the higher ups working they're going to have to lay you off (exactly what happened to me), you'll know exactly how it feels. It kills me every week to have to file for that unemployment check, but i'm damn sure glad to have it.

It's hard to understand until you've walked a mile in a broken down man's shoes. And until you have, I don't think you have any place talking that person down.

This is CRAP!!
Get a JOB, ANY JOB!!
Either work for what you have, or don't work and have nothing but a cardboard box.
People with your attitude on this are just ignorant.
"I don't wanna work in a call center or as a store clerk"
How are you building retirement money?
This attitude is why people in north tulsa rob and kill people.
Because they see their parents living off section 8, social security and food stamps all their lives.:contract:
You seem like a great role model don't you?
So I end up losing around 35% or my paycheck supporting bulls**t like this?:pissed:

Shoot Summ

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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Key words right there. 2 years ago I was a roughneck, making 4k a month and sitting on top of the world. Now, i'm an unemployed bum living with my wifes parents sucking the unemployment tit. I'm out looking for work as often as I can be, usually three days a week. Have not had one single lead since August. Not one callback to any of my applications. And why would I go work at Wal-Mart for $250 every two weeks when I make $409 a week on unemployment? That is what unemployment is for, to find a similar paying job.

If you have a good recession proof job, good for you. I am happy that you can provide for you and your family. But when that manager comes and hands you your pinkslip, and tells you that in order to keep the higher ups working they're going to have to lay you off (exactly what happened to me), you'll know exactly how it feels. It kills me every week to have to file for that unemployment check, but i'm damn sure glad to have it.

It's hard to understand until you've walked a mile in a broken down man's shoes. And until you have, I don't think you have any place talking that person down.

As other have stated I guess there are opposing forces at work here. For me my pride wouldn't allow me to do what you are doing, but everyone is different, and now I can understand better what is going on.....


Special Hen
Sep 23, 2010
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Little Axe
I don't understand some people on unemployment, I am a certified welder and a couple years ago I worked for a company called Trinity Industries and I made just under $75k a year with all the OT. And when Oil went to over $100 a barrel, walking papers were given to alot of people, I was one of them. This happened on a Friday, and on the following Tuesday I had a job pending drug/background check. I took a job in a factory assembling valves, no experience with that and I was not hired to weld. That job started off at $12hr with no overtime, yes I took a BIG pay cut, but I could not see myself sitting on my ass while the taxpayers are paying my bills. I also was a Operations Manager at Crest Foods, and I personally have hired over 2,000 employees during my time with the company, I paid minimum wage, but it was a steady 40hr week job. So I don't wanna heay any crap about no Jobs out there, when its really, no jobs that you want to work
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